
Worship GOD; JESUS is the Way!

I've never seen GOD like Moses did nor claimed to be holy (sinless and perfect), though after accepting JESUS into my heart in 1997 (Senior 1 Third Term holidays because of the new Lighthouse Television located in Naguru Suburb of Kampala), I diligently became very silent (spoke less by far without apologies) and made a noticeable effort to remain extremely quiet with fewer enemies like a deafmute; it was a personal vow of less talking. I was trying to figure out what was wrong inside me by reading the entire Bible in the last two years before the anticipated Y2K Doom's Day. This was something I had never done in my entire life despite finishing only Proverbs in P7; ignorance is not bliss, but darkness. Streammates at SMACK called me "the only person who will enter Heaven" though ironically didn't vote me as the Most Disciplined Streammate. Others called me "Aikoboobs" coz I loved naked women while a few said that one day I might snap and kill somebody (Had a lot of suppressed anger and irritation from the past) while another group labelled me Kibwetere even though I did not have any plans of mass suicide. After Y2K Doom's Day speculations failed, I lost interest in Apocalypse prophecies. Today, I believe that the day someone dies is their Armageddon. A Bornagain yearmate in a different S4 stream saw a vision of me being pushed from behind by a flying ancestral dragon of pretended holiness after I revealed to his fellowship friend and streammate that when I tried to pray fervently at the Physics Lab one day, I smelt the presence of a goat. Yes, am a sinner too like Simon the fisherman and have shackles to break but believe JESUS is the Way to Heaven; no other! I used to be very irritable, hateful, disrespectful, covetous and lustful (Wanted to start Uganda's first 24/7 hardcore Porn TV). I drink and smoke but not too addicted because of a mental choice. I've prayed to the Devil at least thrice; even cussed at GOD in 2001 while looking at the sky after the FA Cup Final though apologised immediately when I looked back down to the claywell in Kyebando Kisalosalo where we fetched water; felt like Ananias and Sapphira. I still have to resist Satan; the race isn't over: I fall short many times in feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, housing the homeless, clothing the naked, visiting the sick or prisoners and other things; GOD forgive and write my name in the Book of Life! 
Denominational Religion divides us unnecessarily: Worship GOD and believe JESUS is the Way to HIM! I was born Anglican (an inheritance from my parents and grandparents) but one Bornagain preacher warns that pulpits in the church have an Illuminati watcher (Eagle carving or image); I think I noticed one while in Jinja plus St. Stephen Church of Uganda Luzira also has it. England and Germany broke away from The Vatican in Rome, Italy to form the Protestant Movement. I only went to Church because my parents forced me (my dad would pull me on the ground from the murram football ground to bathe and prepare for Church), but wanted to play football when I grew up plus practise magic like illusionists; thought it was legit yet came from the Devil. Moses did wondrous things using power from Heaven while Egyptian wisemen used other powers; I believed in GOD above because people talked about HIM, but didn't know the Devil was called Lucifer (The Most Beautiful Angel created by YEHOVA) until after 1995. JESUS, to me, was just a fatherless dude who performed miracles but got crucified by Romans, then resurrected and went to Heaven (Courtesy of the 1979 JESUS film plus comics). I didn't know much about Apostle Paul except that he wrote many letters; his conversion didn't feature much in the children's books I read. Revelation was too much to handle: Four-faced Living Creatures, beasts, scorpion locusts and a dragon which seemed like fantasy stories. Elizabeth, the Queen of England who used to be the head of the Anglican Communion was accused by conspiracy theorists to have been involved in some secret societies that sacrifice babies. Whether true or false, only GOD knows. The first Black Anglican woman-bishop in UK named Rose Hudson-Wilkin was asked by Stephen Sachar on BBC HARDtalk during Twenty23 if homosexuality is a sin and she replied bluntly: No! Like seriously, which Bible does she read or the Devil has successfully clouded people's minds? GOD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality and it is demonised in the New Testament as "unnatural" desire. Evil is not righteousness, repentance is better than sugarcoating it. Stanley Ntagali (former Archbishop of CoU) confessed to committing adultery with a married woman; they even had a child. Only GOD can judge them, but sin is sin. Noone is holy anyway, we all need JESUS no matter which religion. Paul says men shouldn't cover their head while prophesying but bishops do while women shouldn't talk in Church, but how about read the Bible aloud or sing hymns to their Maker? Who introduced competition in offertory? Tithe is not about amount paid, but percentage. There are too many question marks. Some Anglicans desert the Church of Uganda apparently because the music is slower and less volatile than in Bornagain churches but it's still divinely inspired; I've felt Heaven before singing those ancient hymns. Every Sunday, we recite the Apostles Creed copied from the Forbidden Books (or Apocrypha) but do not read the books of Enoch nor other lost books which comprehensively expound on the Bible stories we know plus add more...

(Roman) Catholics genuflect before manmade statues of JESUS and Mary; their Bibles removed the 2nd Commandment which says: Do not bow down to graven images! They also have seven more forbidden Apocrypha books than Protestants with 66 books who rejected them because Jews never quoted them eg Bel and the Dragon is a continuation of Daniel. Nevertheless, their generosity and community activity is very noble; I loved the Comboni Mission in Jinja because of Pontious Anguyo. My Best Friend in Jinja was a Catholic and I went to a Catholic school in O-Level because I hoped to meet him again but he moved to Oceania; found me on Facebook 13 years later. After one full year in a Catholic school, I realised that what the Bible says is different from what I saw: I felt uncomfortable asking Mary or dead saints to "pray for us". Dead people know nothing happening on Earth just like Lazarus in Abraham's bosom and the rich man in Hell. Therefore, I embarked on personal research in the Good News Bible instead of waiting for selected Sunday Mass service readings. By Senior 3 after asking GOD to wake me up in time on becoming Timekeeper, I began recording my dreamvisions because they seemed like movies of things that had not yet happened. GOD speaks through dreams. Catholic Catechism teaches that members gather on Sundays because it is the Day of Christ's Resurrection; the Early Church used to collect gifts on Sunday. Sunday worship was started by Roman emperor Constantine in honour of the Sun god. Protestants followed that tradition though broke away from the Vatican Church like 1st Corinthians 11:17-34. Catholic leaders who vow to remain celibate forever do not support contraceptives though some use them; others have been accused of sodomy. Refusing marriage is a huge sacrifice as you battle nature but for GOD's service, it's a noble choice...

Seventh Day Adventists gather on Saturdays for prayer. It's the Jewish day of worship in the Bible too though some teachings claim the Sabbath should be determined by the phases of the moon and falls on any day including some Tuesdays, Wednesdays, etc. The Branch Davidian Waco (Texas) Doomsday cult worshipped on Saturdays and had strict rules against movies, dancing, cosmetics, etc...

Orthodox Christians especially in USSR (Greater Russia) and Ethiopia have over 81 Bible books (including the Forbidden Lost ones which tell unbelievable stories like a lion asked Paul to baptise it, etc). They also celebrate Christmas on my birthday (7th January) making it the 12th day of the JESUS Festival for me. Genesis 5:24 tells us that Enoch walked faithfully with GOD; then he was no more, because GOD took him away. But why are his three books rejected from the Bible by other Christians? Even Jude 1:14-15 quotes 1st Enoch 1:9 clearly. Enoch graphically explains the Nephilim giants introduced briefly in Genesis 6...

JEHOVAH's Witnesses publish Awake and Watchtower magazines that socialised me about Christianity in my pre-teens but claim Hell does not exist. To them, JESUS was crucified on a pole, not a cross. I did not attend any of their sessions until after campus (thanks to Walter Geria) but the music is heavenly. I may question some doctrines, but have less problems with the singing. The Kafeero Family who were neighbours to my parents in Kyebando Kisalosalo used to share magazines with us...

Most Muslims do not believe that JESUS was crucified nor died (similar to the Apocrypha Gospel of Peter plus Basilides) yet the Koran shows HIM talking about the day HE would die and be raised up to life (19:33 [Mary]) plus was taken up by GOD to a high place; mainly Ahmadiya Muslims accept that the Son of Mary died. Women cover their booty honourably without feeling enslaved which is one of the things I admired about Islam. Men are allowed to marry two, three or four wives, that is if they can treat all justly which is not very easy nor feasible. I admire the way Muslims bow down in worship and pray; their short daily prayer sounds like the Arabic version of the LORD's Prayer (said 17 times in five different intervals). I became Muslim on Sunday 1st October 2002 and went to the mosque a few times but couldn't continue with the frequent wudu (washing ritual). Muslims gather on Fridays and are also waiting for JESUS to return. Muslim humour: Can GOD die? No! Did JESUS die? No! So, is JESUS GOD? No! Heehee...

Pentecostal or Bornagain (Savedee) Churches are accused of preaching a grace message like cults or a Church mafia (that uses prophetic witchcraft) eg Augustine Yiga, Apostle Grace Lubega who broke away from a Holy Spirit-filled Church to start Phaneroo, Prophet Elvis Mbonye, etc (Once saved, always saved!) This frees some congregants to sin as they feel; promiscuity is rife like it's communion, though unholy. Women including married ones go to Church half-naked like Devil-worshippers or face-painter Jezebel (with boobs and thighs exposed) forgetting that their bodies are the temple of GOD not fetish for horny men or potential husbands. The rock-concert-style music touches the soul though, more than disco and slow traditional hymns. Prosperity preachers or pastors and prophets like Alph Lukau in South Africa attract many followers. They are like motivational speakers. What do people want? Good health and wealth (success, jobs, money, assets, marriage, children, etc); that's it. Bornagains support the idea that JESUS is GOD using Bible references, but my conviction as a kid was that JESUS prayed to YHWH and HE spoke back, which meant there was SOMEONE else upstairs. Even the statement "GOD is three-in-one" sounded idolatrous to me but I tagged along though no one knows when JESUS will return except the FATHER. JESUS may be the exact image of GOD, but I prefer to believe GOD's hair is whiter...

Mormons or the Church of JESUS Christ for Latter Day Saints have their own Bible where whipping sinners is allowed. Dead people are believed to communicate as spirits with their loved ones still on Earth which is close to necromancy...

Bahai Temple accommodates various religions, it's like a melting pot for everybody but some of the spirits I felt there were quite unsettling. I used to chill a lot in their gardens; the first time I entered the hollow temple, I almost fainted from the magnitude of the dome which seems like Persian architecture; a spirit literally passed through me. Women who smoke emindi and men from Saturday nightclubs go to Bahai too for prayers and a director standing behind me one day mysteriously told me not to kill a long black snake I sensed under the leaves beneath my hanging feet. He disclosed that he talks to it; I threw the thin stick my spirit had led me to use to check the leaves and walked back home immediately. The Ugandan Army uses that hill too to keep watch. I loved the conference hall meetings near their offices, library and gravesite on Sundays. One weekday, I was served food while revising their main book after a dream where someone gave me food...

African traditional societies had their own beliefs before Christianity and Islam arrived. In Lugbara religion, the Creator is called ADRO but has a good and bad part. Some Lugbara clans worship other gods like Rembeyi in Terego. Others make stone altars under the ero [food granary] where they sacrifice animal blood and parts to ancestral spirits, literally demons. There is witchcraft in the Lugbara heart and it's called Ole. Black religions have been written off as animist but when I read Leviticus, it feels like Hebrew rituals. What knocks me off in local beliefs is the blood part, but the cultures never stop even with the knowledge about JESUS sacrificing HIMSELF for all of us...

Judaisers still sacrifice animals as they wait for their Messiah. They can be found in Africa too. For me, the death of JESUS is Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement like Leviticus 16) because the veil or curtain of the Temple was torn (Matthew 27:51). Judaism and Christianity are divided by the rejection versus acceptance of JESUS as the Promised Prophet...

Rastafarians believe Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie is the Lion of the tribe of Judah and features a lot in reggae iconography; the book Kebra Nagast shows the link between King Solomon and Queen Sheba who had a son together called Menelik... 

Oriental religions like Taoism, Buddhism, to mention only two, follow honourable values and truths like forgiveness, charity, meditation, etc. Some books claim that before JESUS started his ministry at 30 years, he lived in Tibet, China and learnt some of their spirituality. I once saw a vision of a young, chubby JESUS wearing a golden-blackish Chinese hat with the power to shrink into a plant. Whether he did it or not when attacked by religious people, only GOD can reveal the secret...

Hinduism has multiple gods. You find Indian shops in Arua with a small wall-hanged box where there is a statue that is honoured. It cannot talk nor move but is considered mighty. Even the people who venerate the idols are bigger plus more resourceful than their handmade gods. Funny how those small gods can be destroyed by fire or an earthquake...

Astrologers like the 3 Wise Men from the East who brought gifts to Baby JESUS study the stars and Zodiac to foretell the future but it's a forbidden activity...

Baptist Christianity is Western or American, I guess. They construct distinct churchitecture like Mormons who also originate from America. Baptist Mission has a presence in the Pearl of Africa, even as far as Arua (Northwestern UG)...

