
African Woman Magazine

Friday 11th January 2008 will always remain one of the Best Days of my Life. I not only discovered that I had been paid a Million Uganda Shillings in my Barclays account but also received a surprise SMS from Kenya while the post-election crisis was heating up. At 4.43 pm, a message from + 254 72164636 read : "Hi Aiko, my name is Zawadi of Kenya. Am an avid reada of AW mag i just saw ur sms in Issue 17 & it made me laugh. Thanx 4 meking my aftanun...men ur funny!"

My reply was: "Thx 4 appqeciating i hop da crisis in Kenya endz soon. I admire Kenya, my 1st roommate @ campus waz Kenyan n wat a grea 1st year we had...GOD bless Kenya."

(At 5pm, I went out to town and bought the African Woman magazine that had published my SMS...)

Hi AW, in life I only love 4 things-GOD, Art, Internet and Women. Funnily, U are the Most Beautiful African Woman...So, will you, um, um...be my Mag. Aiko (on bended knees)

[Published in the December 2007 Issue # 17]