During the Afro-Arab conference in Kampala, Uganda (March 2008), my Muslim brother Muammar Gaddafi, the great African leader from Libya had the boldness and controversial audacity to claim that the Bible is a hoax. Come to think of it, Christians say that the Quran is a rip-off from the Bible, so doesn’t that mean that the score of this eye-opening debate is tied at 2-2 after extra time for neutrals? We will henceforth go for the penultimate stage: the penalty shootout in my own words, so to say, because GOD will have the final word on Judgement day.
I grew up in an Anglican Christian family and went through most of the sacraments of faith so I will not distance myself from the Bible promoters. It’s the Bible that introduced me to the wonderful idea of fearing GOD but I felt far from him nonetheless. Even accepting Jesus into my rotten heart changed things for a while but I started slipping back to the past. Sin is a daily temptation. As a saved individual I always remembered that. However, there was no way the Bible could control my weaknesses yet its primary message is that our sins are forgiven through the cross. Someone may manipulate this privilege and crucify the Christ several times. The struggle can also be felt by those converting from Islam to Christianity. We all seek forgiveness and righteousness, not just salvation. Jesus actually warned that, “Not all who call me ‘Lord, Lord’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”
Meanwhile, I reasoned that since Islam is very strict on following GOD’s law, it would be wise to borrow the good teachings that help you do away with this tendency. Isn’t the Holy Spirit supposed to help us in this fight? Why do Muslims say that Jesus preached about the coming of Prophet Muhammad as the helper of the brethren but bible compilers blotted out that story? Couldn’t that have been the basis of Gaddafi’s remarks?
To some extent, I know that the bible was tampered with though I believe it is inspired scripture also. I became a Muslim on Sunday 1 September 2002 in the presence of my initiator, a staunch Pakistani believer, and a Ugandan Catholic who did not believe my decision simply because I was tired of living a hypocritical life of “sinning no more” as the Good Book proclaims. I had accepted Christ into my heart on Tuesday 2 December 1997 but sin was still in my veins. Jesus is Lord, every sheik and imam should believe that, but it takes your effort plus the work of GOD’s spirit to make you a new creature. Whether the Bible is a hoax or not must be determined by whether GOD will accept you into Heaven for following its teachings or just Christian traditions mixed with a compromising lifestyle.