
YESU Mag: Kawuula

Kawuula, translated from Luganda, refers to Marine spirits. In Shona mythology (Zimbabwe), mermaids are called Njuzu and considered water goddesses. In Lugbara (my mother tongue), they can be tagged as Orindi onzi [Bad spirit], Adroanzi [GOD's children, white-bodied nightfollowers with one leg and one arm or Waterspirits] plus A'bi'ba [Ancestor people] which sounds fanciful just like Succubus or Spirit wife (for men) and Incubus or Spirit husband (for women) but they are very dangerous parasites. Personally, I think of them as "Invisible frenemies" because they come seductively to steal, kill and destroy; Kawuula spirits take away your breakthroughs, finances (probably at least 50 shekels like Exodus 22:16-17; Deuteronomy 22:28-29), mental peace, body health, success, favour, destiny, marriage, sperms, blessings, fetuses plus impregnate women (with stolen seed). One lady once confessed that she dreamt of me and woke up pregnant yet we never had physical contact, but still asked me to be her daughter's godfather. Of course I love her as a very good and mature friend (I do not get bored talking to her even for two consecutive hours) but have never imagined myself in the same bed with her. Nigerians label these spirits Karishika while South Africans view them as Tokoloshi. No matter how they are called, they are just Water Demons like the Legion which JESUS exorcised into a huge herd of pigs that ran and drowned in the water (Luke 8:26-33). Adam had a spirit wife named Lilith; she always wanted to be on top during intercourse. It is written somewhere that Demons are Fallen Angels while evil spirits are the entities that remained when the Giants perished in Noah's Flood. However, when I refer to Kawuula, I want to generalise all wicked principalities, powers, beings and spirits including sex-demon spirits plus those of the Daughters of Men (impregnated by the 200 Watchers in Genesis 6) who according to Enoch 19:2 were turned into Sirens by GOD. Enoch was the great-grandfather of Noah and became the 1st Person to go to Heaven alive at the age of 365. His three books deserve to be in the Old Testament preferably after if not before Genesis by Moses because he reveals these creatures under the sea; these are not heresies! A scientific expedition in the ocean area near Europe (though some claim is a pseudo docu-film) discovered the existence of Mermaid-like creatures that only respond to a certain sound frequency plus move too fast together. Camera footage was slowed down to get a glimpse of one of them who peeped into the submerged research vessel where two men were searching for them; face looked similar to humans but hands were webbed and scaly. These creatures understand human speech and are believed to have a home down under sea level. Edgar Cayce, the American "Sleeping Prophet" claimed to have seen the continent of Atlantis between Africa, Europe and America, now beneath sea level. You can see cinematic glimpses of that flashy underwater continent in "The King's Daughter (2022 film)" starring Pierce Brosnan who acts as King Louis XIV. His quest for immortality leads him to capture and steal a mermaid's life force, but his move is complicated by his illegitimate daughter's discovery of the creature (played by Fan Bingbing). The mermaid face in the film reminds me of the one in the documentary. How do you explain Bermuda Triangle mysteries? There must be a lot of undiscovered life under the ocean water like near India where many magical things happen too. Where is Mystery Babylon, the great, Mother of prostitutes and abominations of the earth? Is she just a parable and symbol in Revelation 17, 18 & 19 or a real spirit person like Jezebel? Could she be the Queen of the Coast? How about Anita in Nigeria (who features in "Church Mafia (book)"? Meanwhile, the Jinn [Majini] in the Koran or Genie in Aladdin (Disney story) were created from smokeless fire and reside in the desert but have great power. If the Prince of Persia (or maybe even the Prince of Greece) can block prayers for 21 days (Daniel 10:13) in GOD's universe, then Kawuula can also sleep with humans. This post is not a film script, screenplay nor an attack on any person but personal research about these evil creatures after a WhatsApp friend named Lydia Skosana in Gauteng (Republic of South Africa) told me she was going to write a book about Marine Spirits. Nevertheless, there is a movie by the same title produced by Manisoor Ntege. It highlights the struggle of a couple to unbind the chains of witchcraft in their home after the husband breaks the charm used to keep him away from other women. Available in English, the movie is also translated into Luganda by VJ Emmy, Katandika butandisi [Just getting started].