Universal Church of the Kingdom of GOD (UCKG) from Brazil seems pretty okay (JESUS Christ is the Lord!) but some members complain about the Campaign of Israel whereby instead of 10 percent, the congregation is told to offer 100 percent of their earnings on the altar...

Future Enemies are fake pastors and fake churches...

Search for the one true GOD through JESUS, the only Way; no other! Things that make me believe in GOD include: Tithe multiplication (gave 500 UGX which was all I had left and put the coin into an Anglican offertory bag as directed by a Sunday sunrise dream in Twenty18 and got 500,000 UGX two days later in a brown Arua Public Secondary School envelope); angels; miracles; sin punishments (knocks for wicked thoughts, random cuts for masturbation plus broken bones for theft); every face looks different; healing; plants growing; new births whether calf or human baby; free food; rainfall; deliverance from Evil or dangers like snakes; sunshine everyday; prophetic dreams eg who might call and what they might say, text or visit; seeing vivid dreams after heavy emotions (like anger, hatred or lust) in the heart; planets; saw the Devil walking barefoot on Buganda Road (in Kampala); etc...

The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch (Acts 11:26). People give up serving GOD because of the "faults of the denominations" but we are all sinners...

JESUS died for everybody: Jews, Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists, Pagans, Satanists, etc...

GOD forms, Satan deforms, but JESUS reforms. I do not know anyone who doesn't like music; even Muslims have their matali. Preferences in genre may vary like kadongo kamu and others, however it's all music. Sometimes, you might watch a muvi and wonder if the creators were spying on your life plus used it as a reference. Music mirrors life, but can't certain things be relegated and GOD lifted higher than them? In Paradise after Judgement Day, the music there will only worship and praise GOD. Lucifer was in charge of worship music in Heaven because he needed no backup nor instruments, but fell with his prowess intact; as a newly Saved believer, I used to wonder if Hillsong Church Australia's Darlene Zschech could replace him as the worship leader because of her soulmoving songs. Every believer should sing because GOD gave us voices even if we cannot play certain instruments. Nevertheless, I guess the other angels can also sing very well just like the ones announcing the birth of JESUS to shepherds (Luke 2:13-14). Secular music is any sound that does not glorify GOD, but magnifies worldly experiences like love, romance, sex, money, wealth, success, happiness, show business, cheating and so on. A lot of secular music is fairly clean, but vulgarity (using words like: F*ck, "private parts", sh*t, etc), violence, pride, dirty lyrics and blasphemy are what contaminate certain songs; they need editing. Anyone who says, "You fool!" will be in danger of the fire of Hell (Matthew 5:22).

The Holy Bible book Song of Songs is my biggest reason for cherishing love songs. Besides, marriage or matrimony is holy and music celebrates it. Some artistes actually sing about JESUS plus relationships eg Dionne Warwick. One morning, I sat on my bed listening to a new radio station testing its signal in Arua. It played song after song (No talking!) and I started wishing Fille Mutoni who had done "Bye Bye Ex" would do a positive love collabo with Allan Toniks instead of composing songs about her painful relationship experiences. Immediately my line of thought ended, a new song ("Falling") which I had never known before started playing, amazingly performed by the very same two. The moment was so surreal that I messaged both of them about it. 

It's not easy giving up all secular music, but the clearly devilish ones like "That's What I Want" by Lil Nas X (showing two men having doggystyle sex), witchcraft influences eg Azealia Banks or suicide promos from performers like Slipknot are definitely worth trashing. Some music videos can actually be categorised as soft pornography; singers, dancers or actors dress scantily and cause a sensual stir within viewers because of nakedness. Adele (British singer) covers herself well but her music is massive; MC Lyte (American rapper) also wanted to portray that image by wearing pants while her colleagues showed a lot of flesh. Even if Sheebah sang in a hijab or omwenda, her lyrics would still sound solid to me though she always defends her dress code as work. Maybe when she's older, she might change her perspective though I won't judge her coz she's lovely. In 2nd Samuel 6:14-23, David danced before the LORD with all his might until he was half-naked; his wife Michal had no children to the day of her death after criticising him. When women snog each other on TV, are they casting spells of lesbianism and homosexuality (LGBTQI+)? GOD knows. A Lugbara musician once said in an interview that who needs a man yet you can satisfy yourself fully with your own fingers; she was having issues in her relationships. Many people look up to her and when she said something unclean, it did not make it right just because she's a superstar. Masturbation is evil; Straight Talk Newspaper taught me in 1997 that it wasn't evil but along the way, I discovered they were totally wrong even though Cosmopolitan Magazine described the best ways to do it. It's wicked just like Onan spilling his semen on the ground in Genesis 38:9; GOD put him to death like his brother Er. Meanwhile, some musicians glorify fornication, alcohol, smoking, magic, witchcraft, orgies, multiple lovers plus snatching other people's mates (Funnily, their mates also get snatched from them). If Lucifer can convince 33 percent of angels to follow him, then how about us, mere humans? We have to be very careful about music, his superpower. In future, the agenda might become: Homosexuality is not a sin; The Bible is a lie; JESUS is not coming back; The Devil is your father; Prostitution is a job; Abortion is your body and choice; etc.

All my life, I've only spent one year in a Church choir but ironically, it was in a denomination different from the one I was brought up in; I quit without apologies (in 1997) because I had my own reservations about certain prayers (to Mary and dead saints like necromancy). I had sung in the alto voice and learnt how to read musical notations that helped me play my toy piano. The first song I wrote was a Ugandan Reply to "Leave (Get Out)" by JoJo in Twenty10.

I accepted JESUS into my heart at the end of 1997 after listening to "Serve The LORD" by Carman from his Absolute Best (1993) album. Even though I went to Church (both Anglican and Catholic) and read JEHOVAH's Witnesses publications, my beliefs were Old Testament (Noah, Moses, David, Solomon-type of way) and somehow blurred; I didn't know Saint Paul well because his story was not emphasized, only portions of his letters. Music can change lives.

There are some soulmoving songs I adore like "Hallelujah" by Taya Smith; "Heilig, Heilig" by Outbreakband; "So Sweet To Trust In JESUS" by various artistes; "Flood" by Jars Of Clay; "I'm Blessed" by Katalina Mezu; "Sinza" by Coopy Bly; "Ale MUNGU Ni" by D2G (Dedicated 2 GOD); "Panadolu" by Gospel Armour; etc and feel goosepimples or teary-eyed because they strike chords within me better than yoga meditation or kabbalah plus make me want to raise my hands up and praise GOD; those ones make it to my own personal ChurchTV list. Imagine a four-day JESUS Festival around Easter or Christmas where a coefficient of those lists from every attendee is played nonstop! Wouldn't it be more fun than dirty vibes inspired by lust, hatred and other vile things? Are there Nyege Nyege alternatives that exclusively play Gospel music. The Collective UG, Proclaim Uganda, etc can be foundation beacons.

When more musicians eg Sylver Kyagulanyi, the beautiful Chidinma (Nigerian), Gabie Ntaate, Desire Luzinda (whom I described on Twitter as having the Best Hips in East Africa alongside Tanzania's Ray C) leave the secular world to sing for GOD, that's more colour added to the better picture: There is something greater on the holy side. Either you go left or right! You have to pick a side because the HereAfter is segregative. Sometimes I wish the lowest bouquet of GOtv had Trace Gospel included instead of Trace Mziki. We need to use our talents to magnify GOD who gifted them to us in the first place, not wicked projects. Kanye West seemed to be turning a new leaf with the JESUS Is King album, but then got into other controversial issues along the way. GOD help all of us!

During Senior 4 (in Y2K), I sat in the 2nd last row of the Eastmost column. While revising my classwork books alone one early evening, I sang the song "Sweetest Taboo" by Glamma Kid featuring Shola Ama; it had just come out the preceding year (1999). Suddenly, an invisible hand (like the one that wrote on the wall in the book of Daniel) slammed my table and I stopped singing immediately plus froze briefly with fear. There was a clear sound like someone banging his hand on top of wood, but what made hair stand on the back of my head (or removed hair from my head) was that I saw the pages on my book move a bit caused by the wind from the unseen hand. Ever since that day, I never sang that song again. I later confirmed that my beloved Sade sang it first in 1985 when I was 1 year old. Some songs might actually be forbidden for Bornagains or Savedees.

Growing up, I adored Michael Jackson's music simply because I did not know he had a pact with the Angel of Death, but a time came when I gave up all of it and remained with only "Stranger In Moscow" (1997 song) as my best from him because of empathy: I could feel his pain and the beats of the masterpiece got me through some moments of rejection in my own life.

When Mowzey Radio was still alive, his music ruled Arua airwaves and spaces. At night, the story was not different but that's the time I could sense the presence of a dark cloud hovering above our Lugbara locality. After his death, his music literally went into limbo and the cloud vanished.

The first time I watched the music video for "Kipepeo" by Jose Chameleone, I felt something repulsive. It's like the images had a power I couldn't connect with though I liked other songs by Mr. Joseph Mayanja like Dolothea, Basima Ogenze, Mateeka, etc. When Allan Kasirye (former Devil worshipper) revealed that Kipepeo was the Devil's anthem, I understood why I always felt the way I did. I have seen mainstream artistes I adore doing crazy, unspeakable things and heard songs in my dreams before they were released, from Eminem ("Love The Way You Lie") to J. Lo to Chameleone ("Baliwa"). Sometimes, I did not know how to interprete what I saw but I pray GOD forgives and redeems their souls. Allan also revealed that ragga music (hiphop, rock, techno, etc) casts spells while reggae like Bob Marley, Lucky Dube, Maddox, etc worships or glorifies the Devil.

What is the Devil's music? I used to wonder if it was rock. A computer repairman in Arua who enjoys ziki as self-motivation at his shop told me that there's nothing like the Devil's music plus the Devil doesn't exist, but I saw him walking on Buganda Road after campus while I looked for a 2nd job near one of his city altars and fellowshipped anew at a church written off as one of his own though didn't know yet. I heard the main pastor confess in one of his lunchhour fellowships after moving from Cineplex to opposite Yamaha Centre that he practised witchcraft in the past and knows a lot about kawuula omugwagwa [reprobate spirits]. Was I really safe? Capital FM used to play the Devil's music and it was my favourite station for over a decade even though they repeated the same songs every hour with staff like DJ Shadow (Roger Mugisha, a former Devil worshipper), Alex Ndawula, etc. Up to Twenty23, they still play that music though added bits of inspirational Gospel especially on Sundays. My first wet dream at age 17 was actually Toni Braxton (musician); saw other musicians later as if Kawuula masquerading. What happened to the Legion demons after they were cast into multiple pigs that drowned (Mark 5:1-13)? Did they become waterspirits or mermaids also? It's weird that the angels who admired and impregnanted the daughters of men were 200 led by Shamjaza or Samyaza. Niccolo Paganini was so gifted as a violinist (played 12 notes in a second) that Italians spread rumours he had made a deal with the Devil.

Some of the electronic music played during the Nyege Nyege Festival at my birthplace (Jinja) is so high quality that you wonder where it originates from, whether the Devil or GOD-inspired. Evil altars promote uncleanness (alcoholism, fornication, prostitution, nudity, obscenity, witchcraft, sorcery [spiritual adultery], etc) but sanctified places worship the Most Holy. Culturally, Nyege Nyege is a huge melting pot for people from all continents, but I wish a GOD-centred Okuza [Lugbara for: Gathering] or Jege Jege Festival was more colourful. GOD is not fake and boring!

Music is spiritual...

