
I prayed to the devil…GOD, forgive me!

One Thing I abhor in Life are People who think their Possessions, Privileges or Abilities (Whatever) give them a Right like "Bakopi" to despise others. Remind them that Everything comes from GOD as a Gift and can be taken away! Besides, everyone is given at least one. So if you have five, shut up and enjoy them! I'm not like everyone else, am me! I joined Makerere College School in 2001 with 15 points on 8 subjects (9 on 6) as probably the Best SMACK reject (Cut Off Points: 14 on 8 instead of promised 17 after Senior 4 UCE exams) and sat on the second last desk during Senior 5. Behind me was an irritatingly proud though seemingly shy guy who had studied at Macos since his first year in secondary. Did this Musoga (cum Afrikaner) want to bully me as a welcome gesture or was he just naturally patronising? I had seen worse bullies and scary people before at SMACK (including murderers, occultists, vandals plus homosexuals) and so there was no way this guy could intimidate me. Perhaps, he was a few months older than me but he really irked me by repeatedly calling me “fake and boring”. Of course I knew that I could not always be entertaining, absolutely no one is, but at least he should not have been unflinching in trying to crash my Spirit so that I obey his Wishes. Dude even said my legs were like a cassava stem. Personally, I thought he was a 'Borehole' (Compound Term I coined from the words 'Bore' and 'Asshole' though I never spat that out). He actually wrote for me three topics (on a small piece of paper) I had to discuss whenever I talked to him, how rude! I prayed to GOD about this but since nothing seemed to be happening, I decided to do the unthinkable. Ignoring the possible rejection by parents, siblings, relatives and friends, I spoke in his face that I was ‘going to bury’ him. My plan was to break his nose with a hard uppercut left punch and kick him even to death against the corner wall. To ensure this, I even invoked the devil to possess me so that I would not know what I was doing. GOD, forgive me! Thankfully, moments after my wicked prayer, I looked up and saw the heavens open. A voice from the sparkling white opening asked me to forgive if I did not want to miss the "glorious splendor of yonder". On second thought, I walked into the classroom at lunch time straight to this guy, shook his hand and said, “Thank the Holy Spirit that you are still alive!”

I couldn’t commit Suicide; it never crossed my Mind even once. He wasn’t my Coolest Classmate, so I didn’t need his Approval. Besides, all those who were cooler than him never treated me this Way, neither did they become his lieutenants. Those who knew him just advised me to see a Counselor but I wanted to stand up strong for myself. Ignoring the Slurs doesn’t help. Sometimes repeated Abuses can hurt like Curses; you have to shush the Bully's Mouth! Bullying in school is a Community Problem; everyone should be involved to stop it! Who do the Patronisers think they are, don't they value the Mental Health of their Victims? Psychologists recommend that bullied Victims tell their Offenders to stop, loudly, firmly and with a fearless Body Language. Targeted individuals must somehow demonstrate to the would-be bully that one will not allow one's self to be daunted, intimidated, or otherwise "cowed". Bullies don’t understand, they don’t feel a Victim's Pain but Elders and Bystanders should be able to change these Bullies and stick up for Victims. Positive Peer Pressure can change Lives and prevent Suicides or Mass Revenge Murders in Schools. Some Victims can fire back in hellish Ways: Rat Poison in Bread, hot Flat Iron on Skin, etc. Other Case Studies: The 1999 Columbine High School Massacre in the US and 2015 Umpqua Community (Oregon) Shooting singling out Christians. Sometimes I thought it was Mephistopheles talking through this Guy, trying to take my Soul and crown me with Thorns in a Crucible. He sounded like a Spokesperson for the Devil. A Chinese Proverb says that, "Hatred corrodes the Vessel in which it is stored..." Oppression is so harsh, unfair and unjust that it can make you feel imprisoned by despair and lead you to believe you are hopelessly and helplessly worthless. I didn’t kill this Guy because a Voice told me not to, but I almost. About a dozen Years later, I created a fictional Super-shero Character named Kubaku plus Oduo, her male Alter-ego (Best Friend) based on this Experience...

How can someone intimidate you simply because he wants you to talk to him about 1.Computers, 2.Women and 3.Arsenal? Talk is cheap, anyone can afford it! "Dude, Simon says, 'SHUT THE FUCK UP!' Neither do you interest me! I have a Right to remain silent. Let a Brada live his Quiet Life! Besides, Computers are useful to everybody, but without Linux, they suck with their Trojan Horses, Worms and Viruses, am on my Mega-Super-Video-Smartphone Vibe! Only thing worth talking about is Women, but not as Porn Objects, Voyeur! They are lovely, exciting, beautiful and equal; Every Adam has an Eve, every Moses has his own Zipporah, every King has his own Queen, every Groom has his own Bride. I also support Arsenal like you though I've been a Gooner for only three painful years (since Saturday 16th May 1998): Sometimes you lose, other times you draw, the rest of the time you win, it's pre-destined, so excuse that topic or face whatever comes (Arsenal forever)... I'm just trying to hear what GOD is telling my deaf-mute Soul and see how to avoid Hell on Earth plus After Earth."