Growing up on Spire Road in Jinja (Uganda), there was a rumour that a red merman existed on the southend of the community school. When I checked there, I only saw mysterious trees with very weird canopies, not the feared creature but the Lake Victoria marsh is not very far from the school fence. Boats would capsize plus villagers drown and it would be blamed on the lake people who pulled their victims to the bottom of the lake; I actually had swimming phobia because of that dangerous possibility and only did it in shallow ponds like one in Naguru (Kampala) before 1995. We called it "dubi". I did not watch the entire Little Mermaid (animation) until my late 20s but Aquamarine is still my favourite mermaid story. One sunny afternoon in 2013, I walked to the lake shore at Jinja Sailing Club and some extremely beautiful women suddenly appeared on my left. Without even opening their mouths, either I heard telepathically or imagined from the piercing way they looked at me that they were probably saying: Let us go across the lake in a boat! I'm always skeptical about very beautiful strangers near water bodies. During childhood, I had wanted to go to the other side of Jinja and get magic powers, but knowing now that magic is devilish, I stayed behind. Were they mermaids or water women in long dresses like Tanzanian coastal ladies? Only GOD knows. Dagon to whom the Philistines offered a great sacrifice and praised for delivering their enemy Samson into their hands (Judges 16:23) was part man, part fish and hence a merman. Historically, Dagon was a god of fertility representing wheat and fish which multiply quickly. He is mentioned again in 1st Samuel 5:1-12 falling down before the Ark of GOD. The Starbucks Coffee logo features the image of a mermaid; it has gone through several modifications but the original was more blatant. Van Helsing (2004 film) features three women of darkness, the brides of Dracula who are seductively beautiful on the outside surface but terribly ugly on the inside like vampires: Verona, Aleera and Marishka can fly with wings. In Greek mythology, a siren is a flesheating part-bird, part-human demon. Healthwise, we attribute some phenomena like wet dreams or nocturnal emissions to physical causes like high testesterone production, less sexual activity, romantic fantasy, etc but they might actually have spiritual roots like Omuzimu gwa Nankya [Ghost of Nankya]: You dream of her French-kissing you and wake up ejaculating. Sometimes a deep unusual sleep like the cousin of death overcomes you and you wake up in a pool of your own semen without any recollection of what might have happened.

