GOD is great, first and foremost...
JESUS saves...
Let the Holy Spirit guide you...
Life is 33 percent bitter by default; just enjoy the remaining 67 percent sweetness...
Pray, pray, pray...
Depression is a choice...
Your struggle is your strength...
Do not kill yourself, nor cause nor assist someone else commit suicide...
Suicide is not an option...
Bad things end...
Rejection is redirection...
Death is a gateway to eternity...
Everyone is entitled to 120 years on Earth...
Count your blessings...
Fasting allows your spirit to hear from GOD...
Some scars do not heal and disappear, but remind you of the past wounds forever...
When you lose, accept defeat...
Train, prepare for new opportunities...
Something good will happen the day after tomorrow...
Mindshifting sidesteps depression...
Do not seek validation from people who despise you...
Be yourself; those who do not like you can go drink water, chemically called H2O...
Words cannot kill unless you let them...
The Devil caused Prophet Job's problems, with GOD's permission...
Get through the trial of pain, lack, loss and other disappointments...
Suicide is a ticket to Hell...
Gain from your pain...
Don't panic...
Stay calm...
Depression is not a monster...
Blue Elephant: With GOD's help, you are bigger than all your problems combined...
Life is hard, but GOD is harder by far...
(CC) Jaku