You Are About To Meet The Devil (2024 Book)
Aniako ayikoni ku [Lugbara 4: Ignorance is not bliss]! How come we go through the motions of life (temptations, disappointments, lack, rejection, hardships, curses, accidents, losses, sickness, poverty, grief, etc) for at most 120 years without finding out why? Third-eye Blindness (Spiritual myopia) is very risky; dreams are a viewfinder window into the spirit realm and we must pay attention. I was born in Jinja on Saturday 7th January 1984 and the only Church I can remember going to before vacating Busoga in 1995 was St. Andrew's (not very far from the lake); it's Anglican. Within Kampala, my parents took me to another St. Andrew's in Bukoto and St. Francis Chapel (Makerere University); they are also Anglican churches. I was baptised and confirmed in Anglican churches (Bugaddu and Ntinda respectively), so basically am Anglican by mechanical tradition but deep down inside, all I wanted to do was play football and practise Abracadabra magic in the early 90s. Even at Sunday School, I waited quietly for all the talking to end so that I could kick a ball with the rest of the boys. I saw Moses doing fantastic exploits in Bible comics but was inspired more by the reallife magicians who entertained us in the Victoria Nile School main hall. I thought I could get that kind of power somewhere on a Lake Victoria island in the horizon. I believed in one GOD above (Saw JESUS pray to HIM in His 1979 film) and knew about the red devil plus black demons because of illustrations, but didn't know that Satan was the one who traded magic power for your soul; life is spiritual. I even thought Hell was at Namugongo in the capital city Kampala after seeing drawings of the Uganda Martyrs on postage stamps; you carry your own firewood. I always avoided ritualistic witchdoctors who sacrifice blood or Hindu temples, but magic (sorcery using demons) and witchcraft are technically very similar. I loved all secular entertainment (movies, music, TV, etc) and would try to astral project in my bed at night. Some people labelled me "demon-possessed, cursed, going to Hell". I bedwetted for a very long time despite praying for help. Some nights, the harder I prayed, the more the wetness as though a water spirit like an Invisible Girlfriend was involved. If it was a bedwetting curse, then I could not break it completely, so I started using a macintosh sheet and waterproof mat instead to curb random mattress-wetting.
One third of the angels fell with Lucifer and were sent to Hell (2nd Peter 2:4), called Tartarus in Greek. About 200 watchers or sons of GOD went to the daughters of humans and had Nephilim children by them (Genesis 6:4). When these giants died during Noah's flood, their spirits remained roaming around the Earth and are the evil, unclean demon spirits cast out of people today. The women of the angels who went astray became sirens (1st Enoch 19:2). Sirens are the mermaids, marine spirits, kawula and misambwa we hear about like Yemoja (goddess in Yoruba religion, also called Yemaya in Afro-Carribean Santeria religion); they were cursed by GOD to become water spirits of lust that tempt men to fornicate. On Musambwa Island, women are not allowed to spend a night and men stay there with snakes. Ugandans talk about mermaids walking near Lake Victoria; there was also a rumour in the 90s of a red merman near a primary school in our Spire Road hood (Jinja), but I never investigated. Dagon was the fish-god  of the Philistines (Judges 16:23 and 1st Samuel 5:1-12); lower part like fish while hands and head like a man. A succubus (spirit wife) like Lilith, meanwhile, is a demon that takes the form of a seductive woman in order to have intercourse with a man in his dream whereas an incubus sleeps with a woman in her dream.
Despite attending church because my parents forced then encouraged me to, there was a lot I did not know in the Bible (Selected verses during Sunday service or in various publications were not enough to educate me about all spiritual reality). The music performed in Anglican services used to seem less energetic than that in Pentecostal settings, but today, when my spirit is right, ancient hymns sound golden and just as sweet. Dynamic Anglican choirs even borrow songs from other churches, no matter the affiliation. I admired how Muslims bowed down in prayer plus their females covered themselves respectably very well but wondered why Christians were different and divided into denominations (I was even skeptical about Robert Kayanja whose ministry gathered at the end of our Spire Road street). As a kid, I wanted to start Uganda's first 24/7 Porn TV station, whether mainstream or hidden as a cable network. It didn't occur to me that porn was wicked; pornstars actually commit fornication and adultery infront of camera in the name of acting. Porn inspires passion (lust) among viewers which results in defilement or rape, sexual assault, vulgarity, bestiality, masturbation plus homosexuality which are all forbidden acts. Marriage is the only holy arrangement for sex. It's better for the unmarried and widows who cannot control themselves to marry than to burn with passion (1st Corinthians 7:9). Unfortunately, people are forced to believe that you must first get a degree and job before marrying and end up fornicating, prostituting and commiting other unclean acts. I first slept naked in a girl's bed at around 7 years old (Primary 2), started watching porn in the first half of the 90s, was masturbating by 13, saw my first wet dream at 17 (Toni Braxton in a lime-green minidress) and sexually assaulted girls. Temptations from Satan always come, but you must will yourself out of them or else sin. Behavioural change and purity are part of salvation. Through the years, I also found raw mairungi unhealthy, beer bland, sherries like V&A expensive though sweet, plus waragi and vodka dangerously acidic, so addiction to drinking never really controlled me; cigarettes were sour and I cannot risk my lungs, but supported medical marijuana in tea. Addiction is a choice; mine was porn. I always fought it, but would return, then quit again repeatedly. Before 2013, I even argued that I will never quit completely because it is everywhere (unless I throw away my eyes like Matthew 5:29): People dress half naked even in church and other public places (Doing Satan's seduction work unwittingly). Porn creators are sent to Hell according to a South Korean artist who saw and painted her visions in 2009; found her video in 2017 after a personal dreamvision about Hell.
One sunny morning in Kyebando Kisalosalo (Kampala City) before I became a teenager, I stood infront of a switched-off black & white Tactics television set (given to my mother by her sister) and summoned "the Most Beautiful Angel GOD made". I called out audibly, "Lucifer, Lucifer, Lucifer! Come to me!" My 3rd sister out of 5 (Chandiru) heard and she walked into the sitting room to tell me that "Lucifer is another name for Satan"; I didn't know that fact and got instant goosepimples. I looked down at my left arm and it was literred with horror dots on my skin showing my inner terror.
In 1997, I was admitted into a Roman Catholic school and joined the chapel choir where the master conductor, an Advanced Level student who was also the trainer placed me in alto voice, 3rd of 4 between tenor and bass. It was my first time in a weekly choir and learnt musical notations. We would practise after night prep and Sunday service was a gem but everytime there was an outing for the choir, I fell sick so I never attended any including a trip to State House Nakasero during the holidays. Our CRE teacher told us to genuflect before the statues and I found the 2nd Commandment missing in the Catholic Bible; the 10th Commandment is split in two with "Do not covet your neighbour's wife" forming the 9th. Did GOD give the Church the power to remove a commandment? How about changing Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday? Why don't Catholic priests get married? The Jesuits (a Catholic sect) usually had blackmolded, ominous-looking statues. With all these contradictions racing through my mind [plus the inability to tame my disrespectful tongue (like James 3); lust for porn (which led to masturbation); lying mouth; laziness; hypocrisy; proud countenance; anger in the belly (irritability); greed and hate in the heart that I believe kept me skinny-framed (from Ana in the late 80s to enemies in the 90s)], I decided to turn over a completely brand-new leaf. I felt rotten inside and a classmate told me I got saved from vulgar language which I learnt in American songs. Carman's music video for the song "Serve The LORD" playing on the new roughly five-month-old Lighthouse TV in Kampala convicted me of my unholiness and I gave my heart to JESUS Christ on the night of Tuesday 2nd December 1997. I quit the Roman Catholic choir (with its songs for Mary plus prayers to the Queen of Heaven as well as dead saints like necromancy) and vowed to remain silent until I had read the entire Bible because I felt hell-bound. Before that, the only Bible book I had ever read from Chapter 1 to the end was Proverbs in Primary 7. There was a lot I was ignorant about; even discovered forbidden books in the Jerusalem Bible, not found in the 66-book Anglican bibles I had seen. Some people say that new Bornagains should start with the book of Romans, but for me, what I needed was Acts of the Apostles because I did not know much about St. Paul's life. He is the perfect example of conversion, reformation or renewal. Even though he is the one who wrote Romans, his life story is a clearcut testimony of change. A drama film entitled "Paul" by Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) did a very good job to relay his legacy. As a quiet person, some of my schoolmates regarded me a "holy" person since I tried to live at peace with everybody, but I knew the personal battles I had to fight in order to transform my tongue and mind. In your anger, do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the Devil a stronghold (Ephesians 4:26). During Y2K, I smelt the presence of a goat one day while praying fervently near the Physics Lab and told a yearmate in a different stream who told another in his class. The other brother (Raymond Rwabita) saw a vision about my condition after fasting and a voice-usurping "ancestral dragon of pretended holiness" was cast out of me on a selected Friday night by a gang of Bornagains behind the SMACK Memorial Library. Later, I was baptised in the Holy Spirit by Peter Lukaaga who operated the My Keys canteen. 
Criticism, rebuke, spite, belittlement, contempt, mockery and other negative confrontations swarm the heart with resentment or hatred like locusts. The second time I prayed to the Devil was knowingly in 2001. Since I was in a crucible (fiery furnace) of ridicule, I offered the Devil my soul (Was willing to burn in Hell, GOD forgive me) and asked him to numb my conscience so that I could kill a classmate in my new Advanced Level school who kept calling me "daft, stupid, fake and boring". However, the Holy Spirit convinced me to "forgive". Earlier, I had asked GOD to quieten the thorny Musoga belittling me in vain. He wrote down for me three topics to talk about whenever we met; how condescending! Talking about Women, Arsenal and Computers will not take anyone to Heaven; JESUS is the Way! We all get bored, but complaining about it is primitive in the dotcom age. When tired, rest! When hungry, eat, not agonise about it! We all feel hunger everyday. Imagine everyone complained about it instead of feeding their mouth. A classmate gave me a Mormon Bible as a gift with my baptism name written inside and I felt it had a different spiritual presence around it. It was stolen during my 3rd Year at campus. At Makerere College School (2001-2), I was called a Devil worshipper because I knew "the Devil's things". Some people even thought I sneaked out to go dancing in a disco at night, but only left school to watch Arsenal matches, buy medicine or some other requirements; I was never caught, not even once. During my final term at Macos, I spent less time in my classroom during daytime and skipped all internal tests but was never punished for it. I think GOD's grace was on me. On Sunday 1st October 2002 (Kolo Toure's debut for Arsenal), I uttered the Shahada and became a Muslim, but was disturbed to feel spirits in the small room designated as a prayer room in our hostel. Despite fasting during Ramadan that started in November, I did not make it to Makerere University on Government scholarship which is one of my biggest regrets in this life.
The third time I prayed to the Devil was after I started growing apart in 2005 with the campus classmate I wanted to marry. For 16 steady months, I had pursued a Mukonzo for wedlock in vain. The separation started within a week after I went to Miracle Centre Cathedral (Rubaga) for a Friday overnight yet my connection with her used to be promisingly cool. Friends called her my wife, but something feverish came over me the next Thursday night like Venom (character) and we started separating. Then, I asked the Devil to choose for me any other girlfriend so that I can forget about my fading heartthrob who didn't want anything from me after I borrowed a photo from her (without concrete permission). Like Wolverine, I had to remove the parasite of love in my heart making me obsessed about her. I used to admire the Devil's unapologetic rebelliousness and made a decision to detach myself from this girl. Why do people commit suicide after rejection by people they love? It's because they think there is no alternative fallback nor escape plan: Detachment is as powerful as obsession. After three years of going my own way, the Rwenzori Babe came back to me via Yahoo Messenger and apologised for "acting like a bitch", her own words. I told her I forgave her a long time ago and stayed in touch. She's the one who later convinced me that WhatsApp is more enticing than Facebook.
