
Depression Is Not A Monster (2024 Book by Aiko)

Life is absolutely very very very depressing, but Depression is a choice...

DEPRESSION TEST (Got 6 out of 8 which is 75 percent/ Less than 2 is Unlikely to be depressed; 2 to 4 is Mild depression while more than 5 is Highly depressed):
Do you have little interest or pleasure in doing things?
Do you feel hopeless or down?
Do you have trouble getting to sleep or feel you are sleeping way too much or more than normal?
Do you have little energy or feel constantly tired?
Are you overeating or have poor appetite?
Do you feel like a failure or that you've let someone down?
Do you have trouble concentrating?
Have you had any harmful thoughts towards yourself?

Depression is addiction to sadness; euphoria is addiction to happiness...

Every descendant of Noah is entitled to 120 years of pain and pleasure...

Trip out...

Pray, eat, work (PEW)...

Synthetic happiness neutralises depression...

The joy of the LORD is my strength...

Depression is a manageable mental disorder...

Get over the Big D...

Suicide is a permanent solution to temporary problems...

Find coping mechanisms...

GOD doesn't make you tall so that you belittle short people, but help them paint, play basketball or fix bulbs, etc...

Death is bitter, but resurrection is sweet...

Just because somebody calls me ugly (or whatever) doesn't mean I'll apply a kilo of makeup to impress that person...

Give someone a purpose to live (Viktor Frankl, Holocaust survivor who wrote "Man's Search For Meaning")...

Eat healthy...

Some people have everything, but still feel depressed...

The standards of culture hijack our peace with junk values...

Brace yourself for a century of pain and satisfaction...

We magnify depression instead of magnifying GOD who gives us joy in the Holy Ghost...

Laugh at the jokes cracked about you...

Exercise gets you out of your head and into your body...

There were no homosexuals on Noah's Ark; GOD destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (plus Gibeah) because of homos...

Make a list of your milestones and achievements...

Death is temporary, resurrection will be permanent...


Join the Hippo Campus (Depression Uganda)...

Unemployment is freedom to study or start up your own business...

Pause and pray; repray...

There are three types of sleep: Monophasic where we sleep for a portion of 24 hours; Biphasic is for a large portion of the night and a nap during day while Polyphasic is for babies and how we were born to sleep, on and off as the body needs...

Remove I from Mental Illness and add We, you will be ok...

Death is the cousin of sleep...

Diseases heal in the name of JESUS Christ of Nazareth...


Every disease has its medicine...

Try making yourself happy...

Getting dumped is a oneway ticket to finding another (if not better) lover...

Don't worry, be happy...

Find a reason for breathing...

We are taught a misleading story of what satisfies a human being; enjoy simple delights...

Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) is a choice...

Mento Helth is the phonetic spelling of Mental Health. It's a play on words to highlight the fact that no matter your situation in life or state of mind, make sure your mental focus rhymes with the ideal even if skewed...

In the name of JESUS Christ of Nazareth, be healed from your mental sickness...

"If you have a problem, then just look up to Heaven..." - oneway, Ch.39 (Lucid dreamvision on Monday 4th October 2004)

JESUS saves...

The Highest Prosperity is to be in the presence of YA(HWEH)...

Only GOD is invincible...

Use GOD's help, not your own...

Rest is not a waste of time...

Mbu depression is a monster; this is our planet! Bring it on, we will slay the jabberwocky...

Pray, pray, pray...

I do not need a car nor a lot of money to be happy...

Protect us, LORD, from mental danger...

Depression is reversible...

I told my dad that he was a richman and he said I was just mocking him; wealth is contentment with whatever GOD has given...

Can't stop having these visions (Kid Cudi)...

The fragile can cry anytime...

I don't wanna die tonight (Babyface)...

Be the best version of yourself...

Left, right, JESUS Christ (Joseph Katamba)...

Someone is better than you; deal with it...

Peace of mind is hiding in a bomb shelter in your mind...

Live with the pain from the past...

Either you are honoured or considered a nobody, but honour GOD more than those who lower you...

YESU, beera nange (Judith Babirye)...

Gratitude v Grumbling...

Forgiving is very easy, but forgetting is impossible. Even angels record all our thoughts and deeds...

Find an escape plan...

Depression is in the mind, not body...

Everything comes from GOD above; the Devil tries to ruin your blessings...

GOD can solve any problem; focus on HIM alone...

Express yourself...

GOD's Time heals...

Emotional abuse leaves mental scars while physical abuse leaves bodily scars...

When Invincibles are losing, they draw...

Give to GOD what belongs to Caesar; pay tithe (Church tax) or give offerings...

Depression is not a monster (Jabberwocky); it's a choice...

We exist in different timezones...

The Devil uses human beings to rob, kill and destroy fellow human beings; watch your back...

When you fail, pray...

Jobs everywhere...

Depression is like a pit (abyss) you fall into; keep looking up and out, not down...

Stand firm, resist, fight, overcome depression...

Words heal; they can only kill you if you let them...

David used only one stone out of five to defeat Goliath the giant...

Live in the now, present, today...

When belittled, stay very calm and wait for a GOD-sent edifying moment to release the latent tension...

"JESUS, I need You! Every moment, I need You..." - Hillsong

Boast about your weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions and difficulties like in 2nd Corinthians 12:10...

Use positive affirmations in your subconscious mind to heal yourself...

It's money we want, not work...

Hospital, prison and the grave always try to swallow us like a red dragon...

Work cannot end...

How does it feel at the bottom? Hallelujah...

Because of whatever we go through, everybody finds a thinking pattern to help them cope with stressful struggles...

Cruel words cut like a knife, but kind counter-words heal like CAF salts...

Create your own jobs...

Admit defeat quickly and move on...

Abawala banji abalungi mubunji...

When sb tries to hurt you in order to test if you love them, there are more than only two outright conclusions; the third one is indifference: No reaction when you actually do not like what they do...

Tough love sucks...

There is Armageddon in the brain; soldier on...

Say: Thank you! Awa'difo...

Depression is endless focus on negativity instead of deliberate mindshifting...

Turn curses directed at you into blessings...

Death is like departing to a different city...

Believers do not die, they sleep in JESUS awaiting resurrection and Judgement Day (2nd Thessalonians 4:13-18)...

Words make the world go round...

Mental Illness is overused...

Minimalism is poverty by choice...

