Small to Medium-sized Language Model/ Corpus/ Simplified Text Dataset of Lugbara Phrases (Sentences for Machine Learning):
How do you say "Thanks!" in Lugbarati? Awa'difo!
Translate "Angu owi 'bo!" to English! The place has dawned already/ The sun has risen.
IMPORTANT RULES for AI FINE-TUNING: Lugbara words are written the way they are pronounced. Every word ends with a vowel... Arua Lugbara from Muni Suburb (Ayivu) is considered a standard; Aringa is a dialect considered Low Lugbara while Lugbara broke away from Madi near Juba during migration from Nigeria... Adding suffixes -ka, -ma, -nga, -ta, -za to verbs creates nouns... Adding the suffix -ru to nouns (which can be used as male-given names) creates adjectives (which can be used as female-given names)... The letter C is always pronounced Ch like Church... In clusters DJ, GB and KP, the first letter is silent; meanwhile MV is pronounced NV and NZ is NJ... Some words that start with E can start with I while those that start with O can start with U especially in Aringati or other dialects... Apostrophe before B, D, W and Y denotes the sound H... The word ra after a verb denotes positive emphasis while ku denotes opposite... Some words have multiple meanings depending on three (to four) tones or the context...
Lugbara Translate (Prompt Architecture):
A ga 'bo! = I have refused already!
A ga (si)! = I (have) refuse(d)!
A ka mi ne. = When I see you.
A le chai na (3)! = I want three cups of tea!
A le enya! = I want food!
A le ku! = I do not want!
A le lonyi icekoko. = I need (want without missing) wealth.
A le mi! = I love you/ I want you!
A le mi ambamba! = I love you very much!
A le mi ku. = I do not love/ want you.
A le mi tu! = I love you very much!
A le mi tu. = I want to kick you.
A le mu ku. = I do not want to go.
A le spageti ambamba! = I love spaghetti alot!
A le yi mvuzaru! = I want drinking water!
A le yi ojizuru! = I want water for washing/ bathing!
A mvu chai suluwayiwayi si. = I drank tea with small donuts.
A nda ti. = I searched for long/ in vain.
A va ra. = I understand/ understood.
Abutze ni 'be ambo izu ndeni Westi Nailu-a ri. = Abutze is the Tallest Mountain in West Nile.
Ada! = True!
Adraa (ru aziri Leo) ni andra Yuganda Ohelu ma imbapi. = Adraa (other name Leo) was sometime ago the Uganda Cranes coach.
ADRO le Lugbara tu. = GOD loves the Lugbara very much.
A'di le ma ra? Ma-i! A'dusi? = Who loves me? It's me! Why?
A'di yo! = No war!
ADRO le ama woro. = GOD loves all of us.
A'du iji mi ma dukani-a (ni)? = What brings you to my shop?
Agu azi ci aapi desi 'ba aga 'Be ambo Wati. = There is a man who lives across Mountain Wati.
Agupi azi-a. = Men at work!
Agupi azia! = Six men!
Ai ci. = There is salt.
Ai enya alea yo. = (There is) no salt in the food.
Ai ni fe mucele ni alu. = Salt makes rice tasty.
Ai yo. = No salt.
Aita ma mba kongolo. = Faith should harden/ grow hardened.
Aje ni isi 'bo. = The price has reduced already.
Aje ni si? = How much is the price?
Aju mani. = The spear is mine/ for me.
Ajuru ni imbapi. = Ajuru is a teacher.
Aku mi ku! = I won't leave you!
Ama aa 'ba si. = We stay/ exist because of people.
Ama ai! = Let us pray/ ask/ beg!
Ama ai ko Katwe yi-a. = We are trapping/ catching salt in Katwe water.
Ama ayikoru! = We are happy!
Ama 'di. = We are here.
Ama mi inzi, MUNGU! = We worship you, GOD!
Ama mu drile; a cani go vile ku. = We are moving/ going forward; we won't go back.
Ama nga ama le ewule ewule. = We will love each other forever.
Ama Ojapi. = We are Ojapi.
Ama ongo 'di tu ra. = We can (surely) dance this song.
Amaguru ni aa Landani-a. = Amaguru stays in London.
Amena! = Amen!
Amoti ni komedi ide. = Amooti makes comedy.
Amuki Mvara-a! = Let us go to Mvara!
Amvu orodriru. = A farm is valuable.