After my final exam at UCU Mukono (April 2006), I moved back to Kampala where I resided during holidays to work for my uncle in a shared-room at Daisy's Arcade. One lunchtime, I went to Cineplex Cinema on Wilson Road (Kampala) to submit my job application inspired by a dreamvision I saw while in Bugujju (Mukono). I noticed a pentecostal fellowship going on in the videoroom and entered to attend; I later learnt that it was for Life Resurrection Church in Nsambya Avemaria. I thought I would hurt nobody by joining the service even if nearby at DV8, there was actually an altar for the Devil (alongside many others including at Sabrina's Pub, the Pork Joint opposite UMA Showgrounds Lugogo, some casinos, Michelangelo School Kisubi, etc). Even though I admired the Luganda music and energetic preaching by the main pastor, I felt uncomfortable whenever he told people with 10,000 UGX and more as tithe or offertory to run first and fast to receive oil anointing from his hand before the rest of us with less. The olive oil even smelt weird; the main pastor once confessed that he used to practise witchcraft but was now bornagain. He even called his church a business and I brushed all the redflags aside but one morning with a 5K greennote for the fellowship in my pocket, I disembarked from a taxi at Shell Kampala Road and walked up towards the Central Police Station Junction. When I cut right onto Buganda Road, I vividly heard a voice whisper in my right ear: You are about to meet the Devil! That road is ever busy with hawkers, lawyers, customs agents, policemen and other people, but on that particular sunrise (like 6:66AM), I saw nobody else except a strange man walking from near Hotel Triangle towards me. It was as if I had been transported into another zone or dimension (like 6D). When the barefooted, pale to reddish-brown man clad in a clean white T-shirt and blood-red gentleman cotton trousers (My favourite fashion because of simplicity) got closer to me, he grinned but I cut right through parked cars to the opposite sidewalk. The Devil looked like a 30-something, well-nourished, goodlooking man who can be your blesser or sugardaddy even though he had no footwear nor anything in his hands (Picture a Brown Congolese with red eraka soil smeared on his skin). Maybe he wanted to make a deal with me (and GOD warned me in advance) or was he trying to harvest my soul since I fellowshipped in a church he allegedly sponsored? Grace Kashemeire in her testimony which I found the following decade lists Sembera as one of the false pastors deceiving people that they are serving GOD yet serve the Devil. She added that TS can turn into a frog, eats people as omusezi and sacrificed his son by hitting him with a car as commanded by Satan; only GOD can judge him but I decided to stop attending the fellowships and break free from his altar though watched Life TV programs. People cannot see that their pastors are false because they make them obsessed; your relationship with the pastor is bigger than the connection to JESUS. Pastors are seen as Mr. Right even when they speak rubbish. Driving a good car or having many church members is not a guarantee that your pastor is not your enemy. Job was so righteous that he caught the Devil's attention (Job 1:6-22). Blessed are those who persevere! You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the LORD finally brought about. The LORD is full of mercy and compassion (James 5:11). Satan asked to sift Simon and all his brothers as wheat (Luke 22:31-32). Are there any hardships you are going through? They might be tests, examinations or trials from Satan. Endure hardship as discipline (Hebrews 12:7). Then JESUS was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the Devil. After fasting for 40 days and nights, He was hungry. The tempter came to Him and said: If you are the Son of GOD, tell these stones to become bread (Matthew 4:1-3). Again, the Devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendour. "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me." JESUS said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: Worship the LORD your GOD, and serve HIM only." Then the Devil left Him and angels came and attended Him (Verse 8-11). Twice, I had failed before to remain loyal to GOD when criticised endlessly by a classmate and rejected by a babe I adored, but was never going to turn to Satan for money after campus because I believe GOD is more valuable, let alone superloaded (HE created everything anyway and if HE doesn't chop some for me, it's HIS respected decision). According to Jonathan Philip Timmons, "Money is the Lowest Form of Prosperity; the Highest Form of Prosperity is to be in the presence of GOD." What does it profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his soul (Mark 8:34-38)? GOD is wealth.
Some people think Satan does not exist but he comes to Earth (One former Devil worshipper said that he clubs on Saturdays while Joseph Nsubuga who was inspired by Erica Mukisa Kimani's testimony revealed that the Ancient Serpent can shapeshift into a man and speak sweet, convincing words). Satan transfigures himself into an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:14). Woe to the earth and sea, because the Devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short (Revelation 12:12). How you have fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer (morning star), son of the dawn! You have been cast down to Earth... (Isaiah 14:12). Be alert and of sober mind! Your enemy the Devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings (1st Peter 5:8-9). Submit yourselves, then, to GOD! Resist the Devil and he will flee from you (James 4:7).
After my Buganda Road encounter with the Devil, I continued attending the Cineplex Cinema fellowship because I did not hate the pastor (His wife actually looked GOD-fearingly devout to me and has lovely songs plus preachings) but grew weary since I did not get omukisa gw'ekibuga [favour in the city] as much as I had greedily wanted it. Something near the ceiling once spat on my forehead in the dark cinema; wondered what it meant or was it just me overthinking? One weekday mid-morning, I went to meet the Pastor himself (Tom Sembera) in Nsambya and was stunned when the lady at the entrance of a glittery room told me to take off my shoes. The self-proclaimed nabi [prophet] did not tell me any secrets about myself; we just prayed. Another thing that caught my attention was a spiritual presence I felt around the ceiling of the LRC reception. Some ladies (probably choir members or ushers) with oil anointed on their faces worked on someone's hair in the room. Natural hair is a crown for women, but artificial hair is a no-go area for me; more Jezebelic than Christian. You can watch Pastor Sembera on Life TV or listen to Joy FM! He exposes kawula omugwagwa [reprobate spirits] though used to teach against watching Nigerian films that show the same.
On the first Sunday I attended a service at his unfinished megachurch, I sat in the front row. A buxom, curvaceous, Winnie Nwagi-thick but brownskinned woman sat on my leftside; she was half naked in an orange minidress that exposed her shoulders, big perfect bust and thick thighs. There was glitter particles all over her booty. The woman was so calm that I did not lust after nor judge her; I took her like any other sinner in church seeking GOD. Only GOD knows who she was or why she dressed that way but after the service, I went my way because I knew about hypocrisy (the veneer cover of virtue) plus humility can be very false; it's a tool for gaining friends. Jamil Mugerwa (former Underground agent) once revealed how ladies dressed like the stranger next to me are sent to churches to distract and derail men of GOD; it happened to Wilberforce Samanya, a vocal preacher who was also a former witchcraft practitioner like Sembera. Jamil claims Samanya sold off his church after sleeping with a halfnaked newcomer sitted directly infront of his pulpit. One night in Arua during 2022, a dream showed me (Probably GOD warning me) that Satan refused to bow down to GOD like other angels and would test me; then a friend's wife asked me to cheat with her in order to get back at her husband who hurt her deeply (literally damaged her heart) by sleeping repeatedly with other women. She always forgave him when he gave the excuse of alcohol, but she was now fed up. I told her I had seen her plans in my dreamvisions, but would not entangle myself in them for GOD's sake (plus unspoken guy code) though meeting or working with her is not bad. The 7th Commandment warns against adultery; I even told her to find the story of a lady called Hadijah (faithful mother of five) whose pastor-husband left her for other women, but her prayers brought him back after almost two decades of coldness between them and they remarried in a lavish ceremony paid for by the Kayanja Ministries (at Miracle Centre Cathedral). The pastor confessed that the Holy Spirit scorched his private parts while he tried to sleep with a woman he was not married to. Fear GOD!
You must not eat any fat or any blood (Leviticus 3:17). And wherever you live, you must not eat the blood of any bird or animal (Leviticus 7:26). None of you may eat blood (Leviticus 17:12). Blood is not ordinary; it contains life. In the past, Africans (like Gipiri and Labongo in Alurland) made pacts as brothers; someone would cut their skin, put the blood flowing on a bean seed and let the other person swallow it. The practice continues in some places. A Sudanese-Kakwa gave me his blood to drink in a mixture of juice. Everytime he was about to call me, I would feel it. I could even deduce that he was with a lady not married to him and he would disclose it to me. When he died, I felt attacked in the head by spirits and was even passing near one of the Devil's altars in Lugogo the very moment a mutual friend of ours called me to report his death. 
I used to listen to DJ Shadow (Roger Mugisha) a lot on Capital FM, but did not know that he was a Devil-worshipper. Some of the things he confessed he could do were not completely fantasy because one afternoon when I went to look for his brother Matt Bish (Director of "Battle of the Souls"), I saw Roger park his red car downstairs. Then suddenly, he was behind me; I wondered how he climbed the steps very fast.
One night when a certain year was ending, I had a dream about Hell as a long hall where various film characters are sent but in three levels: The worst eg Ghostbusters villains and Michael Myers (the Halloween monster) were at the bottom while my spirit was lifted up out of the lot. The lighter your sins, the higher you fly or are saved. The following day, Erica Mukisa Kimani added me as a friend on Facebook; amazing! I had actually transcribed her audios, videos and podcasts enthusiastically ever since I first heard her testimony on Voice Of Life Radio (100.9 FM) in Arua. Other extremely evil characters I've noticed in movies include Joker; Enchantress in Suicide Squad; The Orphan; Valak in The Conjuring series; Jeepers Creepers; Dracula; etc. On a different night, I watched a horror about a spirit that ate out the tongues of anyone who screamed after seeing it. When I woke up, I had a weird cut on my tongue yet it is considered the toughest muscle in a human. Movies can be points of contact for demons.
The King of Tyre described in Ezekiel 28 is probably Lucifer: You were the seal of perfection, full of wisdom and perfect in beauty. You were in Eden, the garden of GOD; every precious stone adorned you: carnelian, chrysolite and emerald, topaz, onyx and jasper, lapis lazuli, turquoise and beryl. Your settings and mountings were made of gold; on the day you were created they were prepared. You were anointed as a guardian cherub (Verse 12-14). Lucifer was a cherubim angel until wickedness was found in him and GOD drove him in disgrace from HIS mount; HE expelled the guardian cherub from the fiery stones. He came to a horrible end and will be no more. 
Lucifer makes humans sin against GOD, but no matter the mistakes, there is forgiveness for everything we've done. We triumph over the Dragon by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). The blood of goats and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkled on those who are ceremonially unclean sanctify them so that they are outwardly clean. How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself unblemished to GOD, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living GOD! For this reason Christ is the mediator of a new covenant, that those who are called may receive the promised eternal inheritance - now that he has died as a ransom to set them free from the sins committed under the first covenant (Hebrews 9:13-15).
Music is a portal to GOD (through the Holy Spirit) or the Devil (and evil spirits); a sanctified choir can bring the glory of GOD down to Earth. Considering the fact that angels constantly worship GOD day and night saying: Holy, holy, holy (Isaiah 6:3 and Revelation 4:8), it is possible that Satan led that worship before his rebellion. He was supposed to fall down before the throne (like the 24 elders with crowns) and worship the LORD GOD Almighty! One evening before sunset during Senior 4, I sat in class alone revising my notes while singing "Sweetest Taboo" by Glamma Kid ft. Shola Ama; it had just been released the preceding year though the original by Sade came out 14 years before that (when I was one year old). Suddenly, an invisible hand slammed my tabletop and I stopped singing immediately. My ears heard the slam while shocked eyes saw the pages of my book move because of the wind created by the hand. It reminded me of the hand that wrote on a wall in Daniel 5:5. The jam is about forbidden addiction to (heroin) drugs or sensual pleasure; I've never sang that song again though hear it plus others like it. Some secular songs are quite edifying, but the most repulsive song I've ever watched was "Kipepeo" by Jose Chameleone. I like some of Chamili's other songs but believed Allan Kasirye (former Devil-worshipper) when he revealed that this particular one was the Devil's Anthem; my spirit just felt very bad about the glittering costumes and people bowing down to a throne.
As judgement, the Devil will be thrown into the lake of burning sulphur, where the beast and false prophet will also be thrown; tormented day and night forever and ever (Revelation 20:10).
What kind of father gives his child a stone when s/he asks for mukati [bread] or a snake instead of fish (Matthew 7:9-10)? Maybe a broke father, but GOD is not poor. What do you do when GOD doesn't give you exactly what you want; what you ask, seek and knock for? Do you worship HIM more or turn to Satan as your replacement father?  Apparently, Satan gives everything you want, but at the cost of your soul: It is so sweet to trust in JESUS; GOD provides. GOD may take time to respond, but HE answers prayers, whether after 21 days, one year or two decades. When you ask GOD for pilawo and HE gives you rice, go figure! You may ask GOD for juice and then HE gives you mangoes; blend them! One of the two criminals on the cross asked JESUS to remember him when He returns as King (Luke 23:42) and got a place in paradise that very day. When Arsenal lost the 2001 FA Cup final, I looked up to the sky and cussed profanely at GOD, but when I looked back down to a clay village-well where we fetched water, I apologised immediately because I realised HIS wrath would be my sudden death by worms like Ananias and Sapphira. Weeks later, tears formed in my eyes when I got rejected from joining the Technical Drawing class in Senior 5 after dropping out of the Fine Art class; felt like GOD wasn't on my side but that is the turning point when I stopped writing HIS name using small letters. One year later, the Gunners were Double Champions (I called it Double Happiness and learnt patience). On the day of the 2015 final, I woke up with the hunch that Arsenal would beat Aston Villa 4-0; Theo Walcott would score the first goal while the fourth would be by my Favourite Player at Wembley that day - Olivier Giroud (who actually sat on the bench at kickoff). It happened exactly as I wished; GOD is unbelievable; abide with me! In Twenty24, I gave GOD an ultimatum of only 15 minutes to answer me with a sign on my smartphone but by the 3rd one, HE had stunned me with a shocker I'll never forget for as long as I live.
What's the 411? There are only two sides; you have to decide which one to follow! Either you go left or right, worship Satan or YAHWEH. There is no inbetween, no De-Militarised Zone. Get saved or die repenting! Wear the full armour of GOD (Helmet of Salvation, etc)! Jump off the Wrong Train; repent all your sins! Believe that JESUS is the Son of GOD; HE is the only Way to Heaven! We are saved by the grace of GOD.
Worship GOD!