Fix your thoughts on JESUS, our Apostle and High Priest (Hebrews 3:1)...

Accept failure only when your time is up, but celebrate victory too...

A friend cannot betray; traitors are just enemies pretending to be friends like fr-enemies...

Reply greetings, not insults...

Money can't buy love: Even if the Devil gave me 666 Trillion UGX, I wouldn't love him more than GOD who always gives me 90 percent of whatever HE gives me...

Thank YOU, LORD...

Give to GOD what belongs to Caesar...

Wabi-sabi is a Japanese mindset that empowers you to accept your imperfections, failures, etc so that you can enjoy the beauty in life...

GOD has given you the freedom of mindshifting...

I'm the 2nd son and 2nd last sibling among 7 children; closer to the bottom than top but my mind stays focussed on the MOST HIGH who put me there...

Stay scheming...

You cannot impress everyone...

Be yourself, millipedes do not apologise for having many legs instead of two or four...

What shall we drink? Rainwater. What shall we eat? Grass (which includes maize, rice, wheat, etc besides lawngrass). What shall we wear? Mivumba [Used clothes]. GOD provides; #Temutukoya...

The world has mountains and trenches...

Stress free...

Do not compare your poverty to other people's wealth...

Every animal has its own problems...

With GOD's help, you can breathe under life's floodlike problems...

Know your role and play it well...

Keep focussed on GOD...


I used to be called mulalu [mad] at Makerere College School (Macos), but it was all just comedy on my part; I do not throw stones...

Walkswagon™: Keep walking...

Tough love is half love...

In sickness and poverty, let's roll...

After a bad event, heal and recover...

Rejection is freedom to try elsewhere (somewhere better)...

Autoblocking shuts out negativity from critics, Lady Joanita Nagawa taught me that...

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you...

When insults, criticisms or rebukes sip through psychological dykes and reach down to the heart, they build up cancerous lumps of hate which can turn into devilish malice unless you detox through forgiveness. During Senior 5, I almost killed a classmate at Makerere College School (Macos) because I was tired of him calling me "Daft, stupid, fake and boring" just because I was quiet. Everyone gets bored, but you never hear me yapping about it nor yawning. I had a right to remain silent; even my academic grades were usually better than his whenever he compared our test marks until he gave up but I never rubbed it in. I knew a lot about Arsenal which he wanted to be entertained about, but also knew the pain their failures caused to fans (It was my 4th season as a Gooner since Michael Jordan had retired)...

Insults or rebukes are like missiles; you need an Iron Dome defence in your mind to counter the projectiles: Someone tells you that you are poor, but you know your CREATOR owns everything and can chop for you a share any hour. Your own thoughts can nullify criticism sent through your eyes or ears instead of letting it reach your heart and causing turmoil. Peace is a choice...

The last will be first...

Depression is a mindtrick...

Do not be overawed when others grow rich, when the splendour of their houses increases; for they will take nothing with them when they die, their splendour will not descend with them (Psalm 49:16-17)

Like hunger, depression comes and goes...

Endure hardship as discipline (Hebrews 12:7)...

When my father told me one Sunday afternoon that I was unimportant in society, I almost fainted; it wasn't because of the words but the gruesome distress I saw in his facial countenance: It looked like he was sorrowful that I hadn't become a VIP, popular, famous, superrich, very active in society or something. I felt like I had failed my dad after everything I've ever tried to achieve. When visitors come, am introduced as jobless; it's not pleasant but I take it though he described me as a blogger one night when over 30 pipo attended a party at home: To be honest, am an Artist. Another night, he told me I was unsocial and a dark gloom covered me until my ex-heartthrob lifted it away about 83 minutes later with a sudden Facebook message before midnight; she had been recovering in Kampala from the death of her own father three months behind. It's like GOD whispered and asked her to reach out to me coz I was planning to just sleep and wake up refreshed from my quicksand moment, Apocalypto...

The heart may hurt, but the mind shouldn't mind...

Free your mind...

When you are brought low, exalt the LORD...

Greet people, if they do not respond, it's not your problem...

I'm Black and Lugbara till I depart from Earth; racism nor tribalism cannot phase me. Fellow Blacks have called me an ape too...

Do not cry...

My mother told me: Afazi mi dri-a yo [Nothing in yo hands] but I loved her more than material wealth...

When you are humble, you cannot be humbled; Mother Teresa knew that...

The Devil will always attack you with problems the way he attacked Job, but defend your mind, soul and body with the Armour of GOD...

I've been called mad, mulalu, depressed, etc, so I created my own personal soul asylum...

Do not kill yourself...

We are all going to leave this Earth, one by one, while others arrive to wait for their turn to also leave...

The Peace of the LORD surpasses all understanding...

My 3rd sister out of 5 Chandiru told me I ashame the family when I wear shorts; so I stopped buying shorts, but fold the lower ends of my trousers...

Every mango seed has a mango tree in it; know your self-worth and grow...

If life makes you feel like a shoe at the bottom, then keep walking...

Detach from painful reality...

Tetujakweta twetuge mbu ki, olwo korona, nana nana (Eezzy)...

I hate it when pipo yawn to express boredom or even complain about it coz it seems disrespectful, weak and primitive as a gesture; blame yourself! It's like complaining about exhaustion instead of resting; quite redundantly dumm! When am hungry, I do not yap about it, I find what to eat, supplied by GOD Almighty the Creator of every edible thing. Bored, find sth interesting; ife amani ande ku...

I went for a party and after serving food, I found my white seat in the sun had been removed. Instead of complaining or asking about it, I simply went and sat on a free chair in the shed near the west wall fence as the sun set. It wasn't even my personal seat in the first place, laughed inside just in case somebody was trying to disrupt me...

At Hotel Africana Kampala (Wampewo Avenue), I unusually sat in the front row at a "high society" workshop for a change. During the public convenience break, a young lady sitted behind me in the second row tried to tease me saying I should vacate my seat becoz her boyfriend was going to come and displace me; it reminded me of a Bible verse about being bounced to the back and humiliated. I calmly told her with compressed anger that I had sat there in the pre-break session and if her boyfriend owned Hotel Africana, then he can come bounce me. She shut up as if disarmed and the men around looked at me with botched smiles, heehee. Why do wannabe bullies try slurs they can't maintain? Conference ended without any more hullabaloo...