On YouTube, it is claimed that the Most High revealed to Pastor Tom Sembera (Life Resurrection Centre Church in Ave Maria, Nsambya [Kampala City]) the origin of the Marine spirit, Queen of the Coast, ocean spirits, spirits from the Deep called Kawuula in Luganda. Basically, it is those Sex demons that lie with you in dreams or while awake, spirits of masturbation, sexual immoralities, spirits of "Almost there but not there" and much more. This class of demons is responsible for all the whoredom we live in today. Sembera's teachings can be heard live or recorded on Joy FM 104.5 and Life TV. When he refers to these creatures as Kawuula Omugwagwa, it means they are "reprobate Marine spirits" like the sinful, unrepentant humanity Apostle Paul describes in Romans 1:18-32. I was born and raised Anglican, became a Savedee (Bornagain) in 1997 which meant I could visit Pentecostal churches like KPC (Watoto), studied in a Catholic school from age 13 to 16, then turned Muslim at 18 but prayed to the Devil at least thrice though the first time was unknowingly; I thought Lucifer was the name of the Most Beautiful Angel of GOD. The 2nd time was to kill a classmate who kept calling me "daft, stupid, fake and boring (2001)". This crucible experience taught me to handle criticism like kasasiro [rubbish]: break, burn, decompose or reuse. Forgive those who belittle you since hate in the heart can open doors for Kawuula to visit in the guise of soothing you. The 3rd time was to choose for me a girlfriend (2005) after growing apart with a babe I wanted to marry. I was angry with GOD again; what kind of father gives his son a stone yet he asked for bread? Probably a father who knows that the stone which contains a valuable mineral can actually buy a whole bakery when sold. Can you imagine small diamond stones made Sierra Leone go to war and shed blood. You ask GOD for fish and HE gives you a net. Instead of cussing at HIM, find a way to use that net, maybe you will catch enough fish that almost breaks the net (John 21:6). I pray GOD pardons me, in the name of JESUS, for going the wrong way! Be careful what you ask for, you might receive it. As a kid in Kyebando, after watching "Sayonara (Nigerian film)" where a spirit woman clad in a minidress would appear late at night, sit on top of a dressed man sleeping in his bed and seemingly have intercourse with him before getting off and leaving unnoticed, I prayed for the same thing to happen to me. It was a very silly, ignorant prayer I shouldn't have spoken! I once had a dream where I was defiled by a creature with three breasts like the one in Total Recall films, but it was Dark Black and tough-skinned like an animal; I woke up with throbbing pain. Many erotic things happened on other nights involving faces I knew but it was probably Kawuula tricking me. On Tuesday 2nd December 1997, I gave up my mission of starting Uganda's pioneer 24/7 Porn TV station and accepted JESUS into my heart plus decided to serve GOD instead of my flesh but lust does not go away forever. It's better to get married than burn with uncontrollable passion (1st Corinthians 7:9). Why suffer the vengeance of eternal fire yet JESUS was crucified for our lust? The first time I slept in a girl's bed was around 1991 (Primary 2), started masturbating in 1997 (just before joining Senior 1) but saw my first erotic dream in 2001 (Senior 5), Toni Braxton. Was that Kawuula disguised as one of my favourite childhood singers? Sirens are actually rumoured to compose some of the hitsongs we listen to. I have seen other American singers plus real-world females I fancied in my wet dreams but weren't those just water spirits in their forms? One night in Twenty21, I saw through my dreameye a scaly body like a mermaid's abdomen or Medusa-like body suddenly fall off me and descend downwards on my right after a circle of light opened up in the sky like Heaven was angry with what it was trying to do to me. GOD can wake you up to pray against incoming attacks of the Enemy. During the day, I got a sudden call to do some tradigital work; I needed that money. Don't these creatures try to steal our finances and destinies? Maybe my mind was just playing tricks on me, but every dreamvision has an interpretation; they are not just hopeless imaginations. Some of the artificial hair sold in salons is allegedly from Medusa (This half-woman, half-serpent creature is portrayed in a film called "Clash of the Titans"); that is one reason why I do not fancy weaves and kiwani hair. There is something very spiritual about hair. One