(CC) YESU Corner


Secular Musicians Who Changed to Gospel

It is so sweet to trust in JESUS that we sing for Him and His FATHER instead of other things like Money, success, enmity, hardships, abusive contempt, victory, separation, conflict, pleasure, fame, etc. Don't you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a person's mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts - murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander (Matthew 15:17-19). Why should I sell my soul to Lucifer to gain worldwide fame in music yet GOD gave him his abilities? Satan does not distribute talent. We are GOD-made, not Devil-made nor self-made; power and glory belongs to GOD alone, now and forever. JESUS said: Whoever acknowledges me before others, I will also acknowledge before My FATHER in Heaven (Matthew 10:32). Honour GOD with your heart, not just lips! An invisible but seemingly angry hand slammed my Senior 4 desk one early evening as I revised my notes alone in class while singing "Sweetest Taboo" by Glamma Kid ft. Shola Ama (released the preceding year); I stopped immediately and never sang that song again though heard it several times after that sunset shock. Many former Devil worshippers report that the Devil is the Best Musician. Well, cherubim angels sing and since GOD anointed the king of Tyre as a guardian cherub (in Ezekiel 28), then arguably the Devil is rated super multi-platinum. Nasty, impure, bad-mouthed songs he inspires sound sweet and sometimes intelligently poetic, but are very poisonous and toxic underneath. Without pride and the desire to be worshipped, he could have entertained his Maker forever. Jose Chameleone's song "Kipepeo" is the Most Repulsive Music Video I have ever watched; Ex-Satanist Allan Kasirye called it the Devil's anthem (though I appreciate other fairer songs from Chamili). I strongly believe Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) and self-censoring stations should ban the music video of "That's What I Want" by Lil Nas X; it is so devilishly misleading! Jay-Z (probably in Depeche Mode) once said: Music is a soundtrack to life. It records what humans go through, but we can cut out the fleshly (or worldly) part and focus on GOD instead. It was Carman's song "Serve The LORD" (released in 1993) that made me give my heart to JESUS on Tuesday 2nd December 1997 after singing in a Roman Catholic school chapel choir during S1; had never heard that song for 4 years. As an Anglican, I quit the Catholic choir without apologies: Why sing in the chapel yet my mouth was foul when outside? My mother used to warn me that she might call Kony to cut out my tongue because of the disrespectful things I said. Felt rotten inside plus hellbound and so like a cabbage, I silently tried to read the entire Bible (Had only finished the Book of Proverbs in Primary 7); wanted to figure out what was really wrong inside me. Around P4, I had wanted to grow up and form a music group like Boyz II Men with my streammates Ogwapit, Ntaki and Rokani. I knew very many secular songs. A Senior 2 classmate named Mukasa (whose parents went to UK and abandoned him in UG) actually told me that I got saved from vulgar language; even stopped singing some songs eg "Gangsta's Paradise" by Coolio. You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, "You shall not murder, and anyone  who murders will be subject to judgement." But I tell you that anyone who is angry with a brother or sister will be subject to judgement. Again, anyone who says to a brother or sister, "Raca," is answerable to the court. And anyone who says, "You fool!" will be in danger of the fire of hell (Matthew 5:21-22). What goes into someone's mouth does not defile them, but what comes out of their mouth, that is what defiles them (Matthew 15:11). I said, "I will watch my ways and keep my tongue from sin; I will put a muzzle on my mouth while in the presence of the wicked (Psalm 39:1). Set a guard over my mouth, LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips (Psalm 141:3). Sin is not ended by multiplying words, but the prudent hold their tongues (Proverbs 10:19). Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of GOD, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice (Ephesians 4:29-31). The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell (James 3:6). Vulgarity is the language spoken in Hell; you cannot expect heavenly angels like Gabriel nor Michael to sing about indecent themes. Some preachers teach that you cannot play worship songs on a romantic date, but neither do they quote from Song of Songs in their sermons; which is more sacred? It's a Catch 22: Lust or passionate love between a man and woman is still viewed as taboo unless it involves marriage. Not every thought is meant to be uttered as lyrics. I have not been as blameless as Job since becoming a Savedee (and even composed a reconciliatory Ugandan reply to a secular American breakup song in Twenty10 because of what I had witnessed), but pray GOD cleanses me everyday as I fight the whispers and trials of Lucifer until I leave this Earth. With text-to-video Diffusion Transformer (DiT) models such as Google Lumiere and OpenAI's Sora, the future is very bright for praise and worship music videos. Some of the Pharisees in the crowd said to JESUS: Teacher, rebuke Your disciples! "I tell you," He replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out." (Luke 19:39-40). If we keep quiet, music-generating AI will worship GOD without ceasing. Below are some artistes with crossovers:


Al Green

Dionne Warwick

Josh Caterer

Kanye West (JESUS Is King album)

Little Richard


MC Hammer

Michelle Williams (from Destiny's Child)

No Malice (from Clipse)

Wanda Jackson...


2Face Idibia

Banky W.

Chidinma Ekile

Chris Okotie

Ebenezer Obey

Mercy Chinwo

Nathaniel Bassey (Saxophonist)

Obiora Obiwon

Sonny Okosun

TY Bello (from Kush)...


Grace Osei (formerly Irene Logan)...





Bruz Newton

Cannibal the Chosen

CeCe Sagini

Collo (from Kleptomaniax)




Kenny Saint Brown

Lady Bee


Mr. Googz

Namtero Mdee

Size 8 (aka Linet Munyali)


Willy Paul...



David Lutalo

Desire Luzinda

Gabbie Ntaate

Grace Nakimera

Lena Price

Mowzey Radio (from Goodlyfe Crew)

Pato (from Ngoni)


WEST NILE (Northwestern UGANDA)

J. M. Kennedy

Ningoman from Muni

Tonda from Kenya Zone

Young Pee in Sudan Zone...

What's the 411?

Get bornagain or die repenting!

At the Y-Corner, either you go left or right...

Kanyimbe, nyimbira YESU... (Bebe Cool)

GOD is great...

We look to YAHWEH...

Hosanna, halleluJAH...

JESUS is the Way!

(CC) YESU Magazine

Wrapping Desert Dates

According to oral tradition, the Madi originated from Nigeria and moved eastwards towards the River Nile basin. At Rajaf, near Juba (South Sudan), some people broke away from them and moved southwards to settle in West Nile (Northwestern Uganda) plus Orientale Province in Eastern DR. Congo. The Madi called them "Lugba ni" because a woman who had wrapped desert dates discovered that they were missing at lunch. So, the group broke away to look for the fruits. Lugbara ti is a multinational language and mutually intelligible with Madi as well as Aringa (considered Low Lugbara) spoken in Yumbe District and neighbouring areas. They share personal names, numbers plus many words. Ra means "to wrap sth" eg fold desert dates in a cloth.

In Twenty10, I woke up one sunny Saturday morning and sneaked out of Uganda without telling anyone. Inside Ariwara Market where I drank millet porridge for breakfast, I was amazed to notice that the music playing loudest was neither English nor Lingala (Congolese) but Lugbara. At a certain point in available documentation, there were more Lugbara in Congo than Uganda; out of 13 Lugbara clans, about only six were in UG.

Lugbaraland connects three countries and was originally the capital of Lado Enclave meaning "(My ancestors [are]) resting here"...

(CC) Lugbara Museum


Lugbara Gospel

Ongo MUNGU ni [Lugbara Gospel] is music sang in Lugbara or by Lugbara musicians to praise and worship GOD. Some Lugbara Gospel artistes include:

Alice Drijaru Asedri
Borderline Music
Brother Kennedy
Brother Stephen
Chief Benard Ejidri
Children of GOD (C.O.G.)
Chosen Michael
Church Voice Group
D2G (Dedicated 2 GOD)
Face To JESUS (F2J)
Faith In Christ
Fredo Angel
Gospel Armour
Gospel Story
Harvey Baguma
Hope 4 All
Hope In Christ (H.I.C.)
Hope Prudentia
Hope To Reach
J-Hope Band
Jonathan Econi
K. Isaiah
Ken & Job
Lady Gladys
Lady Harriet
Lady Victoria
LMK Band
LORD Is Power (L.I.P.)
Mungufeni (Benard, aka Feni Wym)
New Life in Christ
Oneway Music
Papa Jubilee
Princess Elyon
Salvation Sound
Solomon the Prodigal Son
T.I.G. (Trust In GOD)
Vincent Embati
Winnie Kushi

(CC) YESU Magazine


YESU Magazine: Jamil Mugerwa Quotes

INTRO: On Thursday 15th June 2023, I saw a dream of myself walking back home southwards via Oda Road before some smartly-dressed guy in a white pickup or saloon car cut me off suddenly on the left as if he was in a rush to get somewhere. I asked him if the person he was going to meet was nearby, he said: Yes. I wondered if it was at Desert Breeze Hotel. Meanwhile, I cut right and found people lining up for a fellowship; Grace Lubega was at the entry point standing with a microphone in his hand, "Here we do not come late." He kept asking everyone if they were newcomers. I was undecided about what to say but then remembered that I had been to his fellowship before, so I told him No and walked down the line with my backpack; a certain supadupa lightskinned Lugbara woman I adore the most (She likes Phaneroo) was on my mind as I worried she might be spotting me in the congregation or her friends wagging their tongues. When I woke up, I kept wondering if there was a Phaneroo Fellowship in Osu Village (Arua) and even investigated from people who replied that there used to be one at Rose Villa; I only knew Koinonia there. By July (the next month), in my quest to fully understand my dream, I found a YouTube video (Exposing Dark Works of Phaneroo) by a prayerful woman claiming she removed the title of Apostle from Lubega. She used to be a Phaneroo church member but while resting from prayer on Ankrah (or Besaniya Hill in Mukono, above where UCU is located), she saw a vision about getting pregnant and having a miscarriage. She prayed against it until she overcame the scare on linking back with her boyfriend and being told her foetus wouldn't last four months but also thanked Jamil for telling the truth about Phaneroo. I questioned myself why I had never heard of this Ex-Satanist (Underground Agent) but investigated immediately. People occasionally call me to register them to Illuminati yet I've never been a member (I always tell them that GOD is richer than the Devil); some call me to draw tattoos on their skin while others ask for sugarmummies but I don't suggest any. I always wonder where they get my number (maybe online where I post all my Devil research and old views) but would recommend they listen to Jamil's warnings. Many of my friends post Phaneroo videos on social media, some of which have kungfu themes, Women's Conference, and so on, but I've never actually been to any single physical meeting, so I cannot judge Grace Lubega. In 2017, Phaneroo made a Press Release (Setting The Record Straight) to defend itself against rumours, character assasination and reputational damage. My mid-June dream took me to an area near a river in Arua that is rumoured to have a portal to the underworld, but I haven't confirmed it yet. All I know since Covid-19 lockdown is that Lubega broke away around 2016 from my campus lecturer Isaiah Mbuga (founder of Christ's Heart Ministries International) who accused him of "ungodly rituals"; Mbuga's fellowships during my campus days (2003-6) felt Holy Spirit-filled, by the way, maybe Baskerville at UCU is just supercharged. During the 2021 Presidential Election fever, Lubega said Bobi Wine cannot become the President of Uganda because of his ganja and Side B; I couldn't disagree though the rastaman's supporters like Stella Nyanzi (Church of Satan Africa) also fired back at Lubega with insults. A few weeks after my dream, his congregation set a 3-hour handclapping Guinness Record; some Christians criticised him but I wonder what GOD says about the claps. Lubega's insightful, high-octane preaching (according to my own personal appreciation) is not bad, but the sex magic accusations against him and his pastors are quite deep. Correction of personal sin is redemptive: If we claim we have no sin, then there is no truth in us. We are all sinners (including Old Testament Priests and others who serve GOD) but the Truth sets us free when we repent to GOD and wash ourselves with the Blood of JESUS, not animals. Anyway, transcribed from Luganda to English below are thoughts from Jamil who was born on 16th October 1990 in Kayunga, Bugerere to a Muslim family comprising a Kinyarwanda father and Muganda mother. The Muslim-turned-Christian once tried to commit suicide by swallowing multiple tablets but heard the Devil tell him he was going to Hell and therefore smsed SOS messages to some people. Help arrived but Jamil had to pass his keys under the locked door for it to be opened since his joints couldn't let him stand up. He has a Turning Point show on OP FM on Sunday nights into Monday morning (To support his YouTube channel, WhatsApp 0752-341447; Call 0778-739832; 0761-099315; Email:

The Seven Dark Years Epistle 1 (The Church Under Attack, 91 pages) and Epistle 2 (Brainwashed generation, 51 pages) plus Epistle 3 (Defending Your Marriage)...

False Ministries in Uganda: Learn how to pray for yourself... Stop worshipping your pastor thinking you will heal when he lays his hand on you... GOD checks the heart, but whatever fills the heart is what we see on top like minis... Even though you attack me, I don't care... We won't stop telling you the truth. Stay in Phaneroo until you realise you are a baby Christian... Sexually Transmitted Spirits give you an order to wear skimpy clothes... Do you beat Satan in the Scriptures? When Satan attacks a Christian, he uses the Written Word. The churches of bafere [conmen] also use the Bible, they do not have their own books but the explanation is different... Their apostle cannot preach against abortion, that is why campusers go there. They abort like it's a competition; three in a year... Grace and Mbonye have that gospel... Balokole, we are church prostitutes; we do not sit down and understand what was written. GOD's grace does not allow us to continue doing wrong; once saved is not always saved... Tell your problems to GOD... If you drink Ice Water from Kakande, you are getting water from the Devil... Stop being brainwashed... People are robbed of their Bible but they do not complain... People forget their Bibles in church but not their phone...