In a Kitabuliki (Kyebando Kisalosalo) wooden video shack, a Man Utd dude tried to bounce me during the halftime break in an Arsenal versus Wigan game, but I refused. So, he kept breathing down my neck from behind even when Wigan scored, probably trying to anger me but Arsenal's equaliser by Flamini and then winner by Rosicky made me scream out all my anger instead of fighting him. I left the wannabe bully to eat the seat he wanted to usurp...

During morning parade in Senior 5, a dude studying a different combination plus Fine Art which I had dropped kept knocking my head from behind with his bare knuckles. So I said: That homo touching my head should stop! He backed down...

Continue your journey...

Gossip is free publicity, like fiction...

Pray your way out of your depression...

Whatever negativity haters spit about you reveals what they think about you; seek not their approval, Konshens sang about that: 2moro dem gon...

Welcome to my Mento Helth Klinik...

Alternative thinking...

Endurance is not waiting for the rain to stop falling, but learning how to trap rainwater...

We are just passing through this world...

Empathy is when you see life through another person's eyes, not only yours...

Poverty is an opinion; we are like poverty-minded millionaires. Pipo have assets like life and their hands plus time, but still cry foul...

You are not a breadloser; if GOD can feed birds, then how about you whose thinking surpasses animals?

There is an international boundary between criticism (You look ugly in that dress) and self-worth (I'm beautifully and wonderfully made by GOD); it's called no (wo)man's land...

Give with your heart...

You do not have to be on the Forbes list to feel rich, you have sunshine, rain and a brain to shine...

Money is just a number...

Follow the process...

The lion is considered the king of the jungle, but eagles, crocodiles, elephants, hippos and rhinos do not give a fig...

I don't care what they say...

"Bangamba sibisobola... Naye manyi, manyi nti MUKAMA jali [They told me I can't... But I know, I know that the LORD is there]..." - Katalina Mezu ("I'm Blessed")

"I will not kow tow in your pow wow..." - Fred Mukasa Mbidde

What are your milestones?

When the woman you once loved the most tells you she despises your intelligence these days, you start wondering why knowledge puffs up...

Fear GOD, not witches...

"When you lose, improve... Take the ball, pass the ball..." - Pep Guardiola

55 Foundation helps pipo help themselves, inspired by my upbeat workmate and tutor Angela Kigozi who I first met in 2009 on Mawanda Road, near Mulago...

Talent • Imagination • Motivation • Endurance...

Pipo heal when they just chill like ice cooling in a freezer...

Every bad thing that happens is an opportunity to cope with pain and learn transition...

Bedwetting can be managed by placing a waterproof material eg macintosh, kavera or a 15,000 UGX thin, foldable synthetic mattress between thicker mattress and bedsheets... I started boarding school in P6 and one demoralising day, I saw my urine-wet mattress hanging on the school wirefence when I walked out of class to ease myself; the matron had found out that I was a bedwetter. I tried various things but improved very little. Some nights, I would ask GOD to help me but instead wake up in a bigger pool of liquid on my bed and exclaim: Why me, LORD? I accepted my thorn in the flesh around O-Level... S2 was one of my worst moments; some nights I would sleep on springs and a blanket only since my mattress had been soaked with water splashed up by bathing students or when it was thrown down onto the path of water used to mop toilet and washingbay floors. That felt really low but decided to start carrying my red macintosh to school during S3. In S4, I overheard a schoolmate say that bedwetters should not pocket. At university, my bedwetting reduced immensely because I was now more liberated and less anxious...

We were born to suffer, enjoy, suffer again, enjoy again, suffer again again; no end...

Patience pays, with a bonus...

"If a circle shuts you out, draw a circle around it..." - Marty Rubin

The kasasiro that pipo spew about you is none of yo biz; just breathe plus enjoy the breeze like Desert Breeze Hotel...

My beloved cousin Emmy hanged himself on Wednesday 1st September 2016. Shortly after, a friend from Western Uganda preparing to attend a wedding in Arua on the same day of burial (Saturday) joked that I would be next because he knew my girlfriend who was his tribemate had found a new man. Uganda qualified for AFCON after 38 years of failure when my cousin was lowered in the grave but I did not watch the game nor celebrate...

GOD provides; temutukoya...

Think about your mental strengths...

Count your blessings...

Live in the present...

Bullies either want to make you cry or control you...

When bullies pick on you, find a mental trick to make them feel sorry about their misstep; show them that you are unaffected or indifferent; do not get angry! Sidestep, jump their trap...

"When they push you down, get back up!" - Chris Brown

The difference between depression and peace is JESUS...

Ayikobua [Ayiko 'bu-a or Ayiko bhu-a] is a word, name or phrase of Lugbara origin and represents (mental) resilience, strength and the determination to overcome challenges. Problems come and go like a nonstop loop. Drift away mentally! If you have a problem, then just look up to Heaven! Happiness is in Heaven; here on Earth, we have to face Death, grief, sadness, separation, accidents, boredom, hardships, lack of money, drought, no food, rebuke, defeat, difficulties, drowning, fear, worry, depression, divorce, haters, physical abuse (domestic violence), temptation, inadequacy, sorrow, rape, abandonment, verbal abuse (insults), abortion, discrimination, segregation, racism, bleeding, wounds, swellings, cancer, hunger, classism, retrenchment, riots, shock, stress, exhaustion, underpayment, fraud, unemployment, losses, failure, debts, nightmares, lies, tricksters, cheating, slander (defamation), stomach upsets, fever, poisoning, floods, rot, bad news, poverty, sickness, thorns, cuts, nails, breakdowns, fighting, theft, wars, ridicule, disrespect, contempt, strife, abuse, competition, heartwreck, rejection, betrayal, etc...

When hungry, ask GOD for food; that's what refugees do and then HE sends humanitarians...

Blessings only...

The cure for thirst is the Holy Spirit...

Satan can lay his finger on you but GOD does not allow him to kill you...

Public pressure to do what?

From downcast to edified and uplifted...

One of the lowest moments in my life was when I was 8 years old in Jinja: All the males in the house (Father, brother, mother's brother and father's nephew) moved to Kampala City and left me with the females. I wept inconsolably because I missed them but vowed never to fall in such a dark place again. I found solace in football; it took my attention away from the separation. Months later on the weekend our father was going to drive us to his new home, I sang and danced while dressing up like the Happiest Kid on the planet, but didn't know KLA would leave multiple scars on me...