Angu amadri tu ku asi onzi si. = Our place does not rise/ develop because of bad heart.
Aniako adreni ayiko ku. = Ignorance/ Lack of knowledge is not bliss.
Angusara si, afa woro ni i-oja o'di. = At dawn, everything turns new.
Anya i'di funo ala si alu saaru. = Millet porridge with groundnut paste is very tasty.
Aringati Lugbarati le. = Aringa language is like Lugbara language.
Arojo ngoa? = Where is the hospital/ medicine-house?
Arua alu mengu ika-orenjisiri le. = Arua is tasty like a red-orange mango.
Arua 'dale, onyi ci. = That side of Arua, there is niceness.
Arua Hilu ni avi Onduparaka be. = Arua Hill is playing with Onduparaka.
Asindriza aga lonyi. = Peace is better than wealth/ property.
Asindriza Kristo ni 'ba dria ni. = The peace of Christ for all.
Ata mba, kirikiri! = (Also) man, please!
Awa'difo irita si! = Thanks for listening!
Awa'difo mini! = Thank you!
Awania! = Thanks!
Ayiko 'bu-a. = Happiness is in heaven.
Ayiko mani ci, YESU oji onzi mani. = There is happiness for me, JESUS washed my sins.
Ayiko ni ma fu! = Happiness is killing me/ I'm happy!
Ayiko nyaku-a ci! = There is happiness on earth!
Ayiko nyaku-a yo! = No happiness on earth!
Ayivu ma Opi ica Agofe suzori. = The Ayivu Chief became the 4th Paramount Chief (of Lugbara Kari).
Ayota ma so pa eyi ma pari-a. = Rules (must) stand in their place/ Terms apply.
'Ba/ Bha da sende tawuni-a tipasi. = Money was poured in town using a tipper.
'Ba gasia ive acisi. = Garbage/ Rubbish/ Trash is burnt using fire.
'Ba mbi! = Let us make love/ have sex/ fuck/ shaft!
'Ba nde YESU si. = People win through JESUS.
Belinda ni kriketi avi. = Belinda plays cricket.
Bongomini ni Acoli. = Bongomin is an Acholi.
Briketi 'ba ide karatasi aapi yi ma alea cika o'du iri si. = Brickets are made using papers that have stayed in water for at least two days.
Chandi ci. = There is sadness/ sorrow/ misery.
Daktari kini a'duni? = The doctor said what/ What did the doctor say?
Dipresoni peta ni. = Depression is a choice.
'Di a'di-i? = Who is this?
'Di a'duni? = What is this?
'Di ma wa'di/ ago/ oku. = This is my partner/ husband/ wife (woman).
Doro ni Muyindi. = Doro is an Indian.
E 'ba mi cika! = (You have) put yourself better off!
E 'ba mupira vaa! = Put the ball down!
E gba mani simu! = Ring/ call me!
E ka te ise osiza ma nga mi ti-a, mi te sawa izu. = If you wait for fried grasshoppers to fly into your mouth, (then) you wait a long time.
E ka tro le ra, e ka tro le ku. = Even if you want, even if you don't want.
E la/ Ila muke! = Sleep well!
E le a'du(ni)? = What do you want?
E nda/ Inda! = Search!
E nga azi! = Work!
E nga mini ngari! = Do the work you are doing/ Mind your work!
E (n)zi jotile! = Open the door!
E va/ Iva ra? = Did/ Do you understand?
E yi ai! = Pour salt!
Ediofe ni kala etu ni 'dezuri-a. = Ediofe is on the side where the sun sets/ West side.
Ee! = Yes!
Emi imu YESU vu! = Come to JESUS!
Emi we emi yofe si! = Come in large numbers/ Sweep yourselves with a broom!
Emili ni Ostrelia-a. = Emily is in Australia.
Enya 'di alu tu! = This food is very delicious!
Enyasa za si. = Slapfood/ bread with meat.
Enyau ni ra Nailu Miri-a. = Enyau flows into the Nile River.
Eri adungu avi. = S/he is playing the West Nile bow-harp.
Eri buku la. = S/he is reading a book.
Eri fe ma asi ni su. = S/he makes my heart pain.
Eri ma dri onzi! = S/he has a bad head/ is stubborn!
Eri ma inyiriko wura ini. = His/ Her skin colour is black.