lady got a bodaboda accident where her artificial hair got entangled in the rear motorbike wheel and she was dragged on the road for some distance, almost tore off a scalp. There is nothing wrong with a woman being natural! Personally, my best hairstyle is a clean-shaven Shaolin cut. After my final exam paper before graduation at UCU Mukono in 2006, I started working for my 2nd paternal uncle the following week at Daisy's Arcade on Buganda Road, opposite Hotel Triangle. One midday, I went to Cineplex Cinema looking for a job but instead found a lunchtime fellowship led by Pastor Sembera. Since it looked engaging, I decided to attend. The music was lively and testimonies uplifting; they mentioned money breakthroughs or Omukisa Gw'ekibuga [Favour of the city], something I was looking for. I liked Pastor Tom and even though he confessed that he used to practise witchcraft, I did not mind: We all have skeletons in the closet or redwagons from our pasts. He called his church a business, but I guess they are mandated to collect GOD's money from believers, minimum 10 percent church tax. The anointing oil applied on the forehead or hand during offertory smelt weird like it had been mixed with other things but it was all good. The fellowship was held near the Devil's altar at DV8 but I took it as a way to counter the adversary. Telling people with offertory above 10,000 UgX to run first for the blessing before others made me uncomfortable but I forgave it all. Then one very unusual sunrise while walking to work, with 5,000 in my pocket which I planned to tithe in the fellowship, I heard a mysterious voice whisper in my right ear that I was about to meet the Devil: I saw a red man like a Congolese or Himba from Namibia (with eraka soil or ochre smeared on the skin) and cut through the parked cars to my right. There was absolutely nobody else on that sidewalk. I do not know why the encounter happened but maybe he wanted to tempt me like he tried JESUS in the wilderness: All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me. Why should I leave GOD who created the Cosmos and worship a thief who was thrown out of Heaven? Earth is just a small fraction of GOD's entire architecture. I later learnt from some reformed lady that this pastor whose lunchtime fellowship I started attending was on the list of the Devil's Pastors. Was he still working secretly for the Devil? I have absolutely no issues with his wife Damalie who sings but also preaches sometimes. GOD bless both of them forever! I once went to his main church for weekday morning consultations before he drives to town for the lunch-hour gig and felt a presence of spirits in the ceiling at the reception. Of course, Revelation 3:1 tells us that GOD has seven spirits but I want to believe there is only one Holy Spirit. Women who applied a lot of shining oil on their skins were working on someone's hair at the reception. To enter the pastor's office, you have to take off your footwear; the interior was glittery. I prayed with him but since he calls himself a prophet, I expected him to reveal a hidden truth about me but it never happened. Maybe I did not bring him enough money but forget that drift. The first time I attended the Sunday service in Nsambya, a scantily dressed female sat on my left. She was clad in a tightfit sunset-orange summerdress like a woman you would see in your wet dreams; her cleavage gap was visible with glitter all over her shoulders and round boobs plus thick thighs were out with glitter too. When GOD says: Come as you are!, I do not think HE means come half-naked even if you spent Saturday night in a disco. Muslim women dress the way the Bible recommends without even struggling to be descent. The only good thing about my neighbour was that I sensed her spirit was calm, so I did not judge her nor panic and ogle at her booty; I tried to focus on GOD. Was she a temptation sent for me? Anyway, she could have been looking for a husband in the House of Prayer by advertising her Winnie Nwagi-esque assets; I wouldn't afford her price. Churches do not enforce dress code yet everybody (including men) has body parts to cover; even women covering their hair because of angels while praying or prophesying is contentious (1st Corinthians 11:2-16). The mural on stage that looked like grey hellflames at the bottom made me a bit uneasy. Despite all these red flags, I reasoned that maybe Pastor Sembera knows somethings about the other side that I do not know. So when he preaches on Marine spirits, am all ears. You can find more about him on!