Just live your life...

Stress free...

Quitting alcohol is as simple as telling your subconscious mind: I will not drink fermented stuff...


Snakeburning is the act of shaking snakes off you into the fire like Apostle Paul (Acts 28:5); use your problems as fuel for the fire...

When life throws rotten lemons at you, collect them to make manure...

High happiness...

Depression is constant sadness for weeks...

Depression is feeling down or out nonstop...

Depression is a persistent state of worrying...

When the Rwenzori babe I genuinely wanted to marry told me that everything I want to give her she "will get from another man" in 2005, I prayed to the Devil (GOD forgive me) to pick for me her replacement; any chick would do for a bounceback. I just wanted to get her out of my system like The Wolverine (2013 film) plucked out a parasite that was making him weaker from inside his body. Years passed and my ex-crush apologised, told me she cried for acting like a "bitch" (her own words) and treating me the way she did. I had already forgiven her to maintain my peace after heartwreck... Fast forward to Monday 15th March 2021, a message from her while she recovered from losing her father around four months behind brightened my night at exactly 23:23 after about 83 minutes of dark gloom in my soul following criticism by my own father that am unsocial... 

Go through the motions...

My beloved cousin told me I was lousy and it felt like she frontstabbed me with a knife...

Synthetic happiness (Wanting what you get) is more stable than natural happiness (Getting what you want) because it is not conditional...

Failure is when you do not achieve what you planned; growing up, I wanted to become a footballer like Romario; finish A-Level at SMACK; graduate from Makerere University Kampala sponsored by Government (even fasted for it during Ramadan 2002 plus slept for only two hours on some nights in vain); make a lot of money; turn Mariam Were (Black Beauty) into my wife, later Alice Mbayahi (Megabyte); make the beautiful, supadupa Cynthia Letasi my infinite friend for changing my life like a kumari; create movies; speedily acquire advanced skills in electronics repair; etc...

Success is getting exactly what your heart wants eg 4 on 4 in PLE; admission into SMACK for O-Level; getting a bursary at the UCU Campus (though partial, but reduced the fees burden on my parents); making it to Maisha Filmlab after three failed attempts (Called two days before the start of the 4th edition only after one candidate out of 9 [a Kenyan] declined to attend); cartooning for New Vision (even though briefly); buying an internet phone where I can read emails instead of walking a kilometre in the sun or dark to a cafe; etc but Double Happy-iness is wanting what you get like teachers appoint me as Headboy in P7; Semaks asks me to be Timekeeper in S3; Shaphan Andeku calls me to blog for Arua District Local Government; Loice Epetiru recommends me for a comic project at HEPS Uganda; Mike Watmon Kinyera (aka Monex) hires me to illustrate his 2016 book; Professor Kristof Titeca in Belgium pays me for an old Arua Boys poster I made for a prospective film; seeing my 2016 modification of the Arua Municipal Council emblem into a Citystate trademark on the 2021 Arua Central Market west face by Dott Services (Nobody told me to redraw that logo, I just felt inspired coz Arua was a city to me since Y2K before it officially became one on Wednesday 1st July 2020); etc...

Death will come without restraint like sleep, but before that, let's play out our 120 years...

I learnt early in this life that people you love eventually leave; it pains the heart but must not hurt the mind too...

At 40 years old with no wife, no child, no house, no Masters degree, no fulltime job, no car, what do you think goes through my mind? Wasted time, underachievement, no future? Well, at least there are other things I have done right like accepting JESUS as my Saviour at 14 years...

Who determines what happiness is?

Death has occurred to X...

"You made me who I am from the words you said." - Chipmunk

You are not the first person to go through what you are going through...

After Rejection, there is misery, confusion, anger, regret, thoughts of revenge or try again but when you try elsewhere, you detach yourself from the source of pain...

When I woke up and discovered that Manchester City had beaten Arsenal 1-3 at the Emirates in February 2023, I felt a brief, instant, sharp pain in my heart (Had never experienced that before). That is why the FA Community Shield equaliser by Trossard six months later made me scream and Martinelli's 86th minute winner during the new EPL season was otherworldly; my century froze...

Ravens fed Elijah like delivery drones...

Perspective matters; the letter M is W, 3 or E depending on which angle you view it from...

The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is the guide used by most mental health professionals, according to American Psychiatric Association (APA). If you experience at least five of the following eight symptoms most of the day, nearly every day for at least two weeks, you may be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) or Clinical Depression; but either persistent low mood or loss of interest must register. The symptoms make it difficult to function normally: 1. Constantly feel tearful, empty or worthless; 2. Have little interest or pleasure in your work, hobbies, friends, family and other things you once enjoyed; 3. Notice dramatic changes up or down in your appetite or weight not related to dieting; 4. Often feel listless or fatigued for no obvious reason; 5. Have trouble concentrating or making decisions; 6. Find yourself wringing your hands, pacing or showing other signs of anxious restlessness - or the opposite, moving or speaking more slowly than usual; 7. Struggle with insomnia or sleep too much; 8. Have recurrent thoughts of suicide or death...

People die every year, but the reactions remain tearful. The faster you accept reality, the milder the pain...

Death is very cruel...

Money can't buy love, but it can buy internet data...

According to NHS in the UK, depression is a mental illness that affects one out of 10 people... Depression is sadness for weeks and months... With the right support and treatment, most people recover fully...

Is there a problem GOD cannot solve? None whatsoever...

Depression is not physical, but psychological...

The problem is inside, not on the surface...

Do I look like I care what you think of me?

Life is hard, but GOD is harder...

Ile a'duni [What do you want]?

Never forget the good times...

Stop wailing...

Even if society rejects you, do not reject yourself...

Turn setbacks into comebacks...

Either you win or quit; there is no defeat until you quit...

Learn to live alone because in your grave, you will be alone...

Death has one leg (Lugbara proverb)...

According to NBA basketballer DeMar DeRozan who struggled with DePression and feelings of loneliness, mental health issues can affect anyone including successful celebrities...

If you do not tell a girl you love her, she will say you are shy, timid, afraid of women and a coward. However, when you reveal your true feelings, she will complain that you are nagging, obsessed, immoral, can't afford her, sexually assaulting, make her feel uncomfortable, womaniser, lecher, pedophile, not her type, deserving of arrest; ask Brian Isiko...