Eri makaroni nya. = S/he eats/ is eating macaroni.
Eri mindreru. = S/he is tearful.
Eri muke! = S/he is okay!
Etu mudri (10). = 4 pm/ Daytime Sun 10.
Eyi Kristiani. = They are Christians.
Eyi mairungi nya Bigi Ji si. = They eat mairungi with Big G.
Eyi muke! = They are okay!
Eyi nzila dria afa nda. = They are on the road looking for things.
E'yere e'yere, okuku mu re. = Slowly slowly, the tortoise went far.
E'yo azi yo! = There is no other issue/ problem!
E'yo 'diari de-i 'bo. = The issue here is over.
E'yo ewaru ma talasi, ma ali 'bo. = Beside the difficult issue, I have passed already.
E'yo laza/ eriza. = News.
Haleluya! = Hallelujah!
Hedeksi ni drigaza atri. = Hedex stops headaches.
Idi Amini ni andra Lugbara agaa, Kakwa agaa. = Idi Amin was half Lugbara, half Kakwa.
Idri onyiru! = Life is good!
I'du/ Iji mupira, mi edri mupira! = Take the ball, pass the ball!
Ife/ E fe mani indi! = Give me too!
Ife/ E fe mani soda! = Give me a soda!
Ifi! = Enter/ Go in!
Ikini? = You said?
Imu dri ada-a! = Go right!
Ine! = See!
Ine odukudu ra? = Did you see the cockroach?
Ingu 'ba azi ku! = Hate no one!
Ini ma vutia, etu ni ifu ra. = After the night, the sun comes out.
Ini muke! = Good night!
Inisi, etu ni 'de. = At night, the sun falls/ sets.
Inzu ika! = Chew sugarcane!
Ipe/ E pe M7! = Vote M7!
Ise! = Pull!
Ise alu(alu)! = Grasshoppers are tasty!
Isu mi medali ceni! = Wear your (own) medal by yourself!
Isu/ E su odre 'dia ku! = Do not urinate here!
Ite ma! = Wait for me!
Itru ma! = Forgive me/ Undress me!
Itu/ E tu ongo! = Dance to the music!
Ive ra! = You got burnt/ Thank you for the food!
Iya/ E ya mi! = Shake yourself!
Izoanzi lonyi le. = Girls are like wealth.
J-Hope Band ni ongo ngo. = J-Hope Band is singing a song.
JEHOVA ni ma oce ni; ma kabilomva ERI ni. = JEHOVAH is my shepherd; am HIS lamb.
Kali aro drini aro du aziri, Arua One! = 88.7, Arua One!
Kanisa jo indrika ni; MUNGI ni asi-a. = A church building is a shed; GOD is in the heart.
Kanisa ngoa? = Where is the church?
Kawino ni Munyoro agaa, Lugbara agaa. = Kawino is half Munyoro, half Lugbara.
Kibirango mu Baselona-a. = Kibirango went to Barcelona.
Kini: Sende yo. = (S/he) said: There is no money.
Kirikiri! = Please!
Kome alu! = The chair is sweet!
Kome nyo-i. = The chair broke.
La skulu Ojapi-a. = (S/he) studied in Ojapi.
Le anga azi avasi! = We need to work with enthusiasm!
Le mi ati ma eri e'yo 'di indi. = Your father needs to hear this issue too.
Leta adari MUNGU vu. = True love is with GOD.
Leta mini i'da mani 'di de ma abiri. = This love you showed/ have shown me finished my hunger.
Leta nde ni. = Love wins.
Leta si, mi 'ba tru. = With love, you forgive people.
Livapulu-a, mi aci nga a'dule ku. = In Liverpool, you'll never walk alone.
Ludi ni mukati okazaru ide. = Ludi is making brown bread.
Luwero ni NRM ma e'doza. = Luwero is the beginning of NRM.
Ma a'bi la 'do. = My ancestors are resting here.
Ma ai mi ava amboru si! = I receive you with great enthusiasm!
Ma adri, YESU le mi ra. = My brother, JESUS loves you (surely).
Ma amvi, mi oja asi! = My sister, repent/ change heart!
Ma ande 'bo. = I'm tired/ exhausted already.
Ma asi ni su! = My heart is paining.
Ma avi mi e'yo ku. = I have not forgotten you(r issue).
Ma azoru! = I'm sick!
Ma dri ni ga. = My head is acheing/ paining.