Media Voices Episode with Deogratious Arinaitwe on Prince Media Television (using extracts from TikTok about what Men of GOD do to attract crowds. Arinaitwe gives a disclaimer that they are not attacking anyone but educating fellow Ugandans by broadcasting Jamil's content): In the spirit world, we had three types of churches: 1. The one on the foundation of JESUS; 2. The ones we attacked and changed to run on the lifeline we were on at that time; 3. The one that started on our foundation. They are hard to distinguish. When I was the other side, pastors came, they wanted fame [okumanyika]; miracles [ebyamagero] and prophecy [bunabi] which catch people's hearts like trapping fish: You'll go to America, climb a plane, etc; plus power... If you come to Satan and want something, the sacrifice he wants from you is you even if he doesn't say it... The life he wants is yours; he cannot tell it to you because you will run away. He can con you, then you get deep into his trap. I walked with these churches for seven years: Phaneroo, we went to their Lugogo gatherings on Thursdays. I wasn't there on a mission but partly with them. Those with obumemeya and obuchupa are there. Wrongs are not condemned in teachings; JESUS died for you is their message. "Kisa [Grace]; it ended: Even if you sleep with a church-sister, that wrong JESUS paid for 2,000 years behind." That way, Lubega scoops...

How The Devil Initiates Through Dreams: Dreams can kill... What troubled Joseph was the dreams GOD gave him; you have to handle them with care... Separate dreams from GOD, Satan and your own thoughts! People sleep with books and when they get something small, they get up and write what they have seen... Okwolesebwa [Revelation] is something you see in a short time when you are awake, but a dream is when you are in a deep sleep... The Devil distributes dreams. 2nd Corinthians 11:14-15 says: And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve... I'm not against dreams; we need dreams because GOD speaks through dreams... Your mind speaks in dreams... You cannot force dreams... With due time, dreams from GOD come to pass whether the Bible likes it or not... False prophets interprete dreams after you've paid them, then lie to you... Ask the Holy Spirit to explain your dreams... The Devil's dreams are controversial... In Church, when it's time to spread the Gospel, we can't, but in gossip, we are first... During time for gossip, go spread the Gospel... GOD cannot be bought. If HE wants you to make a sacrifice, HE will show you through a dream... Even Kakande, Yiga, Brother Ronnie distribute dreams; you see them come to you... They trap your star... Satan uses your pastor... Visions take you seconds away into the spirit world where GOD and Satan are sitted... Don't call the pastor, intercessors, etc to tell you their own interpretation of your dreams... Why don't you ask the Holy Spirit? We turned GOD into Centenary Bank, ATM... When it comes to finances, we make covenants with GOD... Satan copies GOD, he also speaks through dreams... We have bafere; businessmen with churches. They can come and tell you, "GOD says: Offer your car to the ministry!" It's their way of robbing people... Satan is speedy, but GOD goes step by step. You do not plant maize today and then the next day bring a car to transport the harvest... Kawula comes without a face in a dream and then the pastor says: Sow a seed and GOD will give you that husband... False prophets put you in the mood so that they can drain transport money out of you and leave you to walk home... To conquer a territory, you do it spiritually, then it manifests...

Emyaka Musanvu Ngankolela Sitani [Seven Years Working For Satan] courtesy of Samie Kay/ Media Shed UG, Uniqe Media: You are given a name and it brings you Bizibu [Problems]... It's not to scare people but tell the truth... In the mbozi [conversation] you are going to hear, there are two things: Satan and GOD... I finished P7 in Bweyogerere... 2011, I entered Senior 1 in Busia. My story starts in 2013 when I was in S3... That school did not allow new students as candidates... Only the promoted are allowed... But Ali was allowed in S6. Ali wore black galubindi, you need a medical form to wear them; Ali had no document... I was Information Prefect, all the news in the school I knew... I used to perform MDD... I used to eat with teachers but one day, kawunga [maize posho] and beans was cooked for them and I was hungry... I went to Ali to borrow 1,000 UGX to buy chapati and water... He brought out a bundle of 50K UGX banknotes and pulled out one... I went to the canteen and bought what I wanted, took back the balance. Ali told me to take all of it... I ran to the canteen and bought for people... Ali was the best in Arts but didn't attend lessons... I also wanted to start a gang like Ali but would be last in class, hahaha! I started an account in Equity Bank; somebody would hold my ATM card while another banked... I'd dream I was in the lake with Ali... Causing car accidents... In the dream, he would give me blood to drink... I would go to the supermarket and buy things as if I had four wives yet everything would end in my bedroom... I thought in my heart that Ali was from Rwanda but he replied without me saying anything: Ah ah, am not from Rwanda, am from here Customs... Satan can read what you are thinking... A witchdoctor can tell you the past but not the future... My student account had more than 30 Million UGX; money I collected from Ali... He used magic...

You are richer than Satan... He was thrown out of Heaven with nothing...

Episode 1 - My Initiation: I thank GOD for redeeming me... I was walking under the shadow of death where there is no life... I was staying in Busia when I entered these things... My father died; mummy (called Nusura) was still around. We are eight, am the 2nd-last born... I studied in the village, then I go out around 2002. I left the village and joined my sister in the city. I first sat, I didn't begin school immediately. With time, my brother had interest to send me back to school. 2007, he sent me back. I started in P5 but was a grown man... I studied in Bweyogerere, primary, it was called LORD's Care. I finished and went to live with my brother in Busia. Busia Trust Secondary School in Busia Municipality... About 500 meters from the Busia Main Road; 2013, I was in S3. While studying, you have different friends and that year, I was Information Prefect, Clubs and Society. The swagger I could reach, I was very famous... Then I met a friend called Ali. At first, I saw him as an ordinary, everyday person. One day, I was tired of posho. Children are stubborn, they live rich friends very much... I decided to go to Ali to borrow 1,000 UGX. I found him sitted with Deo. Fees was paid by my brother and it catered for food but you get tired of posho and envy kids who eat meat from the canteen. There was a place called California where children sat a lot while eating. He first looked at me and gave me a 50K banknote... I didn't understand: S6, how can he be with a bundle of 50,000 UGX banknotes? I didn't dwell on it... I reached the canteen and bought one chapati and water (500 UGX)... When I brought back the balance, he told me: I've given you all of it. I first feared and thought he was joking... stood for like 20 seconds... He did not press and continued conversing. I walked away but kept looking behind to see if he would call me back. The happiness, I went to the canteen and sprayed giveaways... In the evening, I went back home. I used to have a Changer bike but left it at home. We studied and studied. That day, I ate 10K and remained with 27K. The bell was rung but I said: Let me go and ask Ali, transport is 500 UGX yet I had 27K. I searched for him until I found him in A-Level sitted... He gave me 20K. I asked him: Where will I get change? He said: Go home... I used to move with Ali. Everywhere he was, I wanted money. I learnt how to lie... The smallest note he last gave me was 20K. You can go and beg in the morning, break, lunch and beg plus the evening. He does not question you about the other notes he gave you... For him, he just adds. The money had evil power... At home, I didn't eat anymore. My dreams changed; I started seeing things I didn't understand. I'd dream am in a lake, am with Ali in the hills. We are standing in the road, cars have come; we want to make them fall. I didn't understand. At school, I didn't want to go to class, I wanted to be with Ali. I started changing slowly... The teachers didn't understand me. I was intelligent: Math from Senior 1, the lowest I got was 90 percent; I started getting 30. When I'd sit in class, I'd feel like it's burning me... Even people at home didn't understand me. I had money but life changed. 1st Term passed when am like that. 2nd Term, some papers I didn't do. 3rd Term, we did exams and I got 3rd Grade. I used to pass in 1st Grade but that time I fell for real. To go to Seniir 4, they put for me: Try! When I finished my last paper, I told Ali: I may not get the chance to see you again. I've come to say: Farewell! Thanks for the things you have done for me; you have been there for me! Then he told me: You'll come and visit me. I told him: Yii, I don't know your place... I never saw Ali eating that year, he'd get food and give it away. I was still a fala, I hadn't entered the things. He looked like a Munyarwanda, the figure looked good, brown, the height was the one. I wondered if he was a girl... He drew for me a map... I knew that rubbish was poured in that place... In the spirit realm, I started seeing that building yet it wasn't in reality. He said even transport he would give me and handed me 100,000 UGX. From where I stayed behind Municipal Council in Busia up to where he showed me, the boda would take for 500 UGX. He said: You will come! Then walked and went; he didn't tell me the day to come, he didn't ask me for a phone number, even me I didn't have his. We separated like that... I got my report, December comes and I got my books plus clothes and said: Let me go to the village for two weeks because we would report in early January for Form 4. I reached the village when I had money but I didn't know the backstory of that money... My brother had no time to ask me where I worked. I'd buy phones at home and change them... I'd sleep in a different room... I gave away money in the village like I had been working yet I was studying. Three days after Christmas (28th December), I was sitted and then felt a power cover me at once. It came in a lot of wind; thoughts changed: I want Ali. I started wanting Ali... I told them: For me, am going back now! "Are you sick, why didn't you tell us and we prepared for you?" It was about 11am. "Why panic? You told us you are going in January." I told them: I'm going to Busia. Remember, I have my own money. I bathed, put on, yearned for Ali. Thoughts told me: Now go and meet Ali! I got a boda up to the Kayunga Park. That was the last time people in the village saw me. I boarded and saw that the taxi was delaying me but endured. I first reached my brother's place... I had a laptop bag and threw it tbere with books. My brother's wife was going out and asked, "Where are you going? You didn't even call us to alert?!" I told her: I'm coming back! That was the last time tbey also saw me. I walk; there was something giving me directions, "Pass here, pass here, pass here!" That's what I felt inside, "Now, pass here!" I walked without climbing a boda. I reached and saw a gate which he showed me when I was still in school. The gate was black; yellow paint mansion. I got near but saw noone. When I reached it, immediately someone was infront of me yet I didn't see the gate open: Ali, the one from school. He told me: I was waiting for you and knew you were coming. Remember, I didn't give him a call. The money he gave me cast spells that removed my thinking like when you come to Church and the Holy Spirit lands on you... He told me: Enter! I entered the courtyard, saw cars... The compound was neat. He led me and we entered. We passed the sitting room, it had seats but I didn't see a single person. He took me direct to a separate room, we didn't talk, he led the way. When I entered the room, he was at the door and closed it. Then he said: Sit in that pit! There was a pit in the middle of the room... What he says, you do. When I sat, I looked at him and noticed the goggles were missing. When I was trying to figure out, beams came from his eyes like a torch; both entered my eyes and I changed like 10 jerrycans had been put on my head. He said: Sit like when Muslims sit to eat pilau, crosslegged. He started speaking in tongues I do not know. When I entered, of course I understood eventually. He was calling power from underground but passing through water. He pulled power from the hills, space, rocks, forests; he gathered that power to make it possible for us to leave the physical realm and go into the underground world. I started hearing animals crying in the room, people: young, old, women... All voices. Wind came in a large way, the ground was shaking, I got out of my body. Ali wasn't a person but a fallen angel sent on a mission to get someone they would use. Ali would converse about sports because that's what he loved. He had few words. You could talk for 5 minutes when he hadn't replied. In all your speech, he would reply one answer. He was more of action, not words. I got out of my body, we descend down. I reach like this and the person am facing is sitted on a throne like for kings. He is holding a stick. It was Lucifer but at that time, I did not understand him: fiery dragon with shining eyes. In his hand was a ring and somebody on his left and right plus behind. When I reached, Ali told him, "That is the one you sent me; I've brought him." I was quiet. His voice was like 100 bass; big, heavy! When he spoke, there was a shaking. He said to me: I am the ruler of this world! Don't fret where you have come, am the one who sent for you. The one on his left said: Repeat these words, proclaim! Satan stole everything that is done in Church... In Church, you proclaim: Oh JESUS, today I accept that YOU become the Saviour of my life! There you say: I Jamil, today I accept to sell my soul to the ruler of this world. That is Lucifer, you cannot call him Satan; that gets you imprisoned. It means you've disrespected him. You call him My lord (Master) up to eternal punishment... After speaking those words, there were handclaps... I had to return to Earth to do a blood covenant... with Ali. I return to my body which I left in the pit... Buildings under construction now, sketchmaps are got from the other side... A blood covenant binds everythinh. Even in the covenant of light, Christ had to shed blood on the cross. For Satan's covenant to be full, you have to shed yours... Ali said: Stretch out your left arm... He brought something like a razor blade plus glass and cut six marks (representing 666), poured blood in half the glass. When what he wanted had poured, the blood stopped, I've never seen something like that. He brought his, added in and the glass filled up. Then he cast his power on it. They give you every spirit, whether you want to become a goat, chicken or whatever... He brought that glass near the wounds, the blood entered without a single drop to the ground. That is Satan's magic. The wounds closed up and they say, "It's finished!" You have to go for training underground. Satan doesn't use somebody he hasn't trained. In Church, you put up a conference to teach ministers, they do not come. They know that GOD can teach them. I had to get out of my body to go for three weeks training; it remained in the magical house... For you here, you cannot see it but the one on whom spells have been cast alone has the ability to see it. I got out and returned with Ali, some people were graduating; they had finished training... I was taken to the Department of Church because I would be trained in four things: 1. Disrupting Church; 2. Go to schools: Abortions, etc; 3. Go to hospitals: We used to drink blood and the brains of babies. We had to do sacrifices; 4. Accidents... I found many students of different nations... There is love in that place, agent and agent. The love they have was copied from the Church while the Church copied what Satan would have done. I reach there, everyone gives you a hug: Happy to see you! Come we do work... I returned to my body in January 2014 still in the clothes I left it in. I was given a mission to Kitintale, Bugolobi. When I got into my body, I saw transport money, 50,000 UGX. The direction I possessed though I had never been to Kitintale since I was born. I was sent to Joint Effort (Church)... I was told I'd find someone at a hotel who would show me where I would stay... You use the signs you were taught and connect with the regional ruler, then get power from various points: prostitutes increase in that place, drunkards drink to sleep in the gutters, noone gets saved... That church disturbed Satan's head, burning shrines. That man (Pastor Wilberforce Samanya) would do deliverance and Satan doesn't sleep... When I looked at the church in the spirit realm, it was impossible... There are three things: 1. Either you see heavy blood raining on the church, 2. Firewalls around the church fence, 3. A white cloth around it... All those things were there. He had about 400 intercessors... 