The remedy for depression is Mindshifting; whatever things are true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, worthy of praise, etc, think about these as the Bible says in Philippians 4:8. Delete or discard the sad thoughts...

"Depression always ends... Depression is not a mental illness; depression is a mindset. We do not need to cure the mind. We need to cure the set. We need to learn how to use our mind..." - A. B. Curtiss, Psychotherapist since 1987

Losing a job frees you to create your own or find another which might be better...

"Happy days will drown the pain..." - Michael Jackson ("Stranger In Moscow")

Some pipo think am depressed; self isolation to get personal goals achieved is not withdrawal from society, fasting is not starving, keeping silent to seek GOD is not a loss of interest in things you used to enjoy, et cetera...

Symptoms of depression in adults include persistent feelings of sadness, emptiness, irritation, overwhelming guilt, anxiety, frustration, anger, changes in appetite, inability to concentrate, loss of interest in previously enjoyed activities, etc...

Where I come from, happyiness [ayiko] is spelt with letter Y; to me, it stands for YESU (JESUS) or YAHWEH (GOD)...

Arsenal is my paradise (Thierry Henry)...

We live and we learn...

There is negative, but then there is also positive; focus this other side...

GOD knows what you need... If HE doesn't give you what you want, make sure you want what HE gives...

Why are you depressed (WAYD)?

Tears wash away the pain in the heart, but you can choose not to cry...

Without GOD, am dead...

You'll always be in my heart. Mama, GOD bless your soul; I know that... you're in good Hands (Brenda Fassie)...

Depression can be triggered by relationship problems like divorce or separation, joblessness (unemployment), poverty, underpayment, gossip, abuse, domestic violence, rejection, racism, discrimination, retrenchment, trauma, grief, shock, hatred, betting blunders, investment losses, criticism, exam failures, etc...

If you feel depressed, read the biblical book of Lamentations...

Oh LORD, fill us with the Holy Spirit...

"Get up, try again! And be here again. That's life. Stumble, get up and try again, and fight for dreams..." - Lionel Messi

Depression is just a bunch of negative words you say to yourself while wearing a draconian mask; it's all mental...

Stop clinging to sadness; emancipate yourself from mental slavery...

Love don't cost a thing...

If you want to cry, then slice onions near your eyes...

Words are painful only when you allow them to hurt you... They said I have no importance in society, povertystricken, cursed, lousy, unsocial, daft, stupid, fake and boring. But here I am...

When in pain, seek GOD...

I don't have a Masters nor PhD degree, but does that make me uneducated? At least, I know English and Mathematics...

The mind can either depress or edify you...

Happiness is a state of mind...

Naye ofa ki? (Betty Mpologoma)...

Mental Illness is overused; JESUS Christ of Nazareth can heal it too...

Talk is therapy...

Mending damaged hearts...

Many people have overcome depression, you can too...

Just live your life...

If four walls make you feel depressed, then walk outside in the open sky...

Change your lifestyle...

If you cannot afford school fees, then go to the free library and read...

Embeleke ka i-agi ma iti ne, eri gu sibe imve (Leila Chandiru)...

Seek help...

"If you live for people's acceptance, you will die from their rejection..." - Lecrae

Life is not all about money and skirts or approval from many pipo, chase after GOD and you will find peace that surpasses human understanding...

Everyone feels sad sometimes, but jumping off the sadness train is what we have to keep doing daily...

Depression is when you self-destruct in your mind...

Know what you want and focus on it...

You only need GOD's approval, not validation from mortals like yourself...

When thoughts get too dark and heavy inside my bedroom, I walk out into the open sky and breathe in more oxygen that changes my mood...

Noone controls your mind except your own self...

People complain that am always indoors as if I complain that they are always outdoors...

Either you bless or curse yourself; make a choice...

Suffer patiently...

I'm rich and blessed...

No matter how dark the night, the sun will rise again...

Everything you need is around you...

From womb until tomb, we all have to go through the process...

Ladies, if the boy you love doesn't care about you, then wait for the gentleman who does...

Enjoy the good things in your life...

"If you put all your problems in a basket and take to the market, you will find people with bigger baskets..." - Nigerian Proverb

Mental health is a very huge issue in Uganda... A friend of mine was sent to Butabika Mental Hospital as a patient and he became a prefect there because he was the most sane among equals... Some patient urinated in his palm and drank his pee while others did various weird things...

I cannot kill myself (Sugarboy)...

A cousin sister told me never to allow anyone to take me to a Mental Institution; she escaped from there more than once: The medicine just makes your mental state worse...

Schoolmates used to say that I escaped from Butabika...

Success is getting what you want, not what the public wants for you...

Avoid tongues with negative energy...

Dreamvisions seen during Typhoid bouts and stomach upsets are mindbending eg: You try solving a mathematical answer with an equation that keeps recurring as a method you think is the answer which looks like the equation is the method you are looking for yet you still cannot find the answer that you see...

Witchcraft can make people mad, crazy, mental, jagujagu, beserk...

My eldest sister said I was demon-possessed, needed psychosocial help and should check into a mental institution, but I feel totally sane, just different...

Stay supercalm...

Your own personal opinion carries more weight than what naysayers retort...

Education is the key to success but sb poured glue in the padlock...

Demon possession is most times misinterpreted as mental illness...

You are the captain of the ship in your mind; keep sailing...

Choose what to think...

Zibs (from SMACK slang) = Bizibu [Luganda for: Problems]...

This life, I can't kill myself (Timaya)...

What kind of father gives his child a stone when s/he asks for bread? A broke father...

Bad vibe; in through one ear, out the other...

Wait for next season...

One Sunday afternoon, my big brother took me to Oasis Inn to talk about depression; maybe I really look depressed, but I've never felt suicidal...

"My season will come, it has to..." - K'naan

Losing hurts like pain in the heart, but healing takes away the discomfort...

Time heals all wounds...

Being broke does not mean you should be broken...

There is no interview in self employment...

Physical corporal punishment with canes for academic performance depressed me so much that I gave up my football dreams in Primary 7 to show the teachers with GOD's help that school knowledge is just guessing the correct answers...

Wake up, pray up, clean up and show up...

When you fall, bounce back up like a basketball...

Get back up...

E'yo = Issues, problems, words...

One South Sudanese called me a "useless man" when I told her brideprice starts from 50 shekels in the Bible which was about 14 US Dollars onwards in Twenty17; I literally lost interest in talking to her because of her obsession with money...