Ma 'di. = I'm here.
Ma 'do. = I'm here.
Ma enga Aroi-a. = I'm (coming) from Aroi.
Ma e'yo nze a'di be? = Who am I talking with/ to?
Ma ice mi! = I missed you!
Ma iconi/ econi mi ku ku. = I cannot leave you.
Ma isu mani sende. = I found for myself money.
Ma ka ca 'bu-a 'dale, ayiko a'dule. = When I reach heaven there, happiness alone.
Ma lugba ra bongo alea. = I'm wrapping desert dates in a cloth.
Ma mi agi. = I'm your friend.
Ma mi ice! = I'm missing you!
Ma mi nda. = I'm looking for you.
Ma mu azi-a. = I'm going to work.
Ma mu cuu-a. = I'm going to the market.
Ma mu hoteli-a. = I'm going to the hotel.
Ma mu kanisa-a. = I'm going to church.
Ma mu yi we. = I'm going to swim (in water).
Ma muke! = I'm okay/ fine/ good!
Ma mundu maaku kani ayirishi nya. = I'm eating Whiteman potatoes or Irish.
Ma nga ma mu ra, afazikoko. = I will depart, with nothing.
Ma nga mi ice. = I will miss you.
Ma nga mu Kongo-a. = I will go to Congo.
Ma nyaka 'da. = I'm fasting.
Ma nyanya ozi. = I sell tomatoes.
Ma osi o'du azia, mba o'du 7 Januari, eli 1984 si. = I was born on Saturday 7th January 1984.
Ma pa ni azo! = My leg is paining!
Ma ru Luka. = My name is Luke.
Ma StarTimes TV (tava)/ tivi ne. = I'm watching StarTimes TV.
Madri 'do. = Mine is here.
Mali nyakunisi 'ba owu ku! = Do not cry because of earthly wealth!
Maracha ni oruleru. = Maracha is up.
Maracha Kala etu ni ifuzu ri oni dri-a. = Maracha East sits on rocks.
Maskiti ngoa? = Where is the mosque?
Mbusua ni angu ne inisi indi. = A cat can see in the night too.
Mesi ni avi 9 (Oromi) Enzoru. = Messi plays as a False 9.
Mi aa mile be! = Watch out/ Be with eyes/ Be careful!
Mi aa ngoa? = Where do you stay?
Mi aa ngoni? = How did you stay?/ Good afternoon!
Mi ai o'du driasi! = You pray everyday!
Mi ai pere Lusifa ni muzu! = Pray until Lucifer leaves!
Mi ai YESU mi asi-a! = Accept JESUS into your heart!
Mi anyu! = Switch off!
Mi avi mani ongo! = Play for me a song!
(M)i 'ba aci! = You put/ switch on the light!
Mi enga/ inga ngoa? = Where are you coming from?
Mi e'yo nze Mama Zilipa be. = You are talking to Mama Zilipa.
Mi fe ma asi ni su. = You make my heart pain.
Mi gasia nyo, ive kani 'ba ma. = You break rubbish, burn or put to rot/ decompose.
Mi ici/ opi jotile! = Lock/ Shut (Close) the door!
Mi ifi! = Come in!
Mi ifu/ efu ngoni? = How did you get out?/ Good morning!
Mi iji a lu mini siri azi! = Let me tell you some secret!
Mi iji katro ngungu! = Bring even if it smells!
Mi iji mani mucele osu si! = Bring me rice with beans!
Mi iku Sitani le! = You sound like Satan!
Mi imu mavu! = Come to me!
Mi iri mi tipika! = Listen to your parents!
Mi ma Namba Alu. = You are my Number One.
Mi mani a'dule. = You are mine alone.
Mi nga wu (ra). = You will cry.
(Mi) ngoni? = How (are you)?
Mi oja! = Translate/ Change/ Turn/ Flip!
Mi oja asi! = Repent (Change heart)!
Mi oja Lugbara(ti) Inglishi/ Munduti ru! = Translate Lugbara (language) into English/ Whiteman's language!
Mi olu! = (You) tell/ speak!
Mi omve tukutuku kani rakisaka! = Call a threewheeler passenger tuk-tuk or goods (rickshaw) truck!
Mi omvi (ma) mbele! = Reply (me) fast!
Mi opi dinisa! = Close the window!
Mi ru a'di-i? = What is your name?