According to Pastor Tom Sembera, Kawuula is that snake in the beginning that fell from Heaven after Michael and his angels defeated it. The Swahili call it Nyoka ya zamani. Immediately after the Fall, it came after the woman (Israel) in order to destroy her. It is a mermaid spirit: part human, part fish; this is the fish that the Most High gave us dominion over. It is a female disguising as many things and forms. In Buganda, it's called Kawuula, Queen of the Coast, Queen of Water, Mukasa, Kiwanuka, etc. This spirit came into Uganda when our fathers looked for riches. Its headquarters are within Buganda Kingdom which is headed by the Kabaka [King], Katikiro [Prime Minister] plus Kawuula and people worship it. This spirit gets its name from the 3rd head who is responsible for the sorcery activities in the kingdom. He keeps the four drums of Buganda called "Mujaguzo [Celebration]. This is at Ewa Duniya Ku Muzikiti, a huge place in Ndeeba, Kabowa that was intact until the Namasoles [Queen's companions] sold some of it. As soon as it was brought through witchcraft, powerful people would go and summon this spirit to come into the lives of their enemies; that's how it infiltrated the country. It is used to cast a spell [Ekitambo] into relationships: You find a husband washing dishes every night claiming he cannot sleep yet he is just trying to avoid touching his wife; Kawuula has married him and confiscated his marriage. Another husband ejaculates on the floor and gives the excuse that he is still too poor to afford having children yet time is running out for the wife. In Buganda, there are many references to this spirit eg Obweza bwa Mukasa, a genie that lives by the lake. When twins are born, they are handed over to this spirit. This spirit lives on the coast or Marine Kingdom (Underwater) and has many names like Kiwanuka which comes from the ancient riddle "Empugu telya bire [An eagle does not eat clouds]"; an eagle has to come down for meat. This eagle brings blessings from above for those that worship. Kawuula is conniving and mysterious; John the Revelator sees Babylon, the Mother of all whores. This spirit is a shy spiry but does sordid things to people that they cannot tell another. This spirit can only be conquered through the truth and exposing it out loud, hence the Kawuula Omugwagwa Series. Kawuula sucks your wisdom, infiltrates your spiritual realm and brings very bad dreams like: eating with the dead, sleeping in the cemetery, going back to school, failing exams, being chased by animals, sex dreams, etc. It is the owner of masturbation, kinky sex and "Bi feeling ebiva emagombe [Sexual feelings from Hell]". One woman testified that a spirit came in the night and forced anal sex on her; she woke up bruised and in so much pain. Kawuula is a sex maniac. You better run or else it will cost you the Kingdom of Heaven! Keep your relationship with JESUS locked at 100 percent minus any room for errors. Conquer the spirit of Kawuula by learning more. Know where your Kawuula omugwagwa [reprobate Marine spirit] originates from and sort it out there (at the centre)... You cannot chase away flies without removing the stench attracting them. You cannot mop water spilling on the floor without closing the tap... Where were you bewitched? People sleep with dead bodies, they are attacked and troubled... Most people's problems revolve around family, jobs, relationships and land... Our war is spiritual, it means we can wear our armour and attack... Destroy the centre of the anthill or else you waste time at the top... People say: I went to who and he prayed for me, then who and he prayed for me, who also prayed but I did not heal. Why? JESUS freed you for real... HE lived on Earth for 33 years and knew where the demons came from; here HE would heal sickness, there it was poverty, elsewhere HE would fight death. These demons go, the others come, no resting. HE said: No, I have to go to their base, where they come from. Didn't HE go there for three days and come back with the keys that Satan used to chain people? Scripture says: Very very very many people resurrected including those who loved GOD... Pray, fast (do without food) and seek the LORD... Kawuula owns Illuminati, the Sea, those things... Obulamu bwo buwe YESU [Translated from Luganda: Give your life to JESUS]! Saturday 11th December 2021: Our GOD be praised! The power in Thanksgiving is the power that resurrects things that died. Job came out of a very bad state because of discovering the secret of Thanksgiving. His wife woke up early in the morning and told him to forsake GOD and die. Job told her: Will we get only good things from GOD? If that is how GOD has decided, may HIS name be praised! When GOD heard that, HE healed Job from every pain... You have spent a long time praying yet things do not change... Nkusabira, amanyi ga MUKAMA, menya buli ebi lwana nawe: bi Kawuula ebigwagwa [I pray for you, may the power of GOD, break everything fighting with you: these reprobate Marine spirits]!