Money can't buy life back...

GOD is your breadwinner...

Agriculture, Architecture, Art...

Fitness, Fortune, Freedom...

Love, Labour, Leisure...

Women, Arsenal, Computers...

Heads, Hearts, Hands...

Rejection is redirection...

Where do broken hearts go? Heartbreak Hotel...

Boats sink instead of floating because of the water they allow inside themselves...

When you fail a job interview, apply to a different company...

Arua Heal...

Love, money, health and witchcraft...

Unemployment is the politically correct terminology for laziness; it should actually be called Self unemployment...

Money is just a number; worship GOD...

Even rich people complain about depression; therefore depression is not all about lack of money...

I made it through 39 years; let's toast to the next 39...

Being discontent is the root of all depression...

Focus on what brings you happiness...

Why worry about public opinion? You have your own view...

Silence is golden...

Let them laugh at, ridicule and mock you; their time to apologise will come...


When my month at New Vision ended around mid January 2011, my 3rd cousin asked me whether I will have NSSF pension funds in future and a dark spiritual cloud hovered above me while alone in my room in Kyebando Kisalosalo (KLA City); so I lit up some marijuana from Maracha to remove the demonic greyness I could sense in my space. Even a pre-recorded call from President M7 to thank me for voting (which I hadn't done though wished he would win) didn't change my mood massively though I responded for some seconds before realising M7's voice was just being replayed via phonecall...

Football losses cause depression in some people (Messi fanboy Dinu Alex killed himself in Kerala, India after his icon's failures in the first two games of the FIFA World Cup Russia 2018; the only game that has ever brought tears to my eyes was Arsenal's 1-0 defeat at Leeds courtesy of Olivier Dacourt in Y2K (Deja vu of the failure to retain the 1999 Premiership) but during my first five seasons as an Arsenal fan, every loss would result in a gloomy week until the next match. Later, I couldn't watch sports news for two days but came to the acceptance that: Sometimes you win, other times you lose or draw. Basketball is more clearcut; either you win like His Airness MJ23 or fall...

Boredom is mental, a failure of the mind to appreciate nascent beauty in the moment...

Te mi dra a'dusi [What are you dying for]?

If s/he doesn't want you, then want the one who does...

E ti mi ku [Do not strangle (hang) yourself]...

Obsessive desire is a veil that keeps you from finding peace. When you naggingly seek approval or reciprocation of affection from people who are uninterested, you might get smacked with rejection...

Naye ofa ki? The one you hang yourself for won't even feel hurt. Love back those who honestly love you...

"Life is no joke; we cope with comedy... I'm just running... on vibes..." - Ladipoe

A Broken heart (also known as heartbreak, heartache, heartwreck, asinyoza, etc) is a metaphor for the intense emotional stress or pain one feels at experiencing deep loss or deep longing. Failed romantic love can be extremely painful; people with a broken heart may succumb to depression, anxiety and in more extreme cases Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)...

Popularity is cheap...

Self affirmations change your mental state...

When my mother departed from Earth, some women in the parish suggested that I should become a Counselor...

Keep your head up...

Life is a journey; the road ain't without bends and corners...

Love back your fans and wellwishers...

Compliment back those who compliment you...

Carry your own problems because other people have their own problems to carry too...

Did I die? Should I die when you say: Bye bye?

Japanese use "forest bathing (visiting the trees)" as a relief for depression; my Sabbath Saturday mornings in Barifa Forest (Arua City) used to feel very refreshingly divine...

There is always a peaceful place you can go when feeling low; I would visit the top of Arua Hill to reset...

When hungry, eat! When tired, rest! When tempted, pray! When ignorant, read! When bored, find entertainment! When lost, ask for directions! When depressed, mindshift...

Music (preferably Worship) can exorcise the demons of depression...

Depression is said to be sadness for months and years, not a few days. However, the pipo who feel sad for a short time actually overcome depression before it grows deeper roots or tentacles...

Talk to GOD...

Depression interferes with tranquil thinking...

You are not the only one with problems; everybody has them...

Oh GOD, take away this depression...

Abantu bakowu [Luganda for: Pipo are tired]...

Be very careful what you wish for, you might receive it...

Override depression...

Tell GOD your problems, not just fellow mortals who have their own zibs...

Self affirmations cancel out the formation of depressing ideas...

Let's escape from mental Hell...

Ask Google Bard or ChatGPT for solutions to depression...

Depression happens in the mind, not stomach nor bank account (pocket); control your thoughts...

Sad news never ends...

In 2018, I spent money so recklessly that I remained with only a 500 UGX coin. Sunday morning before sunrise, a dream told me to deposit that remaining coin (which was the only hard cash I had left) in an offertory bag that resembled the ones used in Church of Uganda services. I obeyed faithfully and two days later, I received a khaki Arua Public Primary School envelope with banknotes worth an unexpected 500,000 UGX; that is a thousand-fold. I was used to mainly ten-fold multiplication for tithes. GOD doesn't drink porridge; HE can flip your situation in an instant coz GOD is with us... Ten years before that, I almost turned down a gig in the region where my ex-heartthrob came from, but the Holy Spirit convinced me to accept it and got paid over the same amount for only 4 to 5 days work on my first documentary doing almost nothing or just little. The cameraman did the bulk of the job...

You can be depressed by the bad things that happen to other people; it's all in the news...

Problems only end when you depart from Earth, but before that, you have to face off with them...

Counter negative vibes with positive ones; it's renewable energy...

Recycle the kasasiro [rubbish, garbage, refuse, pokopoko, rebukes, insults, shells, etc] thrown at you...

What's depressing you?

There are three ways to get rid of verbal rubbish: Decompose, break into smithereens or burn it in your mind...

Your defiance of depression must be hard like the rocks in Maracha...

Be your own psychiatrist or psychotherapist...

Mind your own negocio; do not poke your nose in business that doesn't concern you...

If everyone tells you that you are ugly or other negatives, try telling yourself you are wonderfully made in the image of GOD plus other positives and see how you will feel...

Wait for the day after tomorrow...

Tomorrow will be better than today...

Seasons change...

Asindriza Kristo ni ma ovu emi be woro...

If she is not interested in your obsession, then step back...

My childhood dream was to become a footballer like Romario, but academic flogging shattered it in P7...

No matter how dry the soil is right now, rain will fall again some day...

