
... An Indian in State House Entebbe?

“Blimey, Yes We Can…” could also become a slogan for Indian Ugandans. Now that Obama is the first Black American in the White House, I think it might just be the opening of a door for the Patels in the Pearl of Africa to dream about taking over State House. Who said an Indian should not become Ugandan President or join Parliament? One of the Speakers in Parliament's History was a South Asian, right? How about this Indian parliamentarian from the East of Ug and Katongole Singh? More are coming up.

Sometimes I wish Amin had not chased them away (despite the economic threat they posed), they would have had better chances probably. Every human must have equal rights, first were the women, then blacks and next foreigners in Africa will have their chance. I have no problem seeing Indians prosper in my home country Uganda. As long as I can enjoy their success without being patronized, I’m okay with that. The only thing I object to are their multiple gods, that’s all. Otherwise East Africans should also beware ‘coz if the EAC federation comes through, then ‘Why Not?’. Imagine an Indian ruling Obama’s ancestral region ...