Allan Kasirye, an Ex-Satanist who worked with Roger Mugisha aka DJ Shadow as a Music Selector at 91.3 FM Capital Radio in Kisementi (Kampala City) said the person who brought sex ghosts to Uganda was a Kenyan named Patrick Otembo, the Sales Representative at the station. He would send those ghosts to schools; when you get married off to those ghosts, you might never marry another person. Something comes and sleeps on you but you do not know what it is. Allan had the ability to see ghosts because he drank animal blood which is forbidden by GOD (Leviticus 17:10). A Ghost can be called Musambwa or Muzimu in Luganda; Demons meanwhile are so ugly that they are labelled Ebimenke but all fall in the class of ghosts. Although monotonous with music selection every hour in the early 2000s, I was always magnetised to listen to Capital Radio and probably heard the Devil's songs many times since he told Allan to play them.

Just because we cannot see Engels (my preferred spelling) does not mean they do not exist. On rare occasions, some people and animals too like Balaam's donkey (Numbers 22:25 and 2nd Peter 2:15) get to see or feel them. Bible warns us to entertain strangers because some of them might actually be angels (Hebrews 13:2). Abraham and his nephew Lot welcomed angels separately before the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. However, not all angels are holy. Some are like the wicked aliens in movies and can wear camouflage skins. We know that we are of GOD, and the whole world lies under the sway of the wicked one (1st John 5:19). A Congolese neighbour in Anyafio suburb of Arua once brought a prostitute woman to his muzigo [rented home] and before they started humping, he told her he was going to switch off the light. The woman told him not to bother moving away from the bed and elongated her hand abnormally to press the distant wall switch. Frightened by the long stretch of her arm, he screamed until neighbours came but the woman had already vanished.

Why aren't the books of 1st, 2nd and 3rd Enoch included in the Bible? Nothing can remain secret forever. Hebrews 11:5 says, "By faith Enoch was taken away so that he did not see death, 'and was not found, because GOD had taken him', for before he was taken he had this testimony, that he pleased GOD." How come the books of the man who pleased GOD are forbidden from the Bible? Matthew 22:29-30 asserts to his writings: You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of GOD. Jude writes in verse 14 and 15 that Enoch, the seventh from Adam prophesied about ungodly people who will be judged when the Lord comes with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones. The first time I sat down in Arua to seriously read the books of Enoch, a flying cockroach sunk its mandibles into my left calf close to midnight; it was so painful that I reasoned it must have been an evil spirit possessing or shapeshifting into a crawler like in Men In Black (film). Everytime I tried to watch a certain movie about a "Prodigal Daughter" whether at home or at school around 2002, power would go off; it was really spooky and had a scene where the interior walls turned demonic black! In Enoch 15, Enoch tells Azazel the fallen Watcher (Leviticus 16) that the sons of the Giants would become demons. Prophet Enoch details the 200 Watchers who left Heaven to sleep with beautiful earthly women. He also prophesies in Enoch 96:2 that when JESUS comes back and judges the Earth, the sirens will weep.

According to Mosaic Law of the Bible, a nocturnal emission is ritual defilement (Leviticus 15:16-17 and Deuteronomy 23:9-11). According to Muslim scholars, ejaculation makes you ritually impure, a condition known as Junub. You must have a Ghusl (which consists of ablution followed by bathing the entire body so that not a single hair remains dry). In European folklore (according to Wikipedia), nocturnal emissions were believed to be caused by a succubus copulating with an individual in the night, an event associated with sleep paralysis and possibly night terrors.

Makhado Sinthumule Ramabulana (+27769779568; in his book entitled "Church Mafia" warns that: Pastors who are members of secret societies, occult groups or who practise witchcraft, make use of the same Occult titles of spiritual sons, spiritual daughters, spiritual fathers and spiritual mothers. This is actually a demonic spiritual family because as times go by, the spiritual daughters will be attacked by spiritual husbands... That person will be influenced and controlled by a spell. This is what we call a cult, and it can only be broken in the spirit through a powerful prayer... Occult Prophets use Marine spirits to prophesy... In most cases, people who use Marine water claim to be underwater and find themselves married to what we call spiritual husbands and spiritual wives... You might be looking for a job or a child; do not fall into the trap of the deceiver. The enemy knows your needs as well and if you are not matured and careful, the enemy will trick you. Desperation can lead a person straight into the camp of Satan... A lot of people walk around carrying evil spirits that are secretly hidden in the so-called holy oils, holy water, holy salts, wristbands and car stickers of their leaders, which they use on a daily basis.

Succubus Demon...