Telling another human being (man or woman) that they do not know depression is like boasting that you know more about hunger, pain, suffering, difficulties, sickness, humiliation, defeat, rejection, lack and grief; everyone faces these ish-ues and have ways to cope...

The Best Lesson I ever taught myself is Anger Management; made myself less irritable so that the depressing fire of Hell stops burning in my tummy...

In the early 90s, my beloved mother used to beat me for "poor handwriting", but instead of running away from home to become a streetkid, I taught myself typography from novels and newspapers...

We cannot change the Past nor Present, but we can free ourselves from the negative reactions caused by our experiences...

Coldshouldering from someone you adore with all your heart is diabolic; deal with it through patience...

Depression is not an achievement...

Do not glamourize depression (feeling low like in a trench); just snap out of it...

JESUS Christ is the Prince of Peace...

The Peace of GOD surpasses all understanding...

Life is hard, but GOD is harder by far...

There is a depressingly dark gloom that feels like quicksand. To get out of it or float, lean back, raise your hands and praise GOD...

New day, new problems, new solutions; same old cycle...

Ki ekiganye [Luganda for: What has refused]?

A'du ga si?

All is well until you think it isn't...

Feel eerie and high like a rasta(fari)...

Problem after problem; after problem after problem...

Mi aa ndi...

Based on suicide notes I've read in my research as a suicidologist, people kill themselves because of solveable issues that only require prayers and time...

Read your Bible, pray everyday...

Pray without Ceasing (PwC)...

More prayer, more peace in the mind...

Stay scheming...

Choose between Peace versus Depression...

Depression is war in the mind; Armageddon of the brain...

The Angel of Death sings a suicide song to his victims...

Heckling is primitive, it's one thing I do not do, nor complain about boredom...

Do not heed the suggestions of suicide whispered by the dark forces from Hell...

Stay calm...

Depression is a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in things or activities you once enjoyed. It can cause difficulty with thinking, memory, eating and sleeping. Common symptoms of depression include: Sadness, hopelessness, loss of pleasure in activities, irritability, tiredness, appetite changes, thoughts of death or suicide, helplessness, frustration, fear of the future, anxiety, etc. They stem from stress, resentment, shame, guilt, remorse, anger and so on...

Clinical depression or Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is the most severe type of depression. It can lead to self harm or death by suicide...

Drugs v Mindshifting (BIGAMBO)...

Sitya depression...

Some pipo think am depressed, but I refuse to admit it...

May the grace of the Lord JESUS Christ and the love of GOD and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all (2nd Corinthians 13:14)...

Suicide is not an option...

Death is final, live long...

Some of the excuses people give for terminating their lives are solveable with GOD's help...

I will not kill myself...

Killing yourself to numb suffering simply lands you in eternal suffering... We are all entitled to 120 years of suffering on Earth, then we leave...

LORD, deliver us from Depression...

Playing football as a kid was my distraction remedy in 1992 after my father plus the other three males in the house left me in Jinja with the females and moved to Kampala. I cried inconsolably at 8 years of age feeling relegated into a very dark and lonely abyss but swore to myself never to stoop that low again. I learnt very early in this life that people (family, classmates, workmates, friends, etc) eventually leave, so enjoy their presence while they are still near. I refuse to cry...
Words cannot kill the body but they sometimes wound the inner person, heart, soul or mind eg Unimportant, Poor handwriting, Unsocial, Lousy, Jobless, Childless, Poverty-stricken, etc. Tell yourself the opposite and see how your state of mind changes. Some people especially women (including mothers) have contacted me to help them deal with the pain caused by words said by people close to them about their inactivity despite working hard or bodyshaming. Another was cheated on by her husband multiple times and felt hurt deep inside her soul despite giving her all to their marriage. She sought divorce and a different lover, but her damaged heart just needed mending. Monogamy prevents STDs and limits illegitimacy of children, but every human is capable of cheating in spirit. Some biblical patriarchs unlike Moses had more than one woman while Koran allows four if you can treat them equally which is difficult and causes bad feelings among co-wives...
You do not need anyone's approval nor social validation. Why pay for likes on soso media? Even celebrities with millions of likes commit suicide. Find ways to deal with your desire to fit in; just be yourself! I was suspended from Twitter, so I joined Telegram and Threads...
Getting blocked from joining the Technical Drawing class in Senior 5 made me start writing the name of GOD in all caps. Although HE did not bless me with favour, HE remains worthy of worship...
After the girl I wanted to marry told me everything I want to give her she will get from another man, I swore never to chase after her again and looked for her replacement (a bounceback girlfriend). Find love in other arms! Beautiful women are uncountably many; you only need one out of billions. My Rwenzori crush told me I was unimpressive and "despised" me too because of my political affiliations, but I forgave her...
I have applied for so many jobs that if I saved the money I've spent on trying to acquire them through printing applications, transportation or paying telecom fees, I would have bought an asset instead. Create your own jobs plus pray for wisdom and resources from GOD...
I was barred by security from entering the National Theatre compound during CHOGM (when the Queen of England was in Uganda) yet I had a painting to finish and decided to leave Kampala and go to Mukono to drain the toxicity caused by a fellow Black out of my system...
When the Lugbara girl I adore the most told me at the end of March Twenty22 that she is not interested in my obsession after feeling disrespected by a secret move I tried to make to honour her, I decided to focus on Lugbara Art instead (lower end of the spectrum); Rejection (or Disconnection) is Redirection. Do not hang yourself just because someone defriends you after decades tolerating you. Accept the status quo and find your level! Warriors suffer patiently...

AMVU 'YA Indrika-a [DIGGING THE GARDEN In A Shed Shelter Or Shade]
We all want gain without too much sunheat scorching us...

Can you dig under a roof with a ceiling? I guess you can...

Hustle real hard...

People dig their gardens close to sunrise or sunset to avoid the dehydrating midday heat...

Like Jonah, GOD can create a shade for you...

Farmers write with a hoe while educated workers dig with a pen, tool or keyboard...

Greenhouses provide a shed...

VIP stands for Very Important Peasant...

Groundnuts are also food...

Peace is a shade from war...

Dig the whole day, but rest afterwards...

Digging for cassava or money? Make a choice...

Every gig is a dig...

Farmland is an asset...

People search for jobs to get money and buy what others dig...

Animal rearing is sometimes indoors...