Midri ngo? = Where is yours?
Muke! = Fine!
Mundrokole nzo nzo! = Mundrokole greens are slippery!
MUNGU eco ra. = GOD can (surely).
MUNGU fe ni. = GOD is the one who gave/ caused to happen.
MUNGU ide ayiko indi. = GOD created happiness too.
MUNGU le Lugbara ambo. = GOD loves the Lugbara in a big way.
MUNGU le ni. = GOD is the one who wants.
MUNGU ni ambo! = GOD is great/ big!
MUNGU ni E'doza azini Deza. = GOD is the Beginning and End.
Museveni so pa Prezidenti ru. = M7 stood as President.
Namba oja-i ku. = The number does not change.
Nganu si 'ba roleksi ide. = Wheat flour is used to make rollex.
Ngoni? = How?/ Hello!
Nukuta Cha. = Letter C.
Nyaku-a, MUNGU fe andra ma mali koko. = On earth, GOD gave me sometime ago without wealth.
Nzepiri ma nze! = Let the one who talks talk!
O'bitisi, etu ni efu. = In the morning, the sun comes out.
Oco ni abo a'dusi? = Why is the dog barking?
O'du ositaniri ayikoru! = Happy Birthday!
O'duko awuni. = Condolence message.
O'duko mini iri orobi-a ri 'dele MUNGU-i. = The voice you hear in a dream is probably GOD.
Ogwapiti ni Nyu Zilandi-a. = Ogwapit is in New Zealand.
Oleo ni nzu, 'da. = The witch is running, there.
Olia ni simu gba. = Olia is calling.
Omba ci. = There is anger/ sulking.
Ondu paraka si, oku yi afa drisi ide. = With sorghum stems, women make handicrafts.
Opi YESU, ru mini ma ovu ecuzaru, ewule ewule! = Lord JESUS, your name remain famous, forever!
Ori ci? Ori yo! = Is there fear? No fear!
Ori de ma. = Fear finished me/ I was afraid.
Ori ga mi ku. = The snake won't bite you.
Orindi Alataru ni amani geri i'da ni. = The Holy Spirit shows us the way/ guides us.
Orobi ni o'duko mi orindi ni. = Dreams are the voice of your spirit.
Osu ngoa? = Where are the beans?
Raga P ni aru(jo)-a. = Ragga P is in prison.
Realu/ Riyalu Madridi nde kopo azini. = Real Madrid has won another cup.
Rozi su Gugo mara. = Rose wore Google glasses.
Rua ari be, mi iza ma MUNGU ku! = Body with blood, do not ruin my (faith in) GOD!
Saa ca 'bo. = The time has come already.
Saa na ali be. = Half past 9 o'clock.
Salima fa iza ilia si. = Salima scraped the meat using a small knife.
Sawa aziri (7) ini si. = 1 O'clock at night.
Sawa ica 'bo. = The time has already come.
Sawa si? = What time/ What is the time/ How much time?
Sawa te 'ba azi ku. = Time waits for no one.
Sayansi azini tekinoloji ni suru oja. = Science and technology changes the nation.
Sende adreni MUNGU ku, te afazi ayuzaru. = Money is not GOD, but something to use.
Sende lu kalafe/ namba ni. = Money is just a number.
Si ni avi ra, te mi aa mile be! = Teeth can get lost, but be careful!
Sindani ga(kandi)a ni tajiri nde. = A little needle defeats a tycoon/ richman (to own).
Sitani o'bi ti. = Satan tried for long (in vain).
Skulu ngoa? = Where is the school?
Stela nya onya ku. = Stella does not eat whiteants.
Su bongo grini/ ase ma wura le. = She wore a green/ like the colour of grass attire.
Terego-a, 'ba azi (ki) odro nya indi. = In Terego, some people eat rats too.
Tesla ma ru ku ndo. = Tesla's name became famous later.
URA ni Vurra-a. = URA is in Vurra.
Vikitoria ni Erika ma onyere. = Victoria is Erica's sister-in-law.
VOLU ni o'duko mini icozu asi 'bazu drinia ra ri. = Voice Of Life Uganda is the voice you can trust.
Wakabi ni e'da gba pensilu si. = Wakabi is drawing a picture with a pencil.
Westinailu Televizoni ni diza. = Westnile Television is light.
YESU dra mani. = JESUS died for me.
