
Arua Pioneer Decorators

(Original APD Logo designed by Aiko)

Established in June 2002 by my mum Liz, eldest sister Gladys, Aunties Kevin and Grace plus Beatrice, Jackie and Ayikoru (though the latter quit), this Group of Women has been planning and organizing weddings in West Nile’s capital and surrounding regions including Sudan. If you attended any fizzling wedding in the last half-dozen years while in Arua, it might have been their work of wonder. To make weddings memorable, they always invite their clients to choose the colours they fancy plus other specific preferences before doing the rest of the work.
Contacts: Box 1085 Arua, West Nile (Uganda) East Africa… Mobile: (0772) 574 989 and (0772) 950 346

Now on organizing the Best Parties in the Whole World, someone once said that:

“You do all the work
And when the night (or day) comes
Everything is organic and natural
Make sure everybody’s having a good time
Sit with a friend and enjoy yourself…”