Erica Mukisa Kimani, who grew up in Jinja like me, served the Devil for 18 years and almost became his bride but was delivered by JESUS. In her book Erica Part 1 (Seven Years In Hell), she mentions a gigantic silver fish in Lake Victoria that can fit 15 humans from different altars around the earth and transport them to the Underworld beyond Busogaland. As a Jinja kid in the 90s reading postage stamps, I actually believed Hell was at Namugongo Shrine in Kampala and every sinner carries his own firewood; the closest I went there was Namugongo SS, never been a pilgrim. In Part 2 (Eighteen Years With Lucifer), Erica reveals in Chapter Eight (Sin City) that there are three goddesses: Water Mummy, her daughter (Queen of the Coast who is half-woman, half-fish) and Jezebel the god of sin (who is half-woman, half-snake). They can change into very attractive women to seduce men on earth, taking advantage of them in sexual dreams in order to increase the number of spiritual children (soldiers) against GOD. Jezebel is Satan's strongest demon (present in Potiphar's wife and similar to Delilah). Why advertise bread with half-naked women? Jezebel wants men and women to fight over rights, feminist emancipation and equality. It is the spirit behind pornography, disco, prostitution, human-trafficking, drugs, corruption, injustice, bribery, adultery, divorce, fornication and abortion. In Part 3 (Witchcraft & Spiritual Warfare), she wrote: When ministers go to the Marine Kingdom, they enter into an agreement with Jezebel who connects them to a demon called Mami Wata (Water Mother) and the Queen of the Coast. Their meeting place on Earth is in India... These pastors are given satanic rings (with) power to command people to give to the ministry without thinking... The reason a marine spirit can take advantage of a human being and marry them even without their knowledge is usually as a result of past immorality or even sexual abuse... rape... perversion including masturbation... insatiable lust... The human body is 70 percent water. This means the human body can be a dwelling place of marine spirits... The only way of dealing with a spirit spouse is close all legal loopholes of sin through thorough repentance and the renouncing of every act of immorality... The original Starbucks symbol was a halfnaked mermaid with her legs spread... Those who worship Satan do appear to excel in business but at a very great personal cost... In Erica 4 (Death, Hell & Heaven), the former witch revealed that: Michael Jackson (a copy of the Angel of Death) initiated Usher Raymond (who) was covenanted by marine spirits in order to distribute spirits of immorality into his fanbase... These (unsuspecting) fans would be sexually molested by these spirits... It is in the eye of Hell that Erica saw the marine kingdom, Jezebel, Queen of the Air, Queen of the Sea and Queen of the Coast...

In Advanced Level (2001-2), Usher Raymond's song "Help Me" was my soundtrack music. I do not know if it was a spiritual invitation for a marine girl to come to me everytime I sang it but that was the same period I started seeing erotic dreams; first one happened in KLA City. Although it sounded funny, a WhatsApp friend advised me to always pray for my private parts too before sleep to ward off these spirits. I used to get dreamvisions in Arua that would inform me that I was about to meet someone strange and needed to pay very keen attention. During the day, someone would come to sell me soap, oil, canned foodstuffs or vaseline. They all had a similar hairy body scent but most times I did not purchase their products. One time, two ladies came by and one of them had a T-shirt with my first name emblazoned across her chest; what a funny coincidence though it was a Michael Jackson-lookalike character in a vampire series many people loved around the world! One girl named like the female protagonist in the film series once asked me if we could spark a romantic relationship together, but I figured her obsession with the series might have ignited that desire; I hope it was just a joke because I had never met her in reallife. I felt like supporting the hawker but was quite broke, just continued my brickwork. However, the T-shirt kept me wondering if I wasn't a target with some of these strange oils, soaps and edibles that cause weird sexual urges. At night, you even get strange wet dreams as a result of these unusual perfumes. It's like they ignite irresistible forbidden lust inside your spirit; LORD have mercy!

Abstain, Be faithful if married or betrothed and Christ can save from Kawuula, not Condoms (ABC)!

Like Maurice Kirya (featuring Ruyonga) sings: You're not real, you're a ghost; it's an illusion. Kawuula, get away from me!

Our Father, deliver us from Evil! 

May the Almighty GOD save us from Kawuula, in the name of JESUS; amen!