Episode 2 - Seven Years Working For The Devil: Some entity (I could see its shoulder, but not the face) led me to Ali; we walked until we reached the gate...

Part 2 - How I Was Delivered From The Hands Of The Devil: If you leave Egypt with an onion in your pocket or heart, you won't enter Canaan... Total deliverance takes determination, decision and surrender... Praising GOD is not words in the mouth only, shouting; praise HIM in spirit and in truth... During church deliverance, when I revealed my underground agent codenumber, blood oozed from my mouth... Do not beg GOD too much, learn to praise HIM for the life given you... Stop grumbling... We are not beggars, we are heirs... If your father has a company, then you are not a beggar in that company; you can ask for anything... Everything GOD has is yours, Satan makes you forget that...

Episode 11 - Betting: [Mathias:] GOD, we cover ourselves (the presenters) and the family listening too in the blood of JESUS... [Jamil:] Pastors also do betting; they do not know what it means, why they play it, where it comes from, where it starts, where it ends, why it came... [Mathias:] I know it as an opportunity set for somebody to get money... [Jamil:] From whom? Who has free money to give? Zala means they produce in you... Satan targets the Church... That demon is strong because of the sacrifices it gets... A person who bets has a firm heart. Satan puts in them dead hope... Most people know betting is a Muyindi. Does an Indian have that money? Those you see on the frontline are workers... to cover your eyes... People who play zala are like teachers; they do not hide pens... BETTING is Be Engaged To Teach Initiate Nations/ Generations. People who play zala are not on Satan's payroll yet work for him... They are teachers, when they start explaining, if you do not have JESUS, you leave when you have paid for a paper... Satan will convince you: This KCCA can beat Barcelona. You know that it can't happen but the demons blind your eyes... Stand at the church entrance and check for betting papers in the pockets and bags of believers... It stops them from offering tithe... Zala has diseases. If you're arguing, get a professional doctor with a machine that measures blood pressure. Stand at the zala machine and say: Everyone getting out, I measure! Anytime they snap... That's how Satan wants to kill GOD's children. A person with pressure won't go to church... Can you trust a zala player? Do not try! Even if you give him your money to keep at 9pm, he searches for an open place so that he can produce in it, hahaha! You wake up in the morning when all the money is gone. In the village, we were told a story about a man who was informed that zala earns madly: For a 1,000 UGX receipt, you can get 100 Million. He inquired: What if I bring 10 Million? Then the Muyindi you send back to the village, hahaha! He went to his own village where he had land and animals, sold all of them. He told people he's going away to become rich, he will return driving a Land Cruiser. He told his initiator that they should bet on Man U, Arsenal, Liverpool, big teams; the prospective gain was 500 Million but can Satan lose in his things? Satan has no senior; you become a senior in JESUS but if you're still in his things, he's your senior... In the morning, only one team won, two drew while the other lost. He did not warn him that if one team draws, we are finished. The man said: Let us go and claim our money since one team won. Satan is a thief, he asked him: How much do you have left in your pocket? Buy a rope! He left a wife and children. Satan told him: The clever one buys a rope and hangs himself... Show me someone who was poor and became rich; you can cut off my leg... But you can show people who used to be rich and now walk on foot. Is that GOD? Such a person will run from church when he thinks about the glory he used to be in, driving, landlord: What am I looking for in church? Zala looks like a game, but it's a game between you and Satan... We've seen many: Everything he finds, he just sells it... When we were on the other side, the demons of betting, adultery and masturbation drank a lot of blood. They rule the country... The owners of zala rule the government. When churches are open until night, some people go to Police and report that they are making noise; zala works until dawn... Imagine on Sunday, a game is rescheduled for 8am in the morning, then you will confirm that there is a god called Soccer... Man U is Red Devils [in Luganda: Emizimu Emimyufu]. Does GOD have red devils? All football fields are dedicated, they have evil powers. Everything found there is initiated. In Uganda, we have one called Embalasasa, translate to English... It's big now, noone in Uganda can handle it. That team started when it was very badly off: Nalubaale FC, Bunamwaya. When it transformed to Mbalasasa, its stadium in Uganda, noone has it... [Mathias:] There was a player who was said to pray from Pastor Kayanja's church, he used to be a homosexual; Mubiru. You remember him? [Jamil:] Supporting football is not bad, as long as you do not cross the line and bet, put in feeling... Betting companies do advertisements that somebody won 500 Million in Jinja but pin them in Arua. If you go to Jinja, he's not there... The moment a youth sees that somebody used 1,000 UGX to win 500 Million, what does he look for in church? GOD's money is for waiting patiently... [Mathias:] I know somebody in Jinja who won 20 Million and bought a taxi. [Jamil:] Does he still have it? [Mathias:] He went long time ago... [Jamil:] I was going to exit the studio... To know Satan is a muyaye, if you win 500 Million, you are going to move in the whole of Jinja... You become a master... You initiate... Don't let them lie to you... After teaching people, he takes back all the other money... They bring apps already installed: Opera Mini is theirs... Betway, betpawa, SuperBet... Satan changed levels from grassthatched shrines to betting houses... When a betting house was going to be opened in Jinja, the night before the morning start, we would come, initiate that place, dedicate it and put in power... You can be at home and say: Chelsea is going to win, when it's true. The moment you go to that room, the power will tell you to add a team in Uganda... You might choose three teams and bet 10,000 UGX but that power will force you to put a 4th team and it will be the only one beaten, hehihi... In our book, we put badges: Man U (crest has an animal), Arsenal, Real Madrid, Man City look like the bubonero [symbols] we used. Mulokole, remove feelings from football things, put feelings in JESUS! If you feel that demon tell you to go and bet, then give that money to somebody on the street... You overcome the betting demon when you have no money... Youths no longer work: If he has a 200K receipt in the pocket and you tell him about a 20K job, he won't come... Two masters cannot rule in one person... Betting makes you despise GOD and love Mammon; you have no time for service... Don't get near zala... That demon cannot be cleansed, you just run away from it or it will overcome you... People covet what others have and want to acquire it in one day yet that person worked for it in a long while... Satan will tell you to sell your 3M(illion) fridge for 1M so that you can get money to buy many fridges and even remain with a balance and you carry and take; it doesn't return. The demon just drinks... Satanists have money but they do not sleep... Accept that riches are in GOD...

Episode 12 - Masturbation at Work: First and foremost, masturbation [okwematiza] is not of GOD... Behind that spirit is homosexuality... If Christ doesn't help you, then you will die masturbating... It passes through blue movies... We had agents (sugarmummies) who worked on this. You befriend a sugarmummy on Facebook, she tells you to come where she is... You reach a room where they have planted physical cameras, you cannot see them... Many people have found their sex clips online and do not know how they got there... We would take the videos and impart (spiritual) power on them, then release... You watch a blue movie like this and power strikes you... If you do not have a wife, masturbation enters... 80 to 90 percent of youths have phones with blue movies. Why do they put passwords? Even a certain Buziga pastor had blue movies in his phone... Among married people, there is masturbation... Sengas are paid to teach how to get aroused... Agents encourage you to watch blue movies for motivation (to put you in the mood)... When the Devil reads from your thoughts on Thursday that you might get money on Saturday, he sends a spirit of masturbation on Friday night and your blessing doesn't come through... Someone who masturbates is a minor agent of the Devil; it's like wearing dreads (hairstyle)...

Episode 17 - Secular Songs With Their Hidden Meaning: The power of hidden meanings of songs will cover you; the one who used to pray a lot will stop, the one who used to read the Bible will dwell on Bukedde newspaper, the one who used to fast, arrggghhhh you are like Muslims, you wait for the holy month... There is a musician who has a slogan in English "Fire Base" but when you try to translate it to Luganda, it means "Ensibuko Y'omuliro"; that fire they are talking about is not of GOD, but Hell... You find a Bornagain saying he supports Fire Base yet he doesn't know what he supports... Bobi sang a song "Time Bomb"... What people didn't understand is that when we were in the dark world serving the Enemy, even us we were on a time bomb... In the video, they show you teargas, canes and you think he's singing about the time bomb in the country. No, he's singing about the kingdom he's in... I was sent to Mpigi and delayed for 5 minutes; I was beaten in the car... Then he sang "Kasukali Keko?"; people thought he was singing politics. No, he was singing about the kingdom of darkness; that this time, has it entered you? Is that enough sugar, should I add more? That was bait like a groundnut; set a trap at home, haha! He's like an ambassador of the other kingdom... "Ekikumi Kyo Kilye"... Satan knows the Bible, he just changes it... If you get what to eat, wear or drink, let them be enough... Sleep... Let your soul be firm... He tells you there are many rich people, cars they drive like him, chicken they eat but it doesn't go... If you get 100 UGX, sit, even if you buy cassava, drink water on it, eat, but do not envy the rich man who eats chicken... AK47 wanted to get out. These musicians who go to Satan to get things know the truth... What will take them to destruction is that they do not want to lose their fame, possessions from Satan. The one who died in a bathroom reached a point where he said: For me, I've come out of this. I'm bornagain. He even sang a song, "Nze Ndi Mulokole". He was told he's lying... People think it's Gospel; he was singing about the misery he was passing through... If he had decided with one heart and gone to a Church of truth, that stands on the foundation of JESUS, now he would be alive. He feared becoming ashamed. JESUS said: If you are ashamed of me among people, I'll also be ashamed of you infront of my FATHER. He feared to be seen travelling on bodaboda again, on foot. He was afraid and got destroyed... I was an Underground Agent at Rank 7... Illuminati go to fetch money, they are not workers of the Devil. He just uses them to advertise himself through songs, things that he has given them for fame, not that they are slaves like us. Even marrying they marry. For underground agents, a time comes when they give you their own, they can even give you a fallen angel. They can give you a girl born of a woman and man, but just like you buy a chicken at home, when you want is when you'll cut it, or you've bought a hen so that it lays eggs you can eat, you bring her but when every child she delivers is a sacrifice; every child is going to die... They decide everything for you. You are a ki-TV, they switch to Bukedde, any TV they want like AK-47... There was another who sang "KATONDA, Tambula Nange". His difficulty was like the other, he did not want to lose everything - the storeyed houses he had built, the studios he had; GOD was going to strike, HE doesn't work with dead foundations... Many people have wanted the honour of this world... Musicians, when they go, they can be given money and a spirit of immorality and they say: Everytime you do a concert, you must conceive a child. He can befriend you in a show and you think you have scored, he gives you all the money you wanted. When you conceive, it's over. That child is a sacrifice you will produce... Even if you already have 10 kids, your first born on his side is the one who will be sacrificed... Things were tough; Mozey Radio saw he was being taken. These musicians do not mean these things they sing for the sake of it... As long as you do not decide, you are going to die... When I came, everything I had burnt: Money, I've burnt; phones, I've thrown in the toilet; all the clothes. I came when I had tied my trousers with a muguwa [rope]... In the heart, I had decided (even though I couldn't speak for three days). Satan can hold your mouth, but in the heart as long as you've decided... The heart is the one that speaks. This mouth speaks what the heart spoke a long time ago. In the heart, I prayed and accepted JESUS saying: Satan is lying... Satan cannot do anything before GOD accepts... The ONE you have is stronger than the one in the world, that's what the Bible says... There are these musicians, they have reached 40 years without getting wedded; ladies... They used to be very powerful... These girls were called the Obsessions. Up to now, they are not married... Satan, you have to run away from him. He lies to you with those small things [buntuntu]. They sang, "Jangu, jangu nkutwale jebanyenyeza ebiwato [Come, come let me take you where they shake waists]!" It was sang on a bed... One man was inbetween them. People see the video but do not see the hidden meaning. Another singer came and was given a snake in the waist. When she starts dancing here, you wonder if she has bones, Masanyalaze... She almost made Vice President Ssekandi fall down while dancing with her... "Wekume!"; they were saying: Guard yourself, so that you do not come where we are, not AIDS... Satan is stupid sometimes, it's true he's really stupid! He displays his things like this; the blind do not see but you in Christ, you will understand... Jose went to Tanzania to do a show. Before the show, he was told: Do this! He did it after the show ended. Satan has no second chance; when you falter, he doesn't forgive. His heart is dirty! When Chameleone didn't follow instructions, he fell from a storeyed building up to the ground. They started demoting him, that is where he sang the other song "Kibonge" while in Church... It's frightening... Spirits come... People know it's Gospel, yiii banange, Satan is too much of a thief... Before, Jose sang for you "Kipepeo". In that video, he shows you that there is a kingdom, he's sitted on a throne, there are people who come to worship him... (the old and young)... There's another person who gives out money, "Help us, we are badly off." When she gifts you money, do a survey on that family... She even gave money to some brother who is theirs; they are always in his church... She has become a full government, but people do not know... When people get problems on TV, in one or two days, she has arrived, she has responded. People should be careful; for me, I've ended (my revelation) there. Satan is the person who will show you he has grace, yet he is lying for real. He has no sympathy... There's also this young agent who has conquered kids... He silenced a minister... He was told to go to school, he refused and next, you see him at a launch. You who is ordinary, can you disobey a minister? Satan displayed his own... His eyes change when he's on stage... Another is Suspekt Leizor, he sang "Wulira Ebala", manyi ga bala [the power of the bar]; Balokole bump to the song... "Tuli Mu Struggle"; some songs have come in Church yet people do not know what they mean... "Webereremu [Fight For Yourself (Hard)]; the man is telling you: This thing I've brought you or this thing am in, might have money in it but it's for perishing. If you want to enter it, webereremu! You thought it was politics? Haha... Satan used to tell us: There is no time, the other MAN is coming... The struggle they are going through (to take people to Hell), do you know it? "Byenyenya"; Christians know these songs more than the owners...