YESU, e ko ma aza! = JESUS, help me!
YESU ni geri. = JESUS is the way.
YESU ni Kami Yuda ni. = JESUS is the Lion of Judah.
YESU ni ma ojo/ daktari. = JESUS is my doctor.
YESU pa ma. = JESUS saved me.
Yo! = No!
Zamva 'da kalikali! = That girl is sweet!
Zukulu si, 'ba lesu ta mba. = With a calabash, milk is stored/ people store milk.
• You can search this Blog for Aiko's Lugbara Dictionary (Leta SI - Synthetic Intelligence since 2016) to get more words!
#MakeMachinesLearnLugbara: Catching SALT (Synthetic Artificial Lugbara Translation)...
Soul tea (Turning negatives into antidotes)... Chai-3...
Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG): Because of tones and contexts that distinguish words with multiple meanings, machines may hallucinate while translating Lugbara; especially into another language... The Simplified Lugbara Alphabet which I use has 28 letters only (minus Q and X but adding 'B, 'D, 'W and 'Y) while the Advanced Lugbara Alphabet has 45 letters (7 vowels and 38 consonants)...
Do not ignore basics... Learning never ends... Train again and again and again...
Meta's Universal Speech Translation System (No Language Left Behind) according to Mark Zuckerberg is capable of learning "every language, even if there isn't a lot of text available to learn from... that is a superpower that people dreamed of forever and AI is going to deliver that within our lifetimes..."
Data (Web-presence text) scarcity is a big hurdle... Direct speech-to-speech translation models can enable translations...
Test and improve translation models...
"Just train for the next match..." - Vinicius Junior (2024 FIFA Best Player of the Year)
Deep researching never ends...
Mulalu [Mad] Daydream in 2001 at Makerere College School (Macos): Radio devices can transcribe what is spoken on air plus translate it (even for deaf people)... Classroom dictation since O-Level especially History (because it is based on facts and truth) made me believe that possibility... I even wrote down lyrics from songs playing on radio. The toughest part was BBC football commentary, but tried very hard to keep up with the pace. Imagined that a machine would do it faster than me... Imagine listening to a Lugbara radio drama or song and getting real-time translation on a screen plus audio...
Word Interchange Theory (WIT) in 2005 (Inspired by 1996): Answers come from the combination of already-known words (letters and numbers)...
Lugbara Kari [House of Lugbara]...
Where the Old [Dezaru] and New [O'diru] meet...
Lugbara Broadcast...
TRIVIA: Ayivu, Maracha, Terego and Vurra are the four main Lugbara clans in Uganda. Aringa is considered low Lugbara (though they want to stand alone as a tribe) and Koboko (Kakwaland) has place names in Lugbarati especially near Lugbaraland. Some Madi Okollo dialects are mutually intelligible with Lugbara, a language whose speakers are believed to have broken away from the Madi near Juba in South Sudan after migrating from Nigeria. The Madi called them "Lugba [Desert dates] ni". Lugbara were hired to cut sugarcanes in Masindi, Lugazi (Mukono), Kakira (Jinja), etc and many settled in those areas...
There are nine Lugbara clans in DR Congo...
In South Sudan, Lugbara extend as (A)zande...
Arua is at the Heart of West Nile (and the ancient Lado Kingdom)...
Speech-To-Text (STT)...
Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) is used in Twitter (X) Spaces, Google Meet, etc...
Model Context Protocol (MCP)...
Synthetic Lugbara-Processing (SLP) Research/ Lugbara Training Library/ Deep Learning Indaba (Symposium) ARUA... From Google Translate to Sunbird AI (Ugandan project), Meta AI, Sigma.AI, etc, the possibilities for Lugbara AI are limitless...
Ojapi Audio-to-text Converter (Bypassing the Language Barrier): Transcribe, translate, chat...
Informative Synthetic Encoder (ISE) - No. 031224, is a database collection of parallel Lugbara-to-English phrases pulled through audio-textual translation (ATT). The work of ISE is to input data from audio or text documents, pull translations, spot inconsistencies and errors (by verifying entries), understand plus generate new insightful parallels. It stores the translations made for data-hopping...
You do not have to be a carpenter to use a hammer, neither do you have to be technical like a coder, computer engineer nor data scientist to train AI...
Artificial Intelligence Knowledge Organiser...
(Creative Commons) AikoGraphics (2003-Now)