Office work is like digging in a shed...

When the sun burns, find a shadowy place to hide...

This peaceful 30-minute show used to be broadcast close to midnight but is now at 4pm (late afternoon) every weekday on Spark TV (It's your Time). It features teachings translated into Luganda plus sign language, testimonies and prayers where water is drunk at the end...

INTRO: I can't eat. I feel like am losing my mind. What's the point of life? I can't do this anymore...

Game Changers is a shorter English version of the same show at midnight on NTV Uganda (You can beat the world. Do it for yourself, children and family! You can be a winner, move mountains...

Remove all Evil from your life in the Night of Fire...

Many people go through challenges without realising how strong they are and that they can overcome them. Gideon in the Bible was the same; he was the least and last in his family. GOD chooses the least to accomplish great things... The presence of GOD is able to transform a life that had been despised and considered unworthy by society...

Are you fighting a losing battle in your marriage, love life and family? Join the Therapy of Love every Thursday 7am, 1pm and 6pm at UCKG! Bulletproof your relationship...

Friday of deliverance...

The presence of Evil brings bitterness, frustration and anxiety in the heart and can leave you feeling heavy. Every Friday at 6pm (also at 7am, 10am, 1pm & 3pm), you will receive prayers of deliverance and valuable lessons on how to tackle the problems you are experiencing... Evil wants people to submit to it by bringing fear and doubt through different problems. But those who do not bow down to Evil overcome. Come and see what your faith can do for you...

Are you unemployed, have debts, always lose jobs or see no way out of your financial problems? You are invited to the Day of Open Doors...

Struggling with insomnia, bad dreams, constant failures, negativity, curses, etc...

Visit the Universal Church of the Kingdom of GOD (Main Branch) on Plot 8-12 George Street Nakasero; Behind CPS, opposite Georgian House; or other branches nationwide... Open daily 6AM - 8PM...

Programs on 97.7 Record FM...

Before you give up, give them a call (for Free Counselling): 0776-213731; 0703-682146; WhatsApp 0785-645550...

In July 2023, the Campaign of Israel (Giving everything) was for the change of spirit...

Make a donation through Standard Chartered Bank using MTN Momo - Account Number: 0102814405000; Account Name: Universal Church of the Kingdom of GOD; or use Airtel Money direct: *185*9*1167853#, Enter Amount, Reference: 01 & Pin to transact...

Prepare your glass of water because it is the Moment of Prayer: Let's talk to GOD...

JESUS Christ is the Lord...

I received the Holy Spirit...

Bishop CARLOS Quotes:
May GOD give you the strength to overcome problems... situations...

May GOD remove the Spirit that is pushing you down...

Deliver us from Evil... Tie up all the demons, spirits of darkness in the lives of these people... In JESUS name...

Receive strength, receive power...

Laba kati [Watch now]...

LORD, we ask YOU to help deliver these people...

Today, GOD has plans for you... If you win inside, you will also win outside... Thomas Edison invented the radio and lightbulb, he failed many times, people called him crazy, but he never gave up... If you failed once, it doesn't mean you will fail forever...

I pray for this man and woman who tried many ways but could not overcome...

All the works of the Devil are tied up in the name of JESUS...

Kimala kimala [Enough is enough]...

When you divert from the Word of GOD (The Truth), you get lost... Men and women make choices. If you make the wrong choice, you suffer. If you choose a certain man to be the father of your daughter and he's a liar, you suffer...

GOD is richer than any other man on this Earth...

LORD, we believe that YOUR power will be manifest... Bless this water...

Let us drink the water...

Maybe the Spirit of Failure makes you depressed, come to Nakasero...

Musibe bulungi, mweraba [Stay well, see you]...

Melisa Ruth Kisakye (She thought her father did not like her because he left them. Evicted from home by her mother, her boyfriend - whom she rekindled a friendship with after breaking up around Senior 6, drinking and attempting suicide before fornicating with other men in Uganda - wanted to electrocute her, then overdose himself. He had written a suicide note plus padlocked her and himself inside their home because he did not trust her... She later got a government job): I asked GOD for one last chance, "If I leave this room in the morning, I will not turn back..." For two weeks, I was depressed after. I knew these were the consequences of disobedience. At church I was different, outside I was someone else... I decided to get baptised... I fasted for four days, I would only drink a glass of water (at midday)... I wanted the Holy Spirit... GOD is my everything...

Mrs. Brown: I was scared but I did turn over everything, I turned over every dime, I emptied it out on the altar, over 7,000 Dollars, it was a lot of money. And I said: Okay GOD, I'll turn it over, but... do YOUR part... HE taught me, HE said: Trust ME... That was so big to me, but it was so small to HIM. GOD started opening up doors for me... HE blessed me with a daycare. I was allowed to have eight children. For now, my capacity is 16 children. Eight children will bring me a little over 8,000 Dollars a month and 16 children... over 16,000 per month... That 7,000 I turned over to HIM, am embarassed, hahahaha! I never knew that HIS treasure was greater than mine. The greatest gift of all is HIS Holy Spirit, the joy. I can't compare the money, the things to the joy...

Saudah Nakabirwa: Embera newebawo, manyi wendukirira [Even if there is a (bad) state (of living), I know where I run to]...

Herwin Dimba: I was a big smoker of cigarettes and started taking marijuana and alcohol... I went deep into drugs (cocaine). I felt lost, took tablets to end my life but didn't die. My mum told me to try the Universal Church. I kept going for services until something came on me that made me want to go out and help people on drugs... The Holy Spirit helps me...

Jodinique Nichols: Everything I do, I do it for my spiritual life... I did the Daniel Fast and received peace in my heart...

Other testimonies to listen to include: 
Grace Ongula
Eveline Silva,
Naomi Marie Boketsu,
Mercedes McLachlan,
Nonhlanhla Tshuma (Child minder),
Thomas Maleka (Namibia),
Cynthia Sibanda (Beauty therapist),
Gontse Majola,
Abigail Muchira,
Tialeng Nxumalo (Call center agent),
Mpumelelo Moloi,
Maria Vaz, etc...

The Universal Church of the Kingdom of GOD (UCKG) is a Pentecostal Christian denomination that was founded in Brazil during 1977. It places a strong emphasis on the power of faith, prayer and spiritual deliverance. Its practices include healing services, prosperity teachings and spiritual warfare...

(CC) YESU Magazine