Most Dangerous Dreams You Shouldn't Joke With: There are sleep dreams and plans or goals... Dreams have disrupted people... Dreams are biblical... Sometimes what we call bad might be the good: You see an accident when the Enemy is planning it for you... GOD loves you; HE is showing you the craftiness of Satan... Interpreting dreams doesn't require books: Messages, signs, examples, prophecies...

How The 3 Intercessors Used The Blood of JESUS to Destroy our Evil Plans on Church: Three Abegayirizi [Intercessors] at Pastor Samanya's church put on protection and were not beaten out of 3,000... There is a difference between intercessor and prayer warrior who prays for 3-4 hours... Ezekiel 22:30 Stand in the gap for the land... Numbers 12:13 Moses stands for Miriam and the rest... Our senior intercessor is the Holy Spirit who pleads for us... An intercessor stands in the gap without personal interests... S/he should be international, worldwide for the whole body of Christ... Prayer warriors shout more than intercessors; bang walls, pray longer, speak English and in tongues... An intercessor endures... Acts 12:5 They persist... Keep a notebook... Those three women were not in backbiting groups; they were good timekeepers... Intercessors must keep quiet about people's secrets... Fasting and privacy helped them use the blood of JESUS... I had a bank account but it became inactive; I couldn't access the money on it... People have the blood but not the power in it... People have batteries but when uncharged, there is no electricity in the smartphone... The blood cannot operate... There have to be principles to make that blood operate... They had time to pray, not backbite... The Word of GOD became their daily bread... Being an intercessor does not stop you from cleaning the chairs... Understand your calling so that you do not cling to the intercessor work yet you get angry when prayer points are repeated. Some are just intercessors by title, singers by title but when they are not supposed to be there... When these three women called the blood of JESUS, it came and sucked away all my power; I returned to zero... That was my first encounter with the blood of JESUS...

Why The Devil Agents Like Going To Prayer Mountain: GOD is everywhere; stop putting GOD in one place... The Devil loves prayer mountains because it is a place where Christians go jokingly just to get a feared reputation... Devil Agents and witchdoctors also go there... Marriages have failed because of prayer mountains... GOD can speak anywhere... In the Upper Room, the Holy Spirit came to the apostles... Even at home, you can be on a mountain... Turn your house into an upper room or prayer mountain... GOD's power is not in the mountain but HIS Word...

New Technic Devil Is Using To Initiate Many Through Media: Now there are even Christian Dating sites... Run... They fool you and you go online to search... Disable apps that cannot be deleted...

There is still hope [Wakyaliwo ssubi]...

Judi Mwizah Quotes

[Devil Worshipper Turns To JESUS (Testimony Given at Union Miracle Center Church in Kitala, Entebbe):] YESU yebazibwe... I'm a bornagain Christian woman, thank GOD for saving me... When I was underground, I saw demons being beaten after someone got saved. They would be asked: Where did Nakasege pass and what were you doing? When you confessed salvation, your family demons were punished...

That man Satan, whether a man or woman (I do not know), doesn't want to see nor hear a Mulokole person. Forgive me, I didn't hear other denominations...

I was a good servant to Satan; obeyed rules and principles... Every year, I would return to Lucifer to renew my covenant... Return to the LORD instead to renew your covenant... 

Although I served Lucifer, I was born and baptised in a religion... I would come from church when I had to take a report to Lucifer...

At the end of the year, you return to whom you worship with your prayer requests... He will tell you he also wants what was bought with a high price - the child of a human... Lucifer doesn't drink cow blood like these busambwasambwa, Jaja Dungu... Human blood sustains the demons he sends to earth... Those accidents you hear do not just come; he is eating breakfast, lunch and supper... He will say he wants four pregnant women and hit two birds with one stone... I was a midwife in the theatre, so it was easier for me... At times, they would tell me four ladies are coming, we want two. They could have been three, but the third is a Mulokole... Sometimes, you are in your parent's covenant to serve Lucifer, but you got bornagain... The fire returns to burn the spirit of the agent who dedicated you, not Lucifer... I saw them with wounds when we went back...

I was a murderer... I later learnt that the Devil was grooming me; I wasn't loved at home... My father was very rich; a sorceror... Life tortured me too... Whenever the Devil sent me on mission, I did not care, I wanted money, whether you are pregnant... Parents, do not torment your children and make them hateful... My mother dedicated me... She called me omusambwa, kifuka, musota - which I became. What you call your child, malaya, she will become... "You are a drunkard like your aunt", that demon gets up; it receives placement... My mother trained me and hardened my heart for the Devil...

When entering the new year, I would have my sacrifices ready... At the ante-natal department of the hospital where I worked, my 6th sense was very active... I had power from underground and could see that you were chosen. Even a Mulokole, I would see with fire and not go there...

Do not despise your salvation... Release fire... I would pass by some Balokole without a ka-fire... Satan would send us for them and when they died, he would torment them...

I used my smartphone to capture photos of sacrifices the senior had appreciated for 31st December... At 11pm before bornagains seized the air and ruined our sacrifices, we would earlybird the frontline... As you wait for fireworks to end and release fire, ours would have gone. We'd even pose like models...

Mulokole, when GOD wakes you up to pray at 2:30am, do not go back to sleep because HE sees you will need a 30 minute headstart... so that the enemy does not reach there before you...

At 11:29pm on a powerful island where we passed while going underground, we would grab the photos of pregnant women, not me Judi but a possessed animal, a monster and connect with principalities in the air with spiritual binoculars, CCTV cameras, etc: They would tell us bornagains are still boiling in tongues... That language is hard for Lucifer... Speak those tongues... The Devil doesn't fear church but the person with fire, a shining altar... We would tear photos slowly and the pregnant women start to see some blood flowing out. You send spirits to make their possible helpers sleep... Then, they would tell me to rip-up the photos... You would see blood rise up into the air and say: That one I've drunk... The one for the babies in the womb would follow. Then you ask yourself: Now, where will I build? You brag about constructions you will leave in the world... The principalities in the air deliver the sacrifice to Lucifer; you wait for results the next time you visit... At the hospital, you find corpses of people you sacrificed... People love worldly things... After sacrifice, the Devil would congratulate you; he awards medals, rings and cups for Performer of the Year who brought the most blood... You renew your covenant by stating your name and declaring that you will always serve like never before with your house: siblings, children and grandchildren. That is why Lucifer looks for you; he has a covenant on you. Tear it, change the covenant of your grandparents...

I was the 9th generation of the family in serving Lucifer... Do not take it that kawula is looking for me, the things you do are not moving! Your jaja said they will serve Lucifer, but now you are in church. He would say: Nagundi is bornagain? Leave her! Put chains on her money and property... When she wants to get rich, she will come and worship me like her ancestors... Notice, when you get saved, money deserts you... While serving Lucifer, millions did not move me...

Underground, there is a hole going upwards... Lucifer said he would see us from there...

Lucifer hates us bitterly because we are created in the image of GOD... HE gave you all his things... Lucifer wants more people in the fire, so that the hurt is not deep...

Our spirits are in things like trayeggs; small glasses. Lucifer sees our spirits. When he is fed up with you, he just breaks you. I felt a strong wind shake the gates... Sing that worship song with one heart... Apollyon the bodyguard stood in his wings and held onto the throne because they knew what was happening: NANYINIMU had arrived... That is where I say: Satan has no power... Tongues of fire came through the other hole; HE had come to redeem somebody. Praise the LORD; hallelujah! When you clap and shout, the devils quake... Out of the tongues of fire came a hand that grabbed a single soul among trillions... Intercede for someone and tell GOD to save them... You might come to church, but when Lucifer has some control over you because of the other covenants... My sister revealed to me that GOD told her to fast seven days because of me... While she was doing that, I was searching for seven virgins; I wanted to drive a car...

Lucifer will vomit my marriage... Do not fear, but do not despise him... I first went to Nabuzana, Bible calls her Jezebel. In Mubende, she is called Nakayima; Whites call her Victoria. I served Nabuzana for one year and seven months; she took me to Lucifer. She is the wife and queen. I met girls in club; they were agents of Jezebel. They enrolled me into their group. Jezebel is talked about in Revelation 2:20... She is the owner of feasts, parties... Nabuzana possesses children using spirits in the background; the first is called Ndawula (monitoring spirit, spy, Mulangira, Lukusense, Measles); second is Bamweyana, makes people use njaga, omwenge, shows that a goat is a woman (immorality)... Ndawula's part is for fruits. How many fruits have your children eaten, Mulokole? When you celebrate a birthday, you put bananas, watermelon, apples, etc and call children. They are captured from there. You look at a child who was not mad becoming mad, not immoral becoming immoral when you take them to a party... Okuwonga [Dedication] is different from sacrifice... When I get an accident, I throw a party yet the Devil was punishing me; he told me to go this way and I went the other way... I liked calling students in S2-6; they crave money, good things, smartphones. You will pay for them... Wait for JESUS to bring... Satan released me after 30 years; he took my girlhood, I never got the honour of marriage... We bought smartphones for girls because they had been appreciated; you had to find a point of contact to dedicate them... Where Jezebel swims is where you swim to get a figure...

You heard what Lucifer did at Freedom City; I begged GOD to forgive me: I did not dedicate all these functions... I used to give out t-shirts, creams, etc... A musician sings and gives you his shoe: Webale! You think he loves you very much? I knew one who would swing her hair and broadcast spirits of adultery...

Jezebel clubs and would tell us what to do... She arrived at 12 midnight... Pray until 3am if you can... After midnight, powers from underground (adultery, theft, murder, etc) rise like metals piercing through the soil and take over the world... By 4am, they leave humans who get arrested... These spirits come to help Jezebel whose home is in Victoria here; it has gold, silver, diamonds, cash money which you look at and she says: Go and cheat so that I give you money... We propagate a rejection spirit to married women... In Jezebel's world, a man is not bewitched; he is not touched, abused, rebuked, asked where he is coming from nor going. When he arrives, you welcome! When he leaves, you bid farewell! That is what she tells you: Do not abuse tata... I would catch their weakness because men are like children... When you (woman) abuse him, he comes to me for comfort... I would know you are quarrelsome. If the woman was not quarrelsome yet I wanted her husband, Jezebel would tell me to get a point of contact from her; I would confront your househelp... Men are precious. Jezebel told us she imprisoned them: They are also mine... She also wants the ones who are free. Instead, you abuse them... Quit quarreling! I do not abuse Dani, my husband Daniel Matovu is not asked where he is going... The important thing is that he is at home...

Jezebel has butiti [beads] and chains in classes: Around the waist (Slayqueens know it) and anklets. She has her own shoes. She has a cup... If your man has drunk from it, instead of abusing him, pray for him...

Joseph Nsubuga (Former Devil-worshipper)

From Masaka, Joseph left his village to live with his Kampala aunt who worked at Kibuye Market. Then he met Fred, a mysterious man from Bugerere he never saw eating food; he only drank Coca-Cola...

[